Nov 02, 2011 13:23
- In Egypt; If you are born into a Muslim family, you are NOT allowed to change your religion at any measure: at least in front of the government, you are Muslim even if you pray in churches for years or declare you are Atheist. You are still gonna be Muslim in the ID even if you sue the government for it!
- In Egypt, the only allowable change of religion is to ISLAM. so, a Christian can easily change into Muslim, but when some people did so and found out they really didn't like their new religion and tried going back to the first faith, they found out they will remain Muslims for the rest of their lives in front of the republic!
- In Egypt, only two religions are recognized by the government: Islam and Christianity. Baha'i and Jewish aren't religions in the state!
- In Egypt, if you happen by any measure to be lucky enough to have another religion (other than the recognized two faiths) and for any reason you needed to finish some paperwork like military service or getting a passport, you are asked to declare conversion to Islam before getting any paper!
- In Egypt, you can't get a passport until you have finished the mandatory military service.
- In Egypt, you can't serve the military if you aren't Muslim or Christian. any other faith, if proven to be the case on formal papers, is rejected for safety precautions.
- In Egypt, all Sinai peninsula inhabitants are denied service in the military for the same oblivious reason: Saftey precautions.
- In Egypt, a Muslim can marry four women in accordance with his religion, a Muslim can marry Christian ladies as well. In Egypt, a Christian can marry four IN SHEER CONTRADICTION WITH HIS RELIGION AND ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAM, in Egypt a Christian can even sue the church for refusing to grant him a RELIGIOUS recognition of his second marriage.
- In Egypt, Muslims divorce in accordance with Islam. Christians divorce in accordance with ISLAM! against Orthodoxy which recognizes no divorce except in strict conditions
- In Egypt, "Khol'a" or the Islamic process by which a woman can terminate her marriage (Parallel to divorce, which is a man right) is a recognizable right for Muslim women as well as with Christians! In Egypt, the church is asked to recognize such separations.
- In Egypt, your dad can sue you for changing your religion (that if you either miraculously managed to change it legally or just started following another religion on your own) for custody on your children. In Egypt, although you are alive and kicking, the court will be more than happy to grant custody to your Muslim dad and refuse your universally acknowledged right to raise your children as you please!
- In Egypt, with absense of a legal will, a Muslim's fortune is divided on his heirs according to Islamic law, which means a son gets as twice as a daughter. In Egypt, with no legal will, a Christians fortune is devided on his heirs according to ISLAMIC law no regards for his faith!
- In Egypt, Muslims can easily build five mosques every neighborhood. In Egypt, a Church could wait five years for a permission to renew its old pavement and when finally granted the legal right, Muslims in the neighborhood can still stop the transport of building materials inside the church yard, demonstrate and the authorities would delete the permission in response!
- In Egypt, several girls disappeared of both faiths, each changing her religion and marrying a man of the newly acquired faith only to start sever fights and accusations from both religious groups and eventually clashes and death!
- In Egypt, the constitution recognizes only ONE religion of the state in the second article, although in the first, it states that equal citizenship is the major principle of the state between its majority and recognized minority!
- In Egypt gays and lesbians are tried for debauchery and if for no other crime, they are tried for despising religion!
- In Egypt, you can get three years in a maximum security prison for despising religion.
- In Egypt, an Imam (namely Ghazaly) stood once in a court praising the killers of the famous writer & secular activist (Fawzy Foda) saying the killers did what was the duty of the state and should be released immediately and even rewarded for their crime. Although the killers were punished, the Imam was allowed to go after testifying in front of the court that he encourages murder for all secular activists!
- In Egypt, if you are reading an Agath Christie novel in the bus, one man would stop you and give you a major lesson about the virtue of reading Koran in stead of that "Blasphemy!"
- In Egypt, you will be severly attacked if you played music in a bus even if you keep very low only you and the next person can hear it, while in the same bus, a man would stand, read Koran all the way in a very high sound every one in the bus can hear him yet no one would ask him for the same silence you were asked.
- In Egypt, growing a beard alone can grant you respect!
- In Egypt, you can't argue the future of the state for 5 minutes with anyone without hearing the word "god said" and if you reply to it saying just a single "But" you are considered infidel!
- In Egypt, religion is everywhere, yet its virtue is no where. Egypt is a country of hypocrites religious fanaticists with no single clue about religious mercy nor tolerance.
All of that happens in Egypt.