FIC: Time After Time (Part Four) - Sean and Elijah

Jan 03, 2007 07:37

Many, many thanks to tarnishedhalo and her amazing talent. She aged our beloved boys 10 years for the photos used in 'Time After Time'.

Title: 'Time After Time' (Part Four of Eight)
Author: Rakshi ( )
Rating: Overall: NC-17. This section: NC-17
Pairing: Sean Astin/Elijah Wood
Summary: At last they're able to move into the house in Topanga Canyon, but new challenges await them there. Sean gets a very scary idea, and both he and Elijah get new jobs.

Author's Notes: Deepest thanks and love to lbilover. What would I do without her? Her insights, suggestions, and keen editor's eye have made this a much, much better story.

'Time After Time' is the third and last part of a three part series. In the first story, ' Time', Sean and Elijah were reunited after a ten year separation. In the second story of the series, ' Time To Be Us', they determined the course of their future together. And now in 'Time After Time', we see that future come to fruition.

Previous Chapters:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Disclaimer: This story is a work of satirical fantasy about public figures. It is completely fictional. I make no assertions about the actual private life or the sexual orientation of any person mentioned in this work.

- Time After Time Part Four -

Time after time
I tell myself that I’m
So lucky to be loving you

So lucky to be
The one you run to see
In the evening, when the day is through

I only know what I know
The passing years will show
You’ve kept my love so young, so new

And time after time
You’ll hear me say that I’m
So lucky to be loving you

Once the keys to the house were in their hands, the routine of their lives quickly changed from fairly peaceful to full-fledged chaos. Elijah’s belongings and furnishings had begun to arrive from Paris, and were being taken to the new house where they sat in disarray in whatever room the movers found convenient. Sean and Elijah, helped occasionally by Dom or Ally, packed up the contents of their apartment.

Elijah was frantic to get into the house but his always-conservative partner wasn’t willing to make the final move until their belongings were there and in some kind of reasonable order, a process which Elijah feared would take months.

“Jesus, Sean!” he griped as they wrapped and packed dishes in corrugated cardboard boxes. “Can’t I HIRE someone to do this?”

“Sure!” Sean said amiably. “You can hire ME!” He bounced to where Elijah stood with a plate in his hand. “Can I help you pack that plate, sir?” He took it from Elijah’s hand and sat it on top of all the others. “That’ll be one kiss,” he announced, and quickly kissed Elijah’s frowning mouth.

“Very funny, Astin.”

“Lij, hiring someone would be foolish. We have the time. We have the talent! Why not just do it ourselves? This is important to me. I want US to be the ones who move us into our first home.”

Elijah grumbled unintelligibly as he grabbed another stack of china from the cupboard.

“Besides,” Sean added softly. “I have to watch money for awhile. This house took a huge chunk of my liquid assets and I won’t start getting a paycheck ‘til September.”

Elijah still grumbled. “You could let ME pay for it, you know.”

“One more day,” Sean said reasonably. “Let’s keep at it one more day. Then if we’re still behind, you can hire someone to do the rest.”

Elijah scowled, obviously unconvinced. But he continued putting plates into a box.

Eventually, everything was packed and moved to the Topanga Canyon house. Sean’s bed, outfitted with a brand new mattress, went into the guesthouse to be used by Gabrielle. Elijah’s bedroom furniture from the Paris house had been set up in the master bedroom. Once the beds were in place, nothing on earth was going to keep Elijah from considering their move complete.

“We’re staying here tonight,” he badgered Sean for the fifteenth time as they shuffled furniture between rooms. “Right, Sean? Right?”

Sean gazed at him over the top of an oak coffee table. Elijah’s eyes were shining with happiness. A crooked grin lit his face. Sean felt his chest constrict with love. This had been his goal, to share this moment with him. To see him this happy. He had longed with all his soul for this alone: to give this kind of joy to the one he loved and had waited for. He grinned back. “Well, since our bed is here,” he said teasingly, “I can’t see that we have much choice. Uh.. unless you want to go back to the apartment and sleep on the kitchen counter.”

“Fuckin’ A!” Elijah shouted happily, stumbling and nearly dropping his end of the burden in his happiness.

“Whoa, there Elwood!” Sean laughed, struggling to hold up his end of the heavy table. “Let’s get this thing moved and THEN you can celebrate.”

Later that night they lay naked in bed together talking quietly in the dim lamplight. An open bottle of champagne sat on their bedside table with two half-empty glasses next to it.

The windows were open and a soft breeze wafted through the room, carrying the scent of new mown grasses and honeysuckle from their private patio. They both wanted light and air to fill their bedroom and had agreed that their bedroom curtains would be of the softest, most diaphanous material possible. They had picked out white La Scala silk, which now floated softly inward on the gentle wind.

Elijah sat straddling Sean’s hips smiling down at him as Sean’s huge hands moved slowly up and down the length of Elijah’s thighs.

“You’ve changed so much,” Sean murmured, sensuously sliding his palms against the firm muscles. “You were so tiny when we first met, like a bird. Now, look at you.”

“We taking a walk down memory lane tonight?” Elijah asked, grinning, his hands gently cradling Sean’s ribcage. “That was fifteen years ago, Sean. You’ve changed too, you know.” He smiled and slid his hands slowly up Sean’s chest until they covered both pectorals then just as slowly slid them back. “There’s a bit of grey in those chest hairs, Astin,” Elijah observed mildly.

“There’s a bit of grey in other places too,” Sean replied, his eyes closed in pleasure.

“Oh, yeah?” Elijah said, his grin broadening. “I hadn’t noticed.” He looked pointedly down to where their genitals lay resting, half-erect, against Sean’s abdomen.

“I meant the hair on my HEAD, duffus!” Sean said with a soft smile. He grasped Elijah’s hips, letting his thumb slide softly over the inked skin of his tattoo. “Ever thought about having that removed?”

“Nah! Why would I?”

Sean shrugged. “So it wouldn’t… remind you?” he replied hesitantly.

Elijah smiled and leaned forward until he was lying full length on top of Sean, touching toes to chest. “I wanted to remember,” Elijah whispered. “I wanted to think of it every single day. I couldn’t bear to lose even one moment no matter how much the memory hurt me.”

Sean’s arms tightened around Elijah’s back and their lips met in a long, intoxicating kiss that left them both trembling. Elijah sucked in a quick breath as the burgeoning hardness of his erection rubbed seductively against Sean’s. He heard Sean whimper as he arched like a cat to meet Elijah’s body.

Elijah rocked against him, his hips moving in slow, insistent circles as their lips merged in a long, lingering kiss. “I love you,” Elijah whispered against Sean’s mouth. “I love you so much.” His tongue slid against Sean’s in a soft, wet caress.

Sean moaned again and again as they rocked together in a rhythmic swaying motion. Mindlessly, he lifted his hips to Elijah’s thrusting body, overwhelmed by desire. “Closer,” he whimpered. “Jesus, Elijah… closer. More.. oh god, don’t stop!”

“Never,” Elijah panted. “Never fucking stop. Never!” His body writhed against Sean’s, crying out now with each rhythmic push. He clenched his teeth as he felt Sean’s body begin to tense and his own climax building… becoming all consuming… taking his mind, his body, all that he was. “Seanie,” he ground out. “Jesus, Sean! Oh god! Soon!”

“Hurry, baby!” Sean cried out, his back arched in unbelievable ecstasy. “Don’t sto… oh god, yes!.. there! now.. com... ahhh god!! Coming! Hurry!”

Elijah felt Sean’s fingers dig into his back as they both shuddered in ecstasy against each other’s bodies, gasping in short, harsh breaths of completion.

Lost in sensation, Elijah pressed his face to Sean’s neck, drawing in one quaking breath after another, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He smelled the sweet fragrance of the breezes gliding through their room combined with the even sweeter fragrance of his lover’s body. At last he let out a deep sigh of contentment. “Jesus,” he said hoarsely, lifting his head to gaze, bleary-eyed, at Sean. “We sure to fuck know how to baptize a room.”

Sean smiled and clasped Elijah’s face between his palms. “I love you, Elwood,” he murmured, his thumbs gently caressing the soft skin under Elijah’s eyes.

“And I love you,” Elijah said, sliding off him to lie by his side. He reached to the nightstand beside him and grabbed a towel that he had placed there earlier. He used one end to wipe himself clean, then swabbed Sean’s body with the other.

“Gay sex can be so messy,” Sean observed, grinning.

“Yeah, but it’s still fun,” Elijah said, tossing the towel in the general direction of their bathroom. “Now grab that comforter and pull it up here. We need to get some sleep. We have all that damn kitchen stuff to put away tomorrow. GOD, I hate moving!”

Sean tucked the comforter around them both and snuggled Elijah against his body. “Give me a nice wake-up call in the morning, and I’ll do the kitchen myself while you unpack up here.”

“Yeah?” Elijah replied, in a sleepy voice. “Sounds like I really get the best of that deal… so, yeah. Count me in.” He yawned cavernously. “Sweet dreams, baby.”

“Well, they will be NOW.”


When Sean’s eyes blinked open the following morning, Elijah was nowhere to be found. He stretched, and reached to the foot of the bed for his cutoffs, then rose and wandered downstairs in search of his lover. “Hey!” he said from the top of the stairs, loving how his voice echoed in their huge great room. “Wasn’t I supposed to get an extra special wakeup today?”

He heard Elijah’s voice coming from the dining room, and wove his way there dodging numerous boxes, some opened and half empty, which were stacked in each room. Elijah stood before the dining room windows clad only in a pair of sweats. His cell phone was plastered to his ear. He glanced up as Sean entered and put his finger to his lips, asking for silence.

Sean drew up a chair and sat down. He made a shrugging, questioning gesture with his arms, miming his curiosity about Elijah’s phone call, which elicited a soft giggle and another hand gesture, pleading for quiet.

After a few moments of non-committal conversation punctuated by several nods and ‘Uh-huh’s’, Elijah hung up. He turned to Sean and pulled up a chair beside him, his face alight with a roguish grin. “Guess WHAT!” he said with the smugly superior air of someone who is definitely ‘in the know’.

“I haven’t a clue,” Sean said. “But I DO know this is NOT how I was supposed to wake up!”

“Sean, that was Martin. Remember that script we looked at about the life of John Hersey?” he asked coyly.

“I do remember it,” Sean said. “Are they going to do the movie? Or more to the point, have you agreed to do the movie?”

“I’m giving it very, VERY serious consideration,” Elijah said, still grinning broadly.

“OK, Elwood, I give,” Sean said finally. “What the hell’s going on here? Why are you grinning like the fucking Cheshire Cat?”

“Guess who they want as director?” Elijah asked, arching his eyebrows.

“WHO?” Sean asked. “PJ? Viggo? Who, Elijah?”

Elijah leaned toward him slowly, smiling, obviously relishing the chance to reveal his surprise in his own good time. His lips brushed against Sean’s briefly, then in the softest possible voice he whispered against Sean’s lips: “You, that’s who.”

Sean felt as though he’d been hit by lightning. Stunned, he stared into Elijah’s grinning face uncomprehendingly. “What?” he said, dazed. “WHO?”

Elijah leaned back slowly, his face alight with happiness. He felt sure that it would crack wide open if his smile got any bigger. The look on Sean’s face said it all. He had never dreamt such an offer would come to him. Never felt he was good enough or worthy enough. But now it had. And Elijah’s heart nearly burst in his chest.

“YOU, that’s who!” he said again, grabbing Sean’s hands. “The producers called Martin and asked for you specifically.”

“Elijah, that was just to make you happy,” Sean said slowly. He felt a stirring of elation in his chest, but forced it down, willing himself to move slowly. He would not accept this position if it had been offered because of his relationship with Elijah. “They don’t really want ME,” he said in a low voice. “They want you and they figure that’s a way to sweeten the deal.”

“Yes they DO want you!” Elijah told him. “They know nothing about our relationship. They just knew we were friends. The producers saw the history series you directed for TV and asked if I might be able to persuade you to direct the film. They loved what you did in those shows. They said it is the exact blending of reality and mythology that they want to convey in the movie!”

“They DIDN’T want you because of me. They wanted me to GET you for them!” He laughed aloud at the stunned expression on Sean’s face. “YOU!” he said, in a choked voice.

Sean clasped Elijah’s hand tightly, a dawning happiness growing in his eyes… taking his breath. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he said softly, reaching up to touch Elijah’s face with trembling fingers.

“You,” Elijah whispered.

“To direct… you,” Sean said. His voice was filled with quiet awe. “My God, Lij, I can’t believe it.”

“Believe it,” Elijah told him. “They want to meet with both of us next week. What’s going on at the station? Can you get away for a couple months if need be?”

Sean grinned. “I’ve done most of the hard work already. All that’s left is a bit of minor editing, and then to air the shows. I shouldn’t have any problems getting away for that long. It can only be good for them if I do a successful movie.”

“And speaking of that,” Elijah added. “They asked me to tell you that, if you’re interested…” he paused, “… and I assume you are…”

Sean gave him a look of shocked incredulity. “Are you kidding?”

Elijah laughed. “They said you should start thinking about who you’d want for staff and on the crew.”

“Oh my god,” Sean breathed, still not believing it. “I’m still asleep. I’m still dreaming! This can’t be happening.”

“You’re wide awake,” Elijah assured him. “And it IS happening…” he hesitated, then grinned again. “…boss.”

“Boss, is it?” Sean said, hauling Elijah across his lap, where he pressed him close to his chest. “The boss would like to discuss the little matter of my wakeup call. If you can’t take direction any better than THAT…. well, I just don’t know.” He shook his head in mock dismay.

Elijah scowled. “Yeah, that’s bad. We may have to re-shoot that scene several times I’m afraid.”

Sean pressed his face to Elijah’s throat. He took a deep shuddering breath, then slowly let it out. As he did he looked up at Elijah, his face glowing with joy. “Thank you,” he whispered, then kissed him softly, briefly. It was almost a husband’s kiss.


They managed to get most of the boxes unpacked that day, assisted by Mack and Ally, who showed up together later that morning. Sean told them about being offered the director’s chair for Elijah’s movie and the gathering immediately turned into a celebration.

Mackenzie hefted Sean into the air, and spun him around. “Incredible!” he whooped, grinning and kissing Sean’s cheek. Then he sat him down and placed both hands on his shoulders. “You deserve this,” Mack told him in a low voice. “You deserve it more than anyone.”

Sean blinked back sudden tears and hugged his brother. “Thanks, buddy,” he murmured, then turned to embrace his daughter who was just releasing Elijah from a joyous hug.

“Daddy, how wonderful!” she said, hugging him tight. She leaned back and looked at her father, shaking her head silently. “I’m - I’m - I’m speechless,” she said.

“Well if it can do THAT it’s more than an opportunity,” her father muttered, “it’s a downright miracle!”

They all laughed and toasted Sean with orange juice that Elijah poured for them. “To the director!” Elijah offered happily, lifting his glass.

“Hey, it’s not official yet. I haven’t even talked with them,” Sean cautioned. “Let’s not jump to too many conclusions.”

“Hoist your glass, Astin,” Elijah laughed, nudging Sean’s glass higher. “You’ve got the job if you want it… and I do believe you want it. Right?”

They all clinked glasses and Sean’s glowing eyes met Elijah’s. ‘Thank you,’ he mouthed silently.

Elijah’s head shook slowly. “Don’t thank me. It was your work directing that history series on television that made them want you.”

The celebration wound down, and they turned to the many boxes that were left to unpack. Ally, Sean, and Elijah started with the kitchen while Mackenzie went to the guesthouse to begin organizing it in preparation for Gabrielle’s arrival. She had shipped most of her belongings, and Mack began unpacking and putting them away, hoping that she’d like the way he was setting up her new home.

As they stored dishes and pans in the various cupboards, Sean turned to Ally. “How’s Elizabeth?”

“Obnoxious,” Ally said without missing a beat.

“Ally, please,” Elijah said, taking a glass from her hand and setting it in the cupboard. “Be nice. She’s young and upset... and I didn’t help matters any.”

“You tried to help because you didn’t like seeing me upset and hurt,” Sean told him, hugging him with a strong arm. “Stop beating yourself up over it.”

“Daddy, she doesn’t WANT to see the truth. She’d rather be self righteous and belligerent. It fits in with her ‘drama queen’ image.”

Sean sighed. “Your mother and I have decided to send her to counseling,” he said quietly.

Elijah shot him a quick glance. It was the first he’d heard of this and he was somewhat surprised. He started to comment, then quickly reined himself in. ‘This isn’t my business,’ he thought unhappily. ‘I’m staying out of it this time.’

Sean reached to touch his hair. “Chris and I discussed this last night on the phone,” he told Elijah. “Sorry. I didn’t get the chance to tell you.”

“No, no,” Elijah assured him, smiling gently. “You’re her parents. It’s for you to decide. I have no say in it.” He patted Sean’s shoulder and turned toward the door leading outside. “I’m gonna go check on Mack and see if he needs any help.”

Sean watched him walk out, a thoughtful frown darkening his handsome face… then he sighed and turned to Ally. “God, I hate this,” he said bitterly. “He doesn’t deserve to be treated that way.”

“Lizzie’s being a spoiled brat,” Ally said, matter-of-factly. “What she needs is a swift kick in the ass.”

Sean pondered his eldest daughter solemnly for a moment then sat down on a high stool. “Ally, I’ve got an idea. Something I’d like to do at the Fellowship reunion, and I’d like your thoughts on it.”

She turned to him at once. “What is it, Daddy?”

He stared at her for another long moment. The thoughts he was pondering came from the innermost recesses of his heart. He wondered, momentarily, if Ally would be willing to accept what he was about to say, then took a deep breath and spoke.

“Ally, I’m thinking of asking Elijah to…,” he took another deep breath. “… marry me.”

“Daddy!” Alexandra squealed. “Really marry you?! Really legally marry you?”

“Well, no,” Sean said. “Not a civil ceremony. I mean more of a commitment ceremony. One we’d hold at the ‘Fellowship’ reunion.”

His daughter stared at him in such stunned surprise that Sean was forced to grin at her. “Have I shocked you?”

“No, Daddy, not really.” She sat down on the stool across from Sean’s. “But if you’re going to do it, why not have the whole legal thing done? Even if it isn't recognized in every state yet… it’s still marriage.”

Sean shook his head. “No,” he said. “To me, that’s what heterosexual couples do. That’s not who we are. I want something unique to us. Besides, baby, I don’t want that kind of publicity for Elijah. It could harm his career. His publicists are unhappy enough about the fact that we’re even living together. We always try to be totally discreet, and I’ll never flaunt our relationship, but they still don’t like it.” He glanced across at Ally and sighed again. “I know they’ve tried to talk him into getting his own place.”

“Daddy!” Ally protested. “I can’t believe it! What did Uncle Elijah say?”

Sean gave her a look of disbelief. “Well, what do you THINK he said?”

Ally laughed. “Fuck off?”

Sean tried to frown at Ally’s language, but had to grin instead. “Actually I don’t think he was that polite. But yeah, that was pretty much it.”

“Who’d perform the ceremony?” Ally asked, obviously excited.

“Well,” Sean said, feeling a blush creeping over his cheeks. “I was actually thinking of Viggo, or maybe Ian… or both.”

Ally took his hand. “Daddy, if it’s my blessing you’re looking for, you’ve got it. You know I love Uncle Elijah… always have. I know how much you love him… and how much he loves you.”

Sean squeezed her hand. He felt his eyes burning and quickly looked away, trying to compose himself. “Thanks, baby,” he whispered. Then he glanced her way again. “Ally? Do you think your mom would be upset by it?”

“Do you care?” Ally asked him bluntly. “It’s your life, Daddy.”

Sean frowned. “Of course I care!” he said heavily. “I care very much, Ally.”

Ally grinned at him. “I know you care about Momma. But, Daddy, you can’t let that be a consideration if this is really something you want to do. You have to think about what you and Elijah want.” Then, seeing the concern in her father’s face, she smiled. “Truthfully? I think Momma will be delighted. Didn’t she encourage you to find Elijah in the first place?”

Sean nodded. “Yeah,” he said, gazing thoughtfully out the window to the guesthouse where Elijah had gone to help Mack. “She did.” He turned back to Ally. “Now all I have to do is convince Elijah.”

“Do you think he’ll need convincing?” Ally responded, giggling.

Sean looked back toward the guesthouse. “I’m not sure,” he murmured.

Ally shook her head and then got up and went back to unpacking dishes. “Now you’re being silly,” she told him knowingly. “He’ll be all for it!”

Sean moved to start unpacking the next box. As he stacked dishes and bowls in the cupboard, he glanced again toward the guesthouse. “I hope you’re right,” he said.

Sean wasn’t all that convinced that Elijah would actually be in favor of some kind of half-assed marriage ritual, which was how Sean tended to see his ‘commitment ceremony’ idea. He might be in favor of the more legally binding civil union that was now available to gay couples in many states, including California.

But for Sean, this wasn’t an option he was willing to consider as yet. Along with the worry that it might damage Elijah’s career, there was an emotional component that he simply couldn’t ignore. Sean and Christine had been married in a civil ceremony, and he couldn’t see himself taking the same kind of vows with Elijah that he’d shared with her. The very idea felt, somehow, wrong to him. He wanted something totally unique for him and Elijah. He wanted any union they entered into to be an unprecedented experience in his life, not merely a duplication of something he’d already done with someone else.

“You gonna propose to him?” Ally asked, grinning. “On one knee maybe?” She winked at him as she pulled glasses from a box.

Her father scowled in her direction. “Just unpack your box,” he grumbled, embarrassed. “Leave the proposing to me.”

Ally returned to her cupboard, still giggling. But her question had raised new issues in her father’s ever-questioning mind.

‘Propose?’ Sean thought anxiously. ‘I guess I would need to say SOMETHING! But WHAT?’ He stopped, frozen in place with a plate raised halfway to the cupboard. ‘And what if he said ‘NO’?’


By the time Mack and Ally left that evening, the guestroom was unpacked and beautifully arranged. They had also unpacked and put away everything left in the kitchen and dining room boxes. Sean and Elijah were officially moved in!

“When does Gabrielle arrive?” Ally asked as her father and Elijah walked her and Mack to the car.

“I pick her up at LAX tomorrow,” Elijah said happily.

“I just hope she likes the guest-house,” Sean worried for the hundredth time that day. “It’s not all that big.”

“It’s actually bigger than the apartment she had in Paris,” Elijah told him, punching gently at his shoulder. “Stop your fretting, fer fuck’s sake!”

“Ha!” Mack laughed from the other side of the car. “Fat chance of THAT happening!” He opened the driver’s door and waved. “See you two this weekend. Keep me informed about the ‘Fellowship’ reunion. I’d like to pop in long enough to say ‘hello’ anyway.”

“You might want to plan to stay longer than that Uncle Mack,” Ally said with an impish grin. “I hear it’s going to be quite the event!”

Sean shot her a threatening grimace and teasingly shook his fist at her behind Elijah’s back. Catching the motion, Elijah turned and looked at him questioningly, but Sean merely grinned and looped his arm around Elijah’s neck. As they walked back to the house, Elijah’s arm snuck around Sean’s waist.

“We’re finally moved in!” he crowed. “God, I’m glad that’s over with. I NEVER want to move again!”

Sean kissed his cheek as they approached the door. “Well god knows I don’t ever want you to move again,” he murmured, “unless I’m coming with you.”

His unconscious use of Sam’s phrase brought a smile to Elijah’s lips as they walked together into the great room and fell onto their white leather couch. Sean turned sideways and pulled Elijah back against his chest, snuggling him. “What’s on the agenda for this week?”

“Well, tomorrow I pick Gabrielle up, of course, so we can get her settled. Then Friday we’re meeting with Martin and the two producers about “Witness to History’. You remember them don’t you? We’ve talked about them… David Blaine and Harlow DeHararra.” He glanced toward Sean, his eyes rolling backwards, trying to see him. “You mentally ready for this?”

“Yes,” Sean said decisively. “I’m fine with it.” His arms tightened around Elijah’s body. “But if I’m going to do this movie, I need to get shooting schedules decided fairly quickly so I can work out something with the TV station.”

Elijah nodded. “We’ll make that our top priority.” He turned a bit more toward Sean. “And what do you mean, if?” he asked, wrapping an arm around his neck. “No if about it, mister!”

Sean leaned into his kiss, his arms tightening around Elijah, turning him until he was sprawled on top of Sean, pressing his full length against Sean’s body. “Mmmmm…,” Sean moaned, deepening the kiss as their bodies seemed to melt into each other. “Right you are,” he murmured between kisses. “Though, frankly, at the moment, movies are the last thing on my mind.”


Sean remained at home while Elijah went to pick Gabrielle up from her long flight from Paris. He knew that she was overjoyed to be coming to America. It was a dream come true for her that she was able to continue as Elijah’s housekeeper as she had for many years in Paris. He knew that she liked him. But Elijah and she had a special relationship, and Sean wanted their reunion to be a private one.

He admired the flower arrangements they had ordered for Gabrielle’s new home, and nodded with satisfaction as he gazed around the guesthouse. It looked cozy and welcoming. Elijah and Mackenzie had done a superb job.

For the next couple of hours he worked fretfully at his desk, compiling and going over several long lists. One was for shooting ‘In the Light of Truth’, the historical series he was directing at the TV station. He arranged the editing schedule and assigned staff to each session. He would join them whenever possible, but trusted his assistant director to follow the storyboards they had created without his supervision. He wanted the movie to be his top priority.

The other lists were to be presented at the ‘Witness to History’ meeting that was happening two days from now. There was a long list of people he wanted as crew members for the shoot if he were actually given the director’s position. Some were people he had met while shooting ‘Lord of the Rings’, several were people who had worked with him on various other projects, and a few were people he’d never met but whose reputation for excellence was well known in the industry.

Then there was also a shorter list of ideas he had developed for the story itself. He had yet to see the screenplay, but since the day he learned that he was being considered as director for the film he had done extensive research on John Hersey’s life and times. And in typical Sean fashion he had made copious notes.

Though he had said nothing to Elijah, Sean was profoundly nervous about the prospect of directing him in this movie. Much more so than he would have felt were he directing anyone else. The prospect of failure was daunting enough, but the prospect of failure with Elijah as the lead actor in the film caused Sean’s stomach to clench and ice water to wash through his veins in a glacial torrent. He was determined to be as fully prepared for this job as was humanly possible… and maybe a bit more.

He was still bent over his lists when he heard the car horn blow, and a few minutes later Elijah walked in with Gabrielle in tow. She ran to Sean and embraced him, weeping. Sean could tell from her red eyes that she’d been doing quite a lot of weeping, and when he glanced over her shoulder at Elijah, his lover rolled his eyes teasingly and shook his head.

“How wonderful to see you, Gabrielle!” Sean said, hugging her again. “We’ve missed you so much!”

“Thank you so much, Mister Sean, for letting me come here to look after both of you. I am so happy.” She hugged him again, and Sean returned her embrace with real affection.

“Hey, you haven’t seen your house yet! Let us show you!”

“No, sir,” she insisted, the sounds of her French accent tickling Sean’s ears. “First I want to see this house, and most of all, the kitchen, and then I will be fixing your lunch!”

Sean and Elijah both insisted that she not begin fixing meals for them on her very first day here, and walked her to her new home. They watched anxiously as she looked around, touching the furniture, admiring the flowers, and gazing out the windows at the lovely view of the hills beyond. Finally she turned. “It is so perfect!” she exclaimed, beaming at them both. “I love this house. I will be most happy here.”

Elijah set her suitcase on the bed. “Here are your things,” he said. “The rest of your stuff is already put away. Mr. Sean’s brother and I did it so it would all be ready for you. But you feel free to move things wherever you want them. Just settle in, and later Mr. Sean and I are going to make dinner for YOU to welcome you home.” He hugged her tight.

They left her and walked back to the main house arm in arm. “I’m so glad we did this, Sean,” Elijah said, squeezing his arm, and laying his cheek against Sean’s shoulder. “She would have been lonely in Paris. I was really all she had.”

“It’s a perfect arrangement,” Sean said, kissing the top of his head. “I love having her here.”


Within a day or two, it seemed as though Gabrielle had always been with them. They had wondered, privately, if having another person living in such close proximity to them would feel awkward. Sean found this thought especially worrisome even though Gabrielle's guesthouse was situated on the opposite side of the grounds from their bedroom.

“You think she can hear us?” he whispered to Elijah that night, peering anxiously out their patio door into the night.

“Sean, she's half-a-mile away!” Elijah said, laughing and punching his shoulder playfully. “Would you please stop?”

“I dunno, babe,” Sean said doubtfully. “You're pretty loud.”

Elijah pondered this for a moment, then sighed and shrugged. “Well, that's it then. I guess we can only have sex when she's out of town.”

Sean laughed and clutched Elijah close, rolling on top of him, pressing him hard against the mattress with his full weight. “Fat fucking chance,” he growled against Elijah's neck. “I'd rather give up breathing. Let her hear.”

“My thoughts exactly!” Elijah murmured happily.


They rose early Friday morning to dress for their meeting with the ‘Witness To History’ producers. Sean was nervous and trying desperately not to show it, without a lot of success. He went over his papers four times before putting them into his briefcase, and twice afterward. Elijah saw him wearing at least three different ties before he finally settled on a business-like navy blue with gray stripes.

Elijah wisely remained silent during these contortions, but when Sean began to cast a dubious eye on his tie yet again, he decided that enough was enough. “Sean, the tie is fine! In fact I’d say it’s damned near perfect.”

“You don’t think maybe the gray one?” Sean said unhappily.

Elijah sighed and sat his fork aside. They were in the kitchen and Elijah, at Gabrielle’s urging, was attempting to eat breakfast. “Seanie, you had the gray one on five minutes ago, then changed it for this one.”

“Yeah, but maybe…” Sean began, pawing at his tie.

Elijah sighed again. He stood and walked to where Sean stood at the kitchen counter, and pulled his hands away from the offending tie. “Stop this. You’re driving yourself nuts for no good reason. You look fantastic and they’re going to love you.”

“You don’t think…” Sean stammered.

“No!” Elijah said, laughing. “I don’t think you need a different tie, a different suit, or a different anything. I think you need to relax.”

“Mister Sean, come eat a bit of breakfast,” Gabrielle coaxed. “I’ve made eggs for you.”

Sean moaned. “Oh, god, Gabby.. I couldn’t eat.”

She shot Elijah a wide-eyed, questioning look and he laughed in response, shaking his head. “Never mind, Gabby. He’s hopeless this morning. He’s as nervous as a bridegroom.”

Sean glowered at the floor and mumbled, “I’m NOT nervous. I just wanna look professional.”

Gabrielle and Eljah exchanged a knowing glance, but said nothing. Elijah took his arm and guided him toward the door. “Time to go.”

Sean glanced at him as he was moved along. “Thought I was the director around here.”

Elijah shook his head. “Not today.”

The ‘Witness To History’ producers had an office in one of the many highrise buildings dotting downtown Los Angeles. In the elevator on the way to the 15th floor, Sean remembered being in this building to sign a contract for a movie long ago. He wondered which one it had been, and vaguely hoped it had been successful, thinking irrationally that if it had been, his success at this meeting was much more likely. “Jesus,” he whispered in self disgust.

“Huh?” Elijah responded. “You OK?”

“I’m not sure,” Sean told him, grabbing his briefcase as the doors opened. Then seeing Elijah’s look of alarm, he smiled. “I’m fine,” He said, patting Elijah’s arm. “Just indulging in a bit of irrational thinking.”

“Ah!” Elijah said, not understanding, but nodding anyway. “Here’s their office.” He pushed open the door and greeted his agent who was waiting for them in the small anteroom. “They here?” he asked, shaking hands with Martin.

“Waiting inside,” Martin told him. He turned to Sean. “How you doing?”

Sean shrugged nonchalantly. “Fine!”

Elijah snickered quietly, then turned to the inner office door. “Let’s not keep them waiting.”

They entered and Martin made introductions all around. The producers, David and Harlow, were in their mid-thirties. They seemed thoroughly in awe of Eljiah, but grinned with unabashed delight when introduced to Sean. “Goonies!” David cried. “Who’d ever have believed that one day I’d actually be shaking hands with Mikey! I love that movie!”

Sean shot Elijah a quick, surprised glance, then turned to the producer, hand outstretched. “Sean Astin,” Sean said quietly. “Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Didn’t know folks were still watching that one.”

“You kidding?” Harlow said happily, holding out his hand in turn. “It’s a classic!”

Elijah giggled softly at the inadvertent reference to Sean’s age, and took a seat, ignoring Sean’s frown.

“Let’s all sit down and chat,” David said. “We’re both very interested in your ideas for the movie.”

As they got into the discussion, Sean realized quickly that in spite of their youthful appearance, the two men knew their stuff. It was clear that they had studied both Elijah’s work and Sean’s and could speak knowledgably about both their careers. It was also clear after only a half-hour’s discussion that the two young men understood making movies. Sean had been out of the business for quite a few years, but Elijah had recognized their names at once as producers of several very well thought of motion pictures. Their past movies had not been major productions, but they had received critical acclaim and had a modest, and even impressive in one case, track record at the box office.

They listened silently as Sean outlined his thoughts on the film’s direction, and they received his list of suggestions for both screen play and crew without comment. Sean’s hands were trembling slightly and he glanced sideways at Elijah, wishing the producers would say something that let him know where he stood. It was clear they wanted Elijah in the starring role. But they had not spoken definitively as yet about wanting Sean as director.

He had never been sure of his place in Hollywood. Childhood insecurities and a poor self-image had haunted him for all his years as an actor. Even his stunning successes in “Goonies”, “Rudy”, and “Lord of the Rings” had not bolstered his confidence much beyond a grudging self-acceptance and willingness to admit that at times he wasn’t ‘half bad’ at what he did.

His work in educational TV had provided him with a new world to inhabit and a smaller pond to swim in. He was comfortable with his position as chief to a much smaller and more specialized group of artists, and he was proud of the work he’d done there. This new opportunity had brought him back to a world where he had never felt truly accepted. All the old insecurities now threatened to overwhelm him. He was afraid to speak out to these producers on his own behalf, and he was ashamed of his fear.

He was far from certain that the offer to direct hadn’t been simply a ruse to insure Elijah’s participation. To be rejected now, with Elijah sitting here beside him, would be a humiliation he was sure he couldn’t endure. He squirmed in his seat, unsure of what he would or should do if they said no word to him about their previous offer.

After an hour’s conversation the two young producers turned to Martin and asked him when Elijah’s contract could be finalized. Elijah shot a protective look at Sean and started to speak, then hesitated when he saw Sean quickly shake his head.

“Sean…” Elijah began quietly.

“Don’t. Elijah, don’t.”

“Excuse me,” Elijah said, interrupting the three men. “When do we talk about Sean’s role in the movie?” He looked at Sean. “There’s no way I’ll ignore this.”

”His role?” David asked in confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean, Elijah. His role is director.”

“But…” Sean stammered. “Since you never said anything...”

“Oh god!” Harlow said quickly. “I thought it was understood that we want you to direct. But when you didn’t bring an agent with you, I assumed you wanted to wait until your agency contacted us before confirming. When we saw ‘In the Light of Truth’ on WGBN we knew immediately you were the director we wanted. I simply wasn’t sure how much you wanted to discuss here today. Certainly, you have the job if you want it, Mr. Astin.”

Sean and Elijah exchanged a quick, overjoyed glance, then Sean turned to the producers. “It’s Sean,” he said firmly, sticking out his hand. “And I definitely want it. What about my list of suggestions for the screenplay and the crew assignments?”

“We’ll get right on them, Mr…. er.. I mean, Sean,” replied Harlow, shaking Sean’s hand. “I don’t know if we can get all the people on your list but we’ll certainly try. Do you want to call any of them personally?”

“Yes,” Sean said, trying not to let his elation show. “I’ll call many of them myself, but I’d appreciate a call from you as well.”

David smiled. “You can count on it, Sean. Can you meet with us here in say… a week? We want to start lining up studio time and could use your expertise and connections to make that happen.”

Sean nodded and jotted the date for the next meeting down in his schedule book. “That date works fine for me. And gentlemen?”

They both looked at him expectantly. “Finding a casting director is our top priority. We need to get other cast members lined up, and especially the female lead.” Directors of photography, lighting, and costume are next on the list.”

“We’ll be working on it, Sean,” David assured him.

There were handshakes all around, then Sean, Elijah and Martin walked out of the office. Sean could barely contain himself until they got in the elevator. The moment the doors closed he whooped and grabbed Elijah in a bear hug, lifting him off his feet and spinning him around before kissing him soundly.

“We did it! It’s happening!!” Sean cried buoyantly. “My god I had a scared moment or two in there.”

“Sean, you need to get an agent,” Martin told him. “It would have saved a lot of confusion today if you’d had representation.”

“Why don't you represent him, Martin!” Elijah urged.

Martin looked at Sean with questioning, raised eyebrows.

Sean shrugged. “Fine by me. I haven’t had an agent in years.”

Martin slapped him on the back as the elevator doors opened. “I’ll send a contract around tomorrow, Sean. See both of you in a few days.”

They waved him on his way, and as they walked to their car talked over what happened at the meeting. “You weren’t going to let it pass were you?” Sean said, putting an arm around his shoulder and hugging him.

Elijah crowded him, nudging Sean a bit off balance so that he had to tighten his arm to steady himself. “No,” Elijah said emphatically. “I wasn’t about to let it pass. After everything you put yourself through to prepare?”

“And I have to tell you, Astin," he continued, "once you knew you had the job, you certainly sounded like a director! ‘These are our top priorities!’” he mimicked. “Very impressive!”

“I hope I’m just as impressive when we start the shoot.”

“You will be!”

Sean hugged Elijah again and tried to believe in his words, but nagging doubt gnawed at him. To direct a flop would be bad enough. But to direct a flop starring Elijah? Who had just won TWO Academy Awards? There could BE no other reason for such an occurrence except… the director!

He could see it was going to be a long, long fall.

- TBC -

time after time, story

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