Talgon Teslae or Tsalgohn Evelsov Kteslay

Nov 07, 2021 17:12

She had mumbled it more to herself than anything, but Serrith was apparently in earshot. He stopped and looked right at her and Sray srank in her seat.

Sray stayed in her seat as the others were dismissed, most casting her sympathetic looks as they passed, though Ashtim looked a bit smug.

"He can't keep you too long," Kem offered, "You have to be in Vallahbohn's class in just a few minutes."

"I wouldn't mind missing it since I have to sit next to Ashtim," Sray grumbled.

When the last one stepped out the door Serrith pushed it shut and stood with his back to it, folding his arms and leaning into it, looking a lot less severe than he had during class.

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to say anything," Sray began.

Serrith held up his hand, "You can stop there Ms. Hillenbohn." She tried to read him, but he was perfectly neutral. He folded his arms again. "I have to say I'm a little surprised you managed to keep quiet this long. You've been frustrated by this class since the first assessment."

She wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. "I think you know a bit more about the history of Alast than your assessment showed." He continued. "I take it your father's people didn't try to remove us from history as we have tried to remove them."

"I thought you said History is about truth." Sray finally responded.

"It is." He confirmed.

"Then why aren't you teaching it?" She questioned.

"Because we have to work with what we have, Ms. Hillenbohn. These young leople, most of them anyway, have been raised on stories of how the Klamon destroyed humanity. Their grandparents tell them of how their farms or businesses were demolished. How their ancestors were specifically targeted and assassinated because they had skills or knowledge the Klamon wanted to deny Humans and they did quite a good job of it. Our technology is just barely now recovering to where it was before the wars. All that considered, we have to ease them into a broader understanding of history. First term isn't quite the time to rock the boat and potentially tip it over."

"I understand, sir." She said.

"And I think you might appreciate my lack of focus on the Klamon. I imagine you don't want people knowing about your father's line and the more in the dark your vlassmates are about Klamon the longer you get to keep your secret."

"Yes, I understand sir.I have been trying to be discrete, but apparently I have not been doing as well as I need to." She frowned.

"Well, I admit I have been watching gor your reactions," he conceded, "otherwise I may not have noticed. I expect you'll keep a tighter lid on your reactions going forward? "

"Yes, sir, and again I'm sorry for interrupting. "

"I made it a little bigger than it probably needed to be," Serrith admitted. "Now, go on," he stepped aside. "I don't want to make you late."

Sray finally stood, but paused before opening the door. "Do you know her name at least?" She asked.

"Whose name?" He questioned back.

"The Zegdaen Klamon woman who worked with Jorgin Kamelo'an to rid Alast of the Klezmier."

"It was Talgon Teslae." He responded confidently.

"Well, it's close enough." Sray said with a slight shrug.

"You are not just going to quietly accept everything you are told, are you?" There was the suggestion of a smile playing at the corners of his lips when he said it.

She considered him carefully, hand on the door's handle. He certainly wasn't angry, it felt like he was trying to soften the encounter. "I get the feeling you would be disappointed if I did."

He offered a lop-sided smile. "I would, actually. I'll ask you about Talgon Teslae another time, have a good day, Ms. Hillenbohn."

"Good day Mr. Serrith." She nodded and pulled the door open.

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: kith serrith, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray, lemyes: tsalgohn kteslay

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