Everyone's talking about Yurrein Nelendor...

Nov 08, 2021 19:55

The Tsalgohn isthimus is heavily forested and tropical. The Zegdaen, smallest of the extant Klamon live there. They were pushed West into the Anlizer mountains with the Human's of Storilohn seeking more woods and other resources to be found in the forests. I don't think they have abandoned the isthinus entirely, but I suspect they might stay out of the way of any Klezmier that would push North and let the Humans deal with them.

I think a single Klamon could keep a single Klezmier at bay, but Klezmier never travel alone and gliding just isn't the same as flying.

"Hafitch Mishor, who is Yurrein Nelendor? What do you know about him?"

Mishor regaurded Sray with surprise. Not a question he was expecting. "Why do you ask about him?"

"Well, I just met him and," she thought very carefully about her next words, not wanting to betray what she now knew. While Sray trusted Mishor, she needed to know more about Yurrein and what he said before she shared any of that. She was just managing what she had with the trial and Kallon and now this load to think about. "And I am curious what you think of him?"

Mishor raised his brows at Sray, a look that suggested he knew she was holding onto something, but he didn't pry further. "He is an ambitious young man and likes to latch on to power." Mishor remarked. "I suspect he would see your notoriety as another form of power and seek to be near that. He's Envanan and has climbed the ranks with remarkable speed. Currently he scribes for the Council and it is an open secret he has designs on becoming one of the Gordie'en Council."

"That is helpful, thank you, sir."

"Just be careful, Sray," Mishor cautioned. "I don't know why he's intent on climbing rank so quickly or what his purpose might be if he turns his focus to you, but ambition can make any man dangerous. Just look at Alekandler Triden and Tosef DeMyur."

She nodded. "I don't think he is a Triden or DeMyur, but I will be cautious. Thank you again, sir."

"I know you, you don't trust that readily. What is it about Yurrein Neledor that sets your guard down?"

"Who says my guard is down?" Sray asked.

"Don't pretend you Don't know what I'm talking about. You treat him like you've known him for years. Almost like he's family."

Sray frowned back.

"Sray Hillenbohn! What a pleasure it is to meet you in person." He shook her hand enthusiastically. "Your story is just unbelievable, amazing what you've been through and done. A real pleasure to meet you in the flesh after hearing so much."

"Thank you," she studied him then asked, "Do you know Yurrein Nelendor?"

"Yurrein? Why yes, of course, known him for years." He waved it off. "Has a habit of being in a little bit of everyone's business, that one."

"Are you related to him?" She questioned.

He hesitated and his enthusiasm flagged. "Why do you ask?"

"Why would I ask?" Sray said pointedly.

"Well," he leaned back and folded his arms, "he's told you quite a bit, then, hasn't he?"

"More than you would have liked him to, I take it." Sray noted.

"I'm sure he has his reasons and hopefully permission from back home, but I guess my enthusiasm betrayed me on that mark, didn't it?"

"It's exciting to find you are not alone." Sray said. "Quite a shock, but still exciting."

lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes, lemyes: depths of the forge, lemyes: hybrid klamon, lemyes: yurrein nelendor, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray

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