Title: PB&J [2/3]
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender, Heroes
Characters: Katara; Sokka
Word Count: 119
Prompt: FanFic100 and AU100 #057 Lunch
Rating: T
Summary: AU, Heroes crossover, no spoilers. Katara used to love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
A/N: So Sylar has kinda not really been introduced. Ah well, I love my little Avatar/Heroes crossover series.
Disclaimer: Avatar and all related characters and logos belong to Mike and Bryan and Nickelodeon. Heroes and all related characters and logos belong to Tim Kring and NBC.
Air, Lunch and Sunrise:
Part 1 |
Part 3 ----------
Katara lost her parents the day before her eighth birthday. She had been staying at her grandma’s house with Sokka for the weekend so that their parents could spend some “grown-up” time together. That Sunday afternoon Gran-Gran had dropped the two siblings off and Katara had been eating a PB&J sandwich she'd been given for lunch. Katara remembers because when she and Sokka entered the house and found their mom and dad laying there, the tops of their heads severed and blood coating the walls, she threw it all back up right there at the front door.
Right before she screamed.
Katara’s never been able to eat, or even look at, a PB&J sandwich again.
AN: Short and sweet wins the race. Let me know what you thought in a comment.
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