The last month

Jul 27, 2009 22:26

Those of you who follow my LJ (I think there may be two of you) will notice that I haven't posted for the last month. This is largely due to the fact that a lot of terrible things have been happening to the people in my life whom I care about and it's all been horribly sad. I therefore haven't really wanted to dwell on it here.

I do have some good news, though: my lovely friend cornishmaid is getting married in a week and a half! I am so very excited for her and can't wait for her big day. Her hen night was a month ago and was just fab. :)

Work's going ok - very busy at the min cos virtually everybody in my team is away.

Lovelife's still uneventful as ever.

Think that's about it, really. I've just noticed the time and I should probably climb the wooden hill to Bedfordshire (as my mum would say).

Big hugs to you all and sorry for the slightly odd post!

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