Pahlson deflected, Timeless

Nov 11, 2023 19:34

Sray allowed the heat to gather in her hands and radiate up her arms. If it was like a kinus, its range would be less than hers. A warning should be enough to make it reconsider. Preditors preferred their prey to be unaware until it is too late, making them stupid with the fear of death and unable to access their full power and cunning.

"Find something else to hunt." She maintained the threatening rumble in her throat, carrying it past her words.

It blinked up at her, contemplating, but not particularly concerned with her verbal warning.

She wasn't going to sit in this tree all day waiting for it to lose interest. She had to get back at some point, preferably before anyone had the thought to worry about her. "Go on! Find what you usually eat. I know it isn't me!" She crawled around the trunk to a lower branch, ears pinned and her own teeth bared in threat. The pahlsonn crouched and took a tentative, bracing step forward. Wrong response.

Sray feigned a lunge and threw the heat she had gathered and held at the creature with her full, concentrated intent. It scrambled in dumb shock back onto its rump and snorted surprise. A crackle and hiss of electricity accompanied its bewildement, but Sray wasn't close enough to feel the charge. The temperature wasn't enough ignite anything, but the pahlsonn took the warning and grudingly turned tail and tried not to look too chastened as it lumbered away

He shouldn't have been surprised. It felt like an eternity in there. It could have been years for all he knew before Sray told him otherwise. As much time as he spent unconscious, possibly for hours that stretched into full days and how the days blended completely indiscernable from each other for stretches only broken up by sleep and wakefulness. Uncounted, uncountable for the lack of sun and feel in that place. Five months still felt like too long, but at the same time impossibly short in that eternal, endless hole of despair and rage they had managed to seal him inside. Nearly half the year gone, lost, stolen, ripped from his life and replaced with a gaping, broken hole. All the edges jagged and painful and raw in ways he never thought were possible.

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: depths of the forge, lemyes: sray, lemyes: kallon

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