Kith and Sray, Sray and Danrick

Nov 12, 2023 21:59

"I would like to know." Sray confirmed.

"You read Torzhyebohn's journal." He stated like it should explain much of his hesitation in dicussing the less savory things his ancestors had done.

"Yes," she confirmed, "probably more times than I should have."

Kith Serrith laughed. "More times than Gilbreizhyem Torzhyebohn thought it would ever be read by anyone, I am sure." His amusement faded as he refocused on the subject at hand. "You read all the names and how each one was involved?"

"There were a lot of names." She admitted, knowing well that there were only two that had really held her attention.

"Many more than there should have been." He agreed. "There was a Serrith on that list. There are other records Mishor has managed to obtain and preserve that have two more." He stopped again, his face twisting with conflicting emotions, reminding her of Teigan's hesitance that first night. It felt a lifetime ago when she first learned of the Meim and what they did. "What type of a man," he began haltingly, "what type of man would encourage, persuade, or possibly force his daughters to be involved in such a thing?" His dark eyes finally looked up at her, trying to read her reaction through his own trepidation.

Sray folded her arms and inhaled slowly. "If you have to ask what type of man would do it, I don't think you have to worry about becoming one."

A brief, nervously relieved smile that also seemed to express some level of gratitude flashed on his face before turning serious again. "Well, you can hopefully see I understand why you might be less than happy with your link to people who share a name that has not always been carried by good people."

"Yes, I can see that." She replied sympathetically. "We will just have to do our best to make up for it."

"As best we can." He agreed.

"It doesn't stop me from feeling disappointed in them."

"We'll just have to try hard not to be a disappointment to our own descendants." He commented casually.

"I doubt I will have any descendants, Mr. Serrith."

"Why?" He questioned without thinking.

It was not something she wanted to talk about.


"Hafitch Mishor," Sray ventured, "I have a request."

He turned to her with interest. "What do you need, Ms. Hillenbohn?"

"I have spoken with Silfiya DeTauwr about it and she suggested I bring it up with you and get your opinion on it."

"What is it you need to discuss?"

"Well, sir, I wanted to know what you though tof my exploring the mountains around the valley."

Brief confusion crossed his face and then it opened into understanding. "Are you looking for anything in particular, Ms. Hillenbohn?"

"Yes and no, sir." She began carefully. "First term I found hiking and climbing to be useful in keeping things ..." she couldn't quite find the word she wanted and settled for something she hoped expressed it without being too revealing, "balanced," she breathed out the word and then shrugged it off before continuing on another line of thought, not really wanting to discuss why she was un-findable for hours at a time every Remstan first term. "The other day I had a discussion with Mr. Serrith about Engama's origins and, yes, it did ignite some curiosity about whether or not there is any sign left of those who were here before up in the mountains."

Mishor thought carefully before he responded. "I would have to insist someone go with you. Safety in numbers, Ms. Hillenbohn." He tilted his head as he made the suggestion.

"I understand that, sir, but I don't think anyone would be able to keep up, or even follow with where I will be going."

He raised his brows. "Not able to follow?"

She hesitated, feeling self-conscious and awkward having to explain it. "I can go places Humans can't, or at least, most wouldn't dare. Their fear of heights is understandable, they can't grip and climb like I can."

"I see," he said carefully, looking contemplative. "I still believe it would be wise to have someone go with you, at least part of the way."

lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: kith serrith, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray

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