
Nov 06, 2021 22:03

History continued to be a trial. They had begun the term with the formation of the first forts and city-states before Ela'yas developed into its Eastern and Western countries. They were getting into the unification into the single country of Ela'yas as well as the formation of Gollan to the South.

"This was all made possible by the work of Jorgin Kamelo'an who lead the charge in uniting Humans together in order to eradicate the dragons from Alast."

"That's not right at all." Sray couldn't help saying.

"So what do they teach over there in Kamenlohn, Ms. Hillenbohn?" Serrith asked.

Now she's done it. She couldn't just keep her mouth shut. To Serrith's credit he didn't call her out on her mistake as directly as he could have. "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, history is about finding the truth of our past so we have a better path for our future. Do tell how what I just shared was inaccurate. I think I've been rather gracious in ignoring your grimaces and eyerolls the last three weeks."

Sray wanted to crawl under the desk and hide. She honestly didn't think her attempts to conceal her reactions had gone so poorly. "Well," she stalled, trying to think of what to say. "In Kamenlohn," and she was grateful he said that instead. "In Kamenlohn they remember that Klamon are the reason Humans were able to expand beyond isolated city-states. It wasn't the Humans alone who united against the dragons and drove them South to Ostrin. It was the union of Klamon and Man together."

"The union of Klamon and Man together, interesting choice of words Ms. Hillenbohn." Serrith said.

Sray had several things she wanted to say to that, but simply frowned back at him. "It's true, though. You can't extract the Klamon from Human history. You only get half the story, if that, especially when it comes to banishing the dragons."

"Should I hand over this next unit for you to teach, then?" Serrith questioned, Sray sensed a slight challenge in the words.

"No, sir, again, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Would you see me after class, Ms. Hillenbohn?" Serrith asked.

"Of course, sir." She didn't want to.

"Do you just assume that Klamon have always been where they are now? That Humans were the first civilized people on Alast?" Sray, possibly just in her head.

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: kith serrith, lemyes: sray

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