long survey from yelle bell

Sep 27, 2005 19:37

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1) If find_a_way_out and apunkasspunk were siamese twins, where would they be joined? um, at the back, so they could shoot people from opposite directions
2) What is find_a_way_out's favorite color? dark dark blue
3) Is find_a_way_out friends with halmonisxvoice_? hell yeah
4) Thoughts on lie_to_me_again? so much fun, quirky, stylish and fun loving
5) Does jameface have a crush on lie_to_me_again? no, nikkita loves her baby girlfriend
6) Do you think vampyvixen42 is hot? in a conventional way. dearly, not quearly
7) Do you have a crush on apunkasspunk? no, but gimmie enough alcohol...
8) Is xthe_last_highx an emo? haha, no. she's spunky
9) Does halmonisxvoice_ do drugs? if drinking were a drug, yes, but not a junky
10) How long would halmonisxvoice_ dating find_a_way_out last? never
11) What comic book character would xthe_last_highx be? she would make a damn good sailor moon
12) Does vampyvixen42 have a big secret? oh everyone does. and i'm sure she has her own
13) Is _onceagain 1337? he'd like to think so
14) Does jameface have a dog? i'm pretty sure she does now
15) If xthe_last_highx were hanging off a cliff, what would apunkasspunk do? get her up on the cliff asap!
16) Which of your friends should vampyvixen42 go out with? i'm not quite sure she wants us fixing her up, even hypothetically
17) Are fujikura and heyhooley143 going out? haha, no. but they would have fun together
18) What would you do if you found out vampyvixen42 has a crush on you? probably nothing. we both know that would never happen
19) Would vampyvixen42 be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
20) What planet should vampyvixen42 be from? venus. just like all other kick ass women
21) What would you do if fujikura died? cry and become hystarical
22) What languages does halmonisxvoice_ speak? english and i think she took spanish in high school
23) Where was find_a_way_out born? new hampshire
24) One thing you can't stand about lie_to_me_again? how she gets so submissive around her girlfriend that it hurts her
25) Is find_a_way_out related to you? no, but he is like my brother
26) Does _onceagain go to your school? he used to, then we took the path less traveled
27) Has _onceagain been to your house/dorm? he hasn't been to this one, but he should come. i have an extra room and a job for him
28) What would apunkasspunk do differently in your shoes? be more adventerous
29) How many monkeys could halmonisxvoice_ fight at once and win against? what an odd thing to consider. amy, hm... i'd say 3
30) Is _onceagain popular? i wouldn't know
31) Does apunkasspunk smoke? ya know, i don't think so, but i'm not sure
32) Is jameface athletic? she doesn't run triathalons if that's what you're asking
33) What song/movie would you recommend to lie_to_me_again? a hitchhickers guide to the galaxy
34) apunkasspunk's eye color? green
35) apunkasspunk's hair color? red
36) Does vampyvixen42 travel a lot? other than to work and around town, no. but she has plans, and that's all you need. well, that and a means to go
37) What do you agree with halmonisxvoice_ about? almost everything
38) Does _onceagain know fujikura? yes
39) What exotic animal would heyhooley143 like as a pet? a flamingo
40) What flavor of jello would find_a_way_out be? green apple
41) Is vampyvixen42 in a relationship? not at the moment
42) What mental disorder does find_a_way_out remind you of? a.d.d.
43) How tall is apunkasspunk? taller than me is all i know. but that's not saying much on my side
44) Do you have heyhooley143's screenname? i used to, but now that i have a mac, it wouldn't let me get my old name list
45) Has heyhooley143 dyed their hair? oh yes, i especially liked the brown, but she looks ravishing as a blond
46) Would fujikura go out with vampyvixen42? mmmm, no. allen is looking for somebody more exotic and foreign
47) Is lie_to_me_again single? nope, she's robbing the craddle
48) What animal should halmonisxvoice_ be combined with? a cat
49) Is fujikura a college student? no, but he will be. he'll be the best damn elementary teacher that ever was
50) If vampyvixen42 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? anyone with an opinion and drive
51) What is jameface's biggest flaw? she just can't seem to find the right guy, but that isn't really her fault
52) One quality you find attractive in halmonisxvoice_? outgoing
53) If heyhooley143 had a superpower, what would it be? melting things with her eyes
54) Where was halmonisxvoice_ born? n.h.
55) How long have you known _onceagain? 5 and 1/2 years ish
56) If vampyvixen42 and halmonisxvoice_ were spliced together, what would it be like? macdonalds and wendys becoming the super healthy fast food station with really good service. in other words, it would make a perfect world
57) What is lie_to_me_again allergic to? i really don't know
58) If heyhooley143 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? and ex boyfriend
59) Would you ever date xthe_last_highx? haha, not on my side of the tree, thanks though
60) Does apunkasspunk drink? yes
61) What is find_a_way_out's favorite movie? pretty sure it's clockwork orange or fight club, not sure if it's changed though
62) Would vampyvixen42 and xthe_last_highx look good together? they already do, haven't you seen the pictures?
63) What word best describes vampyvixen42? multi-tasker
64) Is fujikura a high school student? not anymore
65) What would apunkasspunk think of fujikura? fun and sweet
66) What is find_a_way_out's shoe size? 10 or 11 depending on the shoe
67) Do xthe_last_highx and jameface go to the same school? they used to
68) How would xthe_last_highx conquer the world? hell yeah, she could if she wanted to. but she would do it by giving everyone puppies and love
69) What is xthe_last_highx's favorite food? i don't know, but i'll say pickles cause it sounds like sara, haha
70) When did you last call find_a_way_out? oh wow, um, march, i think it was. we're more online talkers than phone anymore. i m;iss him
71) What would vampyvixen42 give find_a_way_out for his/her birthday? hm, condoms would be funny, but i would say a cd
72) Is xthe_last_highx introverted or extroverted? depends how long you've known her. 5 seconds, or past that
73) Have you flirted with halmonisxvoice_? haha, no
74) If halmonisxvoice_ took over the world, who would suffer? woman haters and steve hardy
75) Is vampyvixen42 dead sexy? smoldering, rawr
76) What color should fujikura dye their hair? blue, just to see
77) What is _onceagain's favorite game? dunno
78) Which president would lie_to_me_again be likely to idolize? nikki, i dunno
79) Is xthe_last_highx your best friend? no, but a friend all the same
80) How would fujikura kill find_a_way_out? never for the world
81) Is heyhooley143 a nerd? haha, sometimes
82) Would you wrestle _onceagain in jello? no
83) Where did you first meet jameface? bodge's class, ::shudders::
84) Would you make out with halmonisxvoice_? no, i couldn't bring myself to do it if we were drunk in a closet even
85) Would you set up jameface and apunkasspunk? um, no
86) Where would find_a_way_out most like to visit? all of europe
87) If heyhooley143 and vampyvixen42 were spliced together, what would be its name? benelle
88) What video game does xthe_last_highx remind you of? pokemon
89) What do you disagree with find_a_way_out about? heaven
90) What is jameface's favorite band/artist? oh wow, i don't know
91) Would jameface and heyhooley143 make a good couple? haha, they already do you crazy duo
92) Are vampyvixen42 and fujikura going steady? no
93) What rank would xthe_last_highx have in a giant robot army? commander in cheif
94) Did find_a_way_out break up with you? no
95) Is _onceagain related to find_a_way_out? no
96) If heyhooley143 took over the world, who would be happy? everyone
97) What animal does halmonisxvoice_ remind you of? a puppy or kitten
98) Have you ever dated find_a_way_out? no
99) Could you see xthe_last_highx and jameface together? no
100) Are halmonisxvoice_ and find_a_way_out married? no no no
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