Evenin, kiddliwinks.

Sep 04, 2009 22:39

Hello, it's been a little while since my last post. This might be a little incoherent as my monitor has decided to switch itself off every few seconds and I got bored with turning it back on again so am typing blind! Truly a test of my secretarial skills, am sure you'll agree...

I've just got back from a conference in Northern Ireland, where I'd never been before. Spent the whole of Wednesday travelling out there, manned our stand on Thursday, then spent the whole of today travelling back. Standstead airport is a real biatch to get to from Oxford - I really don't recommend it! Said conference did involve some very nice free meals, last nights being at a hotel on the Causeway coast with some pretty impressive views. Got there just as the sun was setting as well, so was fab.

Er, what else? I'm off to Berlin at midnight Sun/Mon (not flying from Stanstead, I hasten to add!) to see H for a few days which will be nice. See if any of the German lessons have managed to penetrate my thick skull! I'm honestly not holding out much hope...

In other news, I'm now editorial assistant on two of my journals, which means I have very little free time for doing my usual job on my other journals. Boss St has now returned to work, though, so that should ease the work load a bit. Hopefully she's on the mend, although she only came back yesterday so I haven't actually spoken to her properly yet!

Am sure there's been lots more going on, but can't actually think f anything off the top of my head. Guess I could make summit up? Am starting to wonder if I'm getting boring again...

Anyhoo, am throwing you all suggestive glances, you thexy thangs! xxx
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