kids these days

Mar 28, 2013 05:37

I'm sure I wasn't as much a pain in the ass when I was a teen as The Boy is. I know, I can hear all your gasps of disbelief, 'but Ranua, I thought he was such a good kid?' Well, he is but he could get a job damnit and stop giving me lip about it.

I mean seriously, what kid doesn't want a job to make money to buy and do the stuff their parents won't? Have I spoiled him so badly that he feels he doesn't need to work, that I'll get whatever for him eventually? Actually, he's basically said if it came down to having to work if he wanted any new stuff he'd do without. What the heck? How did I raise this kind of kid? I have a sneaking suspicion that part is genetic and came from the sperm donor.

And he doesn't even have to go out there and put in a million applications and do follow up calls and interviews. The Man has worked for the same company for pretty well his whole adult life and told The Boy all he has to do is show up clean and well groomed and respectful (not hard for my little dandy) pass the drug test and start work. Granted it will be entry level, but shit, the kid is only 17.

All I get outta the brat is whinging, 'I don't want to shave that often. It's already hard to find time to hang out with my friends with their work schedules. I have other stuff I want to do.' Seriously, I give him a lot, I mean a lot, of leeway, but this is starting to get on my last nerve.

I'm so not good at being the heavy, but this crap needs to stop. I just need to put my foot down, tell him to shut his trap and do it. *sigh* Sounds like the cliche overbearing parent. Well, cliches are that for a reason.

Ok, enough of the brat. I have this corner of my office that's mocking me. You know the place, where you put everything you'll deal with later: paperwork to file, random things you're not sure if you need to save or throw out, half read books, old receipts, computer components. Just a total junk repository. I swear I've been meaning to clean it all up for weeks now and a couple days ago the cat jumped- up, over, into, I don't even know -and knocked it askew, so now the mess is traveling out of it's designated area threatening to take over half the floor.

There's no resolution for this beyond me getting off my lazy ass and actually doing something about the mess. I just wanted to complain. Where's my damn magic cleaning fairy, huh? Cinderella! Hey! Cinderella! You got a minuet? *sighs* No magic in the world. Bummer.

(ha! had time to spell check the post this morning)

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the_boy, bitchin_and_moanin

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