
Oct 13, 2009 18:02

Hello, I don't really have much to update with. Some family stuff been going on, but all seems to be sorted out now *grabs table and yells "touch wood" fairly loudly*.

I've been with my current employer for a whole year today. Doesn't seem that long at all. On the other hand it feels like I've been there forever! I feel like I should buy some more random crap to put on my desk to mark the occasion; perhaps that's something I can do with my weekend!

I made my last entry here just before I went to Berlin. Berlin was good. I still can't speak German, though! I had lessons which I paid money I didn't really have at the time for and didn't get anywhere near as much out of as I'd hoped to. Normally I would put this down to me being a little on the slow side, however two of the class (there were only four of us) were not native English speakers who now live and work over here, so they were clearly capable of learning another language and they were struggling with it. The teacher was just awful. He was all about the grammar and liked the sound of his own voice far too much. So basically I can construct a sentence, but have no vocab so can't actually put any words in said sentence. It may just be me, but I feel this kinda defeats the object! I was so disappointed, I was really looking forward to being able to speak another language, even if only a little bit. I will obviously persevere with it, but I am pretty much going to have to start again from scratch when I can afford to again.

I had a very good (and extremely drunken) weekend. I was still drunk from Fri night when I went to the hairdressers on Sat morning, which was an interesting experience, but I am quite happy with the results. My fringe is refusing point blank to play ball today, but other than that....! Went out for dinner with the ever beauteous pub_girl on Saturday night. Food was really good. Cocktails were a little too good. Felt very shaky on Sunday!

Er, what else? Think that's about it really. Don't think I have anything else to report/rant about here. Other than that I over did it in yoga last night and everything hurts today. In fact, think I may go and lay down on the sofa....

Suggestive glances to you all - byeeeee! x
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