My To-Do List for Being 26 - UPDATE!

Aug 06, 2009 11:49

Hey kids, six months ago, I put together a list of stuff to do this year and said I'd do an update in six months. As it has been six months, here is an update. :)

1) Go to at least two countries.
Well, so far I've been to The Netherlands and Germany, I'm going to France next month (admittedly for work, but still!) and will be heading straight over to Germany again for a few days. Am also planning on heading off somewhere early next year with my lovely cousin, so I think this one's pretty much done!

2) Attend gym regularly.
Ok, well I am at least going to a class most weeks. I'm not getting there as often as I'd like, I think the term "regularly" would probably have to be taken with a pinch of salt at the moment, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to start going a bit more often soon.

3) Learn German.
Now this one I am very excited about. I have signed up to a beginners class, went to the first week, missed the second as I had to go up north and didn't make it back in time and last week was cancelled. So I've only actually been to one so far. However, I am driving back to Oxford this afternoon, going to class, then heading back to Devon again (yes, that's around 7hrs driving in order to make said class - dedication, I think you'll find!) and I'm hoping that I'll be able to say a bit more next time I go to Berlin!

4) Get to next pay bracket at work.
I've not really got anything to report on this one. I've been so busy recently that I haven't been able to have a proper chat with my boss regarding it. I think that I'm now doing everything I need to be in order to qualify for this. So fingers crossed!

5) Start playing the Clarinet again.
Not been doing so well on this one. *coughs*

6) Have a decent Birthday!
I did have a decent Birthday, thanks to all the lovely people who came out to witness me falling asleep on the table at around 11pm.

7) Read more. I don't read anywhere near enough these days.
I have been doing. Just finished the book I was reading, so not actually reading anything right now, but will be picking something up when I'm back home next week!

8) Try and keep room a bit tidier.
No comment.

9) Put some cash into savings.
This one would be so much easier if stuff didn't keep happening to force me to spend my excess cash! For example, I've spent around £200 on petrol alone this month....
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