Oct 09, 2007 14:26
I am very pleased with today, and its only 2:30.
My brand new drivers license came in the mail today, along with my old one. Some awesome person found it on the sidewalk and mailed it to me. Completely annonymously. So whoever you are, you rock!
I hung out at the library with my mom and my brother. It was cool. I had no idea that the valencia library was so up to date on their magazines. I think they had some issues out that the BN didnt even have yet.
Plus, i had a hot dog from a stand. I dont know why, but it made me happy.
I also read a poem from Goblin Fruit's new issue. It was about a wolf who just wanted to "chew the fat". Hee. It rocked. I'll be browsing more around there soon. I really like the concept of this issue's layout,and i like how well thought out it was, but I still deeply love the art from the spring issue. It was just so vibrant. I am determined to find a way to put it on my wall somehow.
PLUS! Saturday is EID, and on friday, its julies bday and I get to hang with mario. And on wednesday! I'm volunteering with New Leash On Life, where I get to play with puppies. Puppies!