clothes, movie, grades, random, arctic monkeys, camwhoring, personal, !!!, college, music, french, video, omgwtfbbq

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  • Miniskirts and antique junk

    randomneses Mar 20, 2010 13:27

    Read more... )

    clothes, weather, fic, skins, nyc, what what, arctic monkeys, pimping, fandom, picspam, personal, harry potter, parents, wank wank wank

    Leave a comment  42 
  • Vlog, camwhoring, and the musical Memphis!

    randomneses Mar 01, 2010 17:07

    Hello, all! ♥


    image Click to view

    Here were the meme questions: ( etc etc etc )

    review, clothes, nyc, camwhoring, personal, meme, !!!, vlog, music, video

    Leave a comment  23 
  • "I started something, I forced you to a zone and you were clearly never meant to go."

    randomneses Jan 23, 2010 18:08

    Hey guys! So I hung out with ninasafiri last night and she is awesome possum. And today Dallas' younger sister is in DC for the weekend so we all went to Eastern Market to do some flea market shopping/eat. I got a ton of cool earrings AND I GOT A TWEED JACKET! Mini picspam:

    I grabbed you by the gilded beams... )

    clothes, tv, mini-picspam, fashion, d.c., personal, shopping, food, dad, news, music, politics, mom, concert, video

    Leave a comment  19 
  • Seven Days Meme: Day Two

    randomneses Sep 29, 2009 18:46

    Jour Un • A Song
    Jour Deux • A Picture
    Jour Trois • A Book/Fic
    Jour Quatre • A Site
    Jour Cinq • A Youtube Clip
    Jour Six • A Quote
    Jour Sept • Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

    Vintage LA pic from the 60s. I don't think I've shared this one but I really want to make it into a Friends Only banner. Hitchhikers in hollywood!:

    Read more... )

    clothes, fic, howard, fashion, laness, personal, meme, college, news, politics, parents, picture, vintage

    Leave a comment  14 
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