Feb 16, 2008 16:26
still happy with my job. As happy as one can be working with mostly women, most of which are quite catty. and dealing with other people's Pee all day.
I got myself a 2Gig Sandisk MP3 player, this makes working much more tolerable. Currently I am listening to music part of the time and book-on-tape part of the time. Right now I have Johnathan Strange & Mr Noral, which I am really liking. Next I think I might do Paradise Lost.
I am sewing when I get the chance, which is less then I would like. There is always more to do then time to do it in.
We are still looking for a roommate, which would make our money difficulties pretty much go away. That would be 6004 that we would be able to use for something other then rent. like paying off credits cards and student loans.
I have plans to do much sewing before faire seasons starts, but at least get my Gray's done as well as my Partlet. But I got 5 yards of off-white linen on sale, so that is my new square necked shift and Partlet. soon I will say that I am wearing nothing that is not silk or linen. We will see if I can pull it off.
there are also plans to continue work on the writing that I started a long time ago. It started out as the idea of a novel, which shawn says people might actually want to read, but I really have no idea. we will see
I think that's it for now.
personal update,