... life after commitment ...

Oct 24, 2005 00:27

so being together, that sounds fun right? well it is. it's wonderful. especially the first week. it's a plethora of new info and surprises. then fast forward and it's a year later. you are still doing really well. you know that you snore and that you're claustrophobic in bed. they know that they don't like the toothpaste you use and that they hate cranberry juice. you know that you feel bad leaving in the morning before saying goodbye and you love coming home to your cats, aka the kids.

they you come home at night and you've both had a long day. you then have the heated discussion about how's going to make the mac and cheese that night because a. you don't have the money to order out every night, b. there isn't anything else in the house and c. you're both too tired to get up from the place you are now planted on the couch. you then have to figure out just how fast you can go to the laundromat and come home because neither of you wants to go and neither of you wants to do the dreaded deed.

but you know, it's all ok, cause you don't laugh anymore when you have to touch their underwear, you just smile and fold with they put away the detergent and laundry baskets. you go to bed and snuggle up and wrap your legs together the way you agreed feels best. you wake up and don't care about them breathing in your face with their terrible morning breath.

i feel the need to watch the movie bed of roses. i used to love that movie. i was in the six grade when i saw it the first time. mom bought it for me for christmas one year in junior high and i still love it. i haven't watching it in a long while. i watched half of it with matt once cause we were on a quest to watch every movie we owned when we first got together. needless to say, it was too much sweetness and typical romance movie and he didn't need to finish it then.

we have a lot of movies now. i'm never in the mood to watch any of them. it's like looking in your full closet and thinking that you have nothing to wear.

i miss home. any home. somewhere familiar. somewhere i know and that i can pal around, go out, know where i am. someplace that's mine. permanent.

has anybody heard that because of you song by kelly clarkson. of course you have, they won't stop playing it. it's good. i like it. says a lot about us and how we either blame it all on our parents or about how we turn out like them no matter how hard we try. i caught myself being my dad the other day. it was weird.

i want a bath, and somebody to baby me for a while. i need these things. i don't want to always have to do everything. i want somebody to do just anything for me. to make my dinner, right down to opening my cough drop wrappers. oh, did i tell you? i'm sick. bad sick. my ears are throbbing. it sucks. but oh no, i have to work cause we're poor. i have to do the dishes cause we have to eat. i have to make dinner because we have to eat. i have to take out the trash, clean the bathroom, take care of the cat messes and so on and so forth. and to think, i could have just told somebody that i'm sick and avoided the whole thing.

i'm stubborn. <---- todays lesson
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