"i wanna scream i love you at the top of my lungs, but i'm afraid someone will hear me."

May 07, 2009 17:50

i remember that feeling. but it's gone! :] but when listening to this song, i totally think of that time. but i love this song! fall out boy is so incredible. everyone should go buy their latest album! although i doubt anyone reads these journal entries. haha, but if you're a secret stalker, or you just happen to come across this entry.. DO IT! buy their album. i promise that you won't be disappointed. if you have good taste in music that is. :]

but yeah, so i'm at home cos i don't feel good. girlfriend & sister are rock climbing at the moment, haha. they're gonna have so much fun, i know it. i went yesterday! but i totally popped my knee out of place, therefore leaving me in too much pain to go today! and plus, i have cramps -_- and i just feel weak today. or else i'd have gone! but they'll have fun anyway, so it's all g. haha.

hm, i cannot wait until summer! honestly, it's going to be good. i need to start losing more weight, for sure. hah. i've lost a lot, but there's more to be lost on my body! i don't have that long of a way to go (: i can do it! wooooo. i just need to focus. hah, starting with my bedroom! cos it's sucha mess again. i really need to clean it back up. it used to be spotless. now it's a mess cos i haven't put away any of my clothing that i washed, and i did this project last night, and i left all the arts and crafts supplies out on my desk! definitely needs to go!

i think i want to go wash my face, cos i got an acid peel today, and i'm not supposed to be touching my skin, but i keep scratching at it a little. but hopefully not too much. cos i'm trying my hardest not to even touch my skin. but i need to wash it in case i have touched it incorrectly and left some sort of dirtiness or bacteria on there! but i wonder if i wash my face if that will stop the process of the peel? i don't think it will. the dermatologist didn't say i had to wait for a certain amount of time to wash my skin, she just said i'm not supposed to use any exfoliant products, that exfoliate? hahah. duh.

alright, i'ma go! i hope to write soon. until then, i hope everyone's good!
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