humanities can suck it. :]

May 13, 2009 00:02

honestly, my life could not be any more perfect, EXCEPT FOR school. i hate it. well, actually, i don't hate "school" per say.. i just hate my peers. they're all so entirely fake, i could pawn them off as barbie & ken dolls. along with "female prom king barbie.. i mean ken." that should sell well. i could not be any more annoyed with the people among me at school. i do love learning though, so i enjoy my classes. i don't really like the amount of work, i'll admit, buut it ends up being worth it cos you learn a lot from all the assignments. it's just a lot harder to do a group project when you have no group.. cos no one likes me. and i don't really like them, so it evens out, i guess.

i don't care what any one thinks of me. i don't care that when i walk into the room, everyone gets quiet cos they were just previously conversing about me, and how i won't chose a side. just because i'm not fake, and i don't want to be surrounded by uncertainty and dramatics, i'm not acceptable? it aggravates me. just because the lot of you baffoons think that the world revolves around you and your petty problems, doesn't mean that i need to orbit around you as well. i'm a part of my own world, thank you very much. i'm self-aware, something that the majority of you aren't.

but it's all really my fault, right?
the fact that no one's loyal, no one's honest and open.
it's my fault that i'm a blank canvas and i don't mind if anyone wants to paint their emotions on me?
because i allow people to use me as their drawing board, and i allow people to come to me when they need to let their anger out, and they can paint a picture of just what they're feeling. even if they're happy, i'm there as they paint a perfect picture of joy.
all of the people that surround me in school just seem jealous.
none of them have what i have; none of them have hearts.

but it's okay.
because, one day, reality is going to smack them right in the face, and it's gonna hurt. and they're going to feel sorry that they wasted so much time being aggravated with themselves, and putting me down to prove to themselves that they were so much better than i was. because i've never cared who was better, or who was worse. all i care about is everyone's well-being. all i ever wanted to do was be a friend. but no one would let me do that. no one would let me care. because that's not what people do, so i've heard. people don't care about you, they just leave you, or they pretend to care and they tell others that they don't so that they can be accepted no matter where they go or who they are. whether the person that they pretend to be is true or not.

i want so badly to perform at graduation.

"hello, fellow chancellors. congratulations on your day of achievement here at chatsworth high school.. i wanted to perform a song that goes out to all of you. this is "there's a good reason these tables are numbered, honey, you just haven't thought of it yet." by panic at the disco. i dedicate this song to you, class of 2009. you really blew me away these past 4 years. this one's for you."
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