Feb 20, 2008 11:13
1. How old were you in 1980? -9 to 3months
2. How old were you in 1989? 9
3. Were you a Toys R' Us kid? not alowed
4. Did you watch Transformers? Yes
5. Did you see E.T. on the big screen? yes, ET really scared me when he died and the came back to life.
6. Did you own a Lite Bright? Oh yes
7. Who is your Favorite Golden Girl? NO TV
8. When someone says "Who you gonna call?" you think? Ghostbusters!
9.What was your favorite toy? Favorite??? dress-up cloths
10. Did you have a Pogo Ball? only at day care
11. Did you listen to New Kids on the Block? Maybe
12. What New Kid did you have a crush on? Maybe the youngest one
13. Did you play M.A.S.H? ummm, what?
14. Did you watch The Care Bears? There was a movie with a stolen princesses.
15. Did you have Jelly bracelets? yes
16. Did you ever own a slap bracelet? Yes, My parents took them away when the scare happened
17. The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles? Um, I might have been watching Star Treck: the voage Home
18. Did you have a crazy hair style? I got a perm, which lasted about 4 days
19. What was your first bike? yellow with a banana seat
20. Name one thing you still own from your childhood? Pinky, my first stuffed animale
21. Did you have a Cabbage Patch Kid? I never really played with dolls
22. Rainbow Brite or Strawberry Shortcake? see above
23. Did you watch Miami Vice? No.
24. Did you own a Trapper Keeper? yes, but I never used it
25. Atari or Nintendo? didn't own either, parents didn't belive it was health.
26. Did you play Pac-Man? see above
27. Which was better: Jem and The Holograms or Barbie and The Rockers?
Jem all the way
28. He-Man or She-Ra? She-Ra, I dress up as her for halloween when I was five
29. What movie scared you the most? gostbusters, the bit at the beginning.
30. Did you try to dance like Michael Jackson? I tried to moon walk once
31. What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear "flux copassitor"
32. What other colors did Pepsi come in? I LOVED clearn Pepsi for about a week.
33. Roger Rabbit or Howard the Duck? Roger Rabbit!
34. Did you ever beg your parents to have your school picture taken with the 'LASER' background?
it was always green
35. Do you know what the Ninja Rap is? Yes, I loved the niniga turtles
36. Do you know why people cringe when they hear the word BUCKNER? dont' know waht that is
37. Can you name the family members from National Lampoons Vacation movies? I never thought they were funny
38. Did you have pump sneakers? no
39. Did you own HYPER COLOR shirts? Oh yes, that was the best thing in the world for about 2 months in 4 grade
40. Did you watch Smurfs? Yes