Post fire Sray, Yurrein Nelendor discusses heritage and introducing Torrick

Nov 09, 2021 20:18

Sray felt weightless, drifting in open space, directionless. Soft murmurs drew her attention, but they were so distorted she couldn't tell if they were words or just ambient noise. When she tried to move towards it she felt like she was spinning slowly in open air, every movement resulted in a turn instead of advancing. She realized her eyes were closed and then she felt heavy and grounded, she tried to move, but it was like she was buried in sand. It took a monumental effort to barely shift her position. Sounds got louder. They were almost words. She managed to turn her head to catch the sound and tried to open her eyes. Was someone calling her name?

"Taysa said you were up before the fire happened. Something woke you, what was it?"

Sray sat up and put her face in her hands. The night felt so blurry. "I .... I don't know what woke me up, but whoever was on guard that night left their post for some reason."

"You may look Klamon, Yurrein, but you don't act it. My mother is more Klamon than you are." I want to say this is Sray, but it feels more like Kallon. Yeah, it's more of a Kallon thing to say, Sray is more diplomatic.

"Well that's not my fault now, is it?" Yurrein defended. "The first generation attempted to connect with their fathers, but that failed. Still too fresh and raw. They didn't choose to have hybrid offspring unlike the mothers so you can't exactly blame them, but our story would be much different if we had the chance to feel the influence of our fathers' people instead of just our mothers'."

"I don't know about you, Torrick, but I'd like to find someone I actually want to live with than simply performing the duty to create the next generation." Yurrein said.

Torrick also has an Envanan name. As a Lunaisan hybrid he's related to Yurrein Nelendor, but how closely is yet to be determined.

"I can't believe you told them, Yuri! What were you thinking? It's dangerous for uis all to have that information outside the Family." Torrick said.

"They are hybrid, they understand. They've lived our worst fears, we need not worry about them betraying that trust." He looked back at Torrick. "Besides, the blood is threatening to run a bit thick back hom enow, isn't it? We don't know what we would lose mixing Human blood in, though I guess Teigan Hillenbohn Sollit proves that you can mix back with one of the pureblood lines, but we have no Klamon connections and the Meim made sure that Humans, for the most part, would not accept a Klamon, and in turn, most likely, not hybrids either." He sighed and adjusted his seat. "Sray and her family have proved it possible and made our work easier, but we still have quite a bit left to do before we can be out in the open. Alekandler Triden proved that."

Torrick frowned back at Yurrein. "You put a lot of trust into people you just met. They may be hybrid, but they are not Lunaisan." He shook his head.

"And maybe that is what we need Tori. Maybe we need a bit of the wisdom of our past fathers that has beenb denied us for five generations."

"Past fathers?" Torrick asked.

"Aparently it is how Getier refer to their ancestors. Not grand or great, but past. We've had our mothers in our ears for generations. We grew up with Human wisdom and customs, but don't you feel it Tori? Don't you fel it in the depths of your soul? There is something missing and I think they can fill it. Sray and her siblings have the advantage of growing up with the wisdom of their fathers, they know what it is to be Klamon. We know what it is to be Human, to be hybrid, we know nothing of what it is to be Klamon."

"You're being emotional, Yuri. Feel it in the depths of your soul?" He scoffed.

Yurrein frowned back at him. "You can't tell me you don't feel like you are missing something being hybrid and knowing nothing of half of your lineage?"

"We don't know nothing." Torrick defended.

"Oh, really?" Yurrein asked skeptically. "Do you speak any Klamon languages?"

"No." Said Torrick.

"Know any of their customs?"

"Well, no." He replied with some uncertainty.

"Holidays? Religions? Family lines?" Yurrein pressed.

Torrick frowned back. "I get it Yuri."

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: depths of the forge, lemyes: hybrid klamon, lemyes: yurrein nelendor, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: kallon, lemyes, lemyes: sray

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