FIC: Time After Time (Part Two) - Sean and Elijah

Dec 20, 2006 09:13

Many, many thanks to tarnishedhalo and her amazing talent.
She aged our beloved boys 10 years for the photos used in 'Time After Time'.

Title: 'Time After Time' (Part Two of Seven)
Author: Rakshi ( )
Rating: Overall: NC-17. This section: NC-17
Pairing: Sean Astin/Elijah Wood
Summary: They've settled into Sean's small apartment and are adjusting to their new life. But now come the complications: Sean's children, Elijah's career, financial decisions. Can they find the serenity they seek?

Author's Notes: As always, heartfelt thanks to lbilover. Her suggestions and amazing insights make me a MUCH better writer. This story owes her a lot.

'Time After Time' is the third and last part of a three part series. In the first story, ' Time', Sean and Elijah were reunited after a ten year separation. In the second story of the series, ' Time To Be Us', they determined the course of their future together. And now in 'Time After Time', we see that future come to fruition.

Time After Time Part One

Disclaimer: This story is a work of satirical fantasy about public figures. It is completely fictional. I make no assertions about the actual private life or the sexual orientation of any person mentioned in this work.

- Time After Time Part Two -

Time after time
I tell myself that I’m
So lucky to be loving you

So lucky to be
The one you run to see
In the evening, when the day is through

I only know what I know
The passing years will show
You’ve kept my love so young, so new

And time after time
You’ll hear me say that I’m
So lucky to be loving you

The weekend arrived too quickly. Sean had spoken to Chris and Ally, and had been assured by both of them that Elizabeth was coming over on Saturday with her two sisters. From all reports, she seemed to be, if not happy, at least resigned to the situation between her father and Elijah. Ally felt sure that she would eventually soften and accept Elijah as her father’s partner. They had planned a stay-at-home dinner, which Sean and Elijah were cooking, followed by movies.

Elijah changed clothes five times on the day of the girls’ visit. He continually ran to Sean to model different shirts, begging for opinions and suggestions. Sean had never seen him so nervous. “Will you relax!” he said finally, after approving shirt selection number four. “It’s not like you need their approval. You’ve got the job.”

“I want them to LIKE me!” Elijah moaned.

“Number one,” Sean said, dragging Elijah down to the couch beside him, “two-thirds of them DO like you! And number two, I doubt that the one-third who has her doubts will have them allayed because you’re wearing the striped shirt instead of the blue one.” He snuggled Elijah close. “I, on the other hand, am VERY susceptible to what you’re wearing. What ever happened to that little transparent number? You know. The one from that sexy picture?”


“Just asking!”

“This is serious! ” Elijah said, jumping up. He looked down at his clothing and frowned. “I don’t like this t-shirt. Too.. dark.” He stalked back to the bedroom and Sean quietly threw in the towel.

Chris drove Elizabeth and Isabella to the apartment. Ally was coming a bit later in her own car. Sean greeted Chris and the girls in the living room while Elijah hovered unobtrusively in the archway leading to the bedrooms, battling butterflies in his stomach that felt as huge as jumbo jets.

Isabella leaped onto Sean, squealing, and was spun and kissed exuberantly. Elizabeth’s greeting was more subdued, but her father welcomed her joyfully, lifting her up as he hugged her and kissed her cheek. He then turned to Chris and gave her a sedate hug. “Good to see you,” he told her, smiling. “Brought you something from Paris,” he said, pointing to a small package sitting on the end table.

“Sean, you didn’t have to!” she said beaming.. “Where’s…” she began, then stopped as she spotted him standing shyly in the doorway. She immediately left Sean and walked to Elijah. “Hey there!” she said brightly. “Good to see you, Lij!” She hugged him gently and whispered into his ear. “Courage, kiddo.”

Elijah returned her hug gratefully. “Chris, it really is good to see you.”

Chris leaned back, but kept both Elijah’s hands in hers. “I’m so glad you’re with him,” she said softly. “He needs you, Elijah.”

Elijah ducked his head, feeling hot tears burn his eyes. Then he lifted it and looked straight into Chris’s eyes, letting her see the emotion overflowing in his. 'I owe her this,' he thought. ‘This, and a lot more.’

“And I need him,” he replied simply. “He’s my life.”

Chris nodded, as if satisfied, and tugged Elijah into the room by the hand. “Come say hello to your uncle Elijah,” she said to the girls. “He used to bounce you on his knee, Elizabeth. But I don’t believe he ever met you, Issy.”

Elijah half-stumbled forward, holding Chris’s hand. Sean moved to meet them with an arm around each of the girls. Isabella grinned up at him, looking so much like Sean that Elijah couldn’t help grinning back. “I just saw you at the Oscars!” she said excitedly. “You were GREAT in that movie. I saw it!”

“Thank you, Issy,” Elijah said, holding out his hand. “I’m glad you liked the movie. It was sort of a sad story though, don’t you think?”

“It was!” Isabella said. “Were you sad when you were making it?”

“At times,” Elijah said soberly. “They made me work so HARD!” he whined, pulling a face. Issy laughed delightedly, and shook his hand.

Then Elijah turned to Elizabeth, who stood quietly at her father’s side. “Hello, Elizabeth,” he said softly, holding out his hand to her in turn. “You were just a baby when I saw you last. You were pretty then, but you’re beautiful now.”

“Thank you,” she said in a flat voice. She hesitated before taking Elijah’s hand, but after a glance at both her parents, shook it briefly.

Sean moved to the couch with the two girls, and Chris turned to go. “Are you dropping them, Sean? I can pick them up if you’d rather.”

“No. Lij and I will drop them off later,” Sean told her. “Chris? Thanks.”

Elijah went to her and took her hand. “Won’t you stay for dinner? It’s not much,” he said, “and Sean and I cooked it so you’d best beware, but you’re welcome to stay.”

“Thank you, Elijah, but I must run.” She threw Elizabeth a glance, then kissed Elijah’s cheek. “See you later. Girls? Mind your father!”

Elijah handed her the gift they'd brought her from Paris and walked her to the door. “Jesus Christ, Chris, I’m terrified,” he confessed. He could hear Sean chatting with the girls and wondered briefly if he was equally nervous.

“Elijah, don’t be,” Chris told him firmly, taking the package from his hands. “Teenagers smell fear. It’s power to them. She has to respect you so don’t let her do otherwise.” She patted his cheek. “It’ll all be fine,” she said. "Thank you for this," she indicated the package. "I'll open it later."

After Chris was gone, Elijah re-entered the living room. Sean and the girls were on the couch, chatting. Issy was doing most of the talking, but Sean’s arm was around both girls, giving each equal attention. Elijah fell into the recliner, determined that he would not be cowed before Sean’s teenaged daughters.

Isabella asked him about Paris, and he was telling her the many ways it differed from Los Angeles when he heard the front door open and a feminine voice called, “Daddy? Uncle Lijah?? Where is everyone?”

“In here, honey,” Sean called.

Ally burst into the room carrying a huge bag of books. Elijah rushed to take the bag, setting it on the floor. In the next instant he had an armful of Sean’s oldest daughter, who hugged him exuberantly, squealing at the top of her lungs. “Uncle Lijah!! Oh my god, I never thought I’d see you again! I’ve missed you!”

Elijah hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. “My god, girl. You’ve grown up. You’re so beautiful!”

“Remember when I used to say I was going to marry you because you were so cute?” Ally teased.

Elijah hugged her with one arm, leading her to the couch where Sean was getting to his feet to greet her. “What I remember,” Elijah said, laughing, “is that you could never decide between me and Dom! He wore your silver washer for years!”

“Uncle Dommie’s a dear,” she said, then whispered: “But he’s not as cute as you. And now daddy’s gone and beaten my time!” Stunned, Elijah stared at her, unable to think of a response. But Ally didn’t appear to need one. Laughing, she embraced her father. “Hi daddy! How’s things?” As she hugged Sean she waved at her two sisters. Isabella stood to hug her, but Elizabeth turned her head, ignoring them.

Elijah picked up her book bag and gasped at its weight. “My god! What are you studying? Brain surgery?”

“Maybe in a couple years,” she said. “Those are chemistry books. God, it’s fucki… er.. sorry, Pop. It’s incredibly hard.”

“Anyone ready to eat?” Sean asked. “Lij and I fixed a fancy dish straight from Paris. Had to go to the Louvre for the recipe.”

“Sean,” Elijah protested, laughing. “We fixed spaghetti,” he said to the girls. “And the recipe is your dad’s.”

“And how do YOU know I didn’t get it from the Louvre?” Sean said teasingly to Elijah, reaching out to poke his ribs.

“Good guess?” Elijah replied, poking back. “When do we do presents? After dinner?”

“Ooooo!” Ally cooed. “Presents?”

“Presents!” Isabella chirped. “Oh, daddy! What did you bring me?”

“A pony,” Sean said seriously. “Had a bit of trouble getting it in my suitcase, so we stuffed it in Uncle Elijah’s trunk. It wasn’t bad ‘til the pony pooped and THEN all the people on the airplane started to complain! We had to drop it off with a parachute. I felt so sad,” he said, wiping his eyes. “Uncle Elijah actually cried.”

“Daddy!” Issy said reproachfully, walking into the dining room. “You’re so silly!”

“I’ll show you the trunk later,” Sean told her. “You could FIT a pony in that thing. Darn near broke Uncle Dommie’s back.” He bent and whispered to Isabella. “You can still smell the pony poop.”

Elijah followed them with Ally, both of them laughing at Sean’s antics, his arm around her waist. “It’s just so good to see you, honey. Thank you for your support. It means so much to both of us.”

“He’s been so lonely, Uncle Elijah,” she said too quietly for Sean to hear. “I’ve been worried about him.”

“He won’t be lonely anymore,” he said firmly, holding out her chair so she could sit. “I promise you.”

He heard a soft inhalation, and turned to see Elizabeth staring at him, evidently overhearing his remark to Ally. Elijah felt his stomach sink, but not knowing what else to do he turned and held out Elizabeth’s chair too. “Here you go, Elizabeth,” he said quietly. She took her seat without comment and sat staring at her plate.

Elijah walked to the island where Sean was dishing out spaghetti. “Oh god, Sean,” he murmured.

“What?” Sean said, alarmed by the tone of his voice. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Elijah said. “Just- just - nothing. I’m just nervous.”

Sean smiled at him. “Don’t be. I think it’s going great!” He started to wrap his arm around Elijah who jumped back, wide-eyed. Sean frowned. “What’s this?” he asked, obviously hurt. “Don’t act like that.”

“Sean, it’s just that Elizabeth…” he shook his head. “Let’s just eat. Please, Sean. We can talk later.” He quickly grabbed two plates of spaghetti and walked to the table, setting them in front of the girls. Sean followed him, carrying the rest of the plates.

Elizabeth was silent for most of the meal, only responding when Sean addressed her directly. Elijah was quiet as well. He was realizing with every passing minute how out of his element he was in dealing with Sean’s children. He silently blessed Ally and Isabella for their cheerful, animated chatter.

He caught Sean glancing at him several times, a look of undisguised worry on his face, and tried to reassure him with a smile. But Elijah’s heart felt like lead in his chest. He felt afraid even to smile too lovingly in Sean’s direction, worried that Elizabeth would see it and be more put off.

After dinner, Elijah and Ally cleared the table and filled the dishwasher while Sean took the younger girls into the living room. Ally chattered happily as they worked, and Elijah tried to respond in kind, but his heart wasn’t in it. When they finished, they joined the others.

“Time for presents!” Sean announced. Ally and Isabella cheered, and even Elizabeth smiled. “Lij?” Sean said. “Come help me?”

Once they were in the bedroom with the door closed, Sean turned to him. “What’s wrong? Did Lizzy say something to you?”

“No, no,” Elijah said. “I’m sorry, Sean. She overheard me saying something to Ally.”

“What did you say?”

Elijah sat on the bed, feeling miserable. “Ally said that you had been lonely, and I promised her that you’d never be lonely again.”

Relieved, Sean sat down beside him and took his hand. “And that’s what you’re worried about?”

“She looked at me like I was…,” he hesitated. “…an abomination.”

Sean gasped and grabbed Elijah’s arms. “Don’t EVER say that again. Don’t ever use that word again! We are not anything of the kind!” He took Elijah’s face between his hands and gazed into his eyes for a long moment. Then he kissed him tenderly. “Elizabeth will get over it,” he said finally. “Or she won’t. I’m beginning to think that Mack was right.”

“Sean, she’s just a kid. She’s had her mind poisoned by others. We just have to give it time.”

Sean snorted. “I’ll give her ‘time’ alright. Time grounded in her bedroom. And Chris will totally support me.” He stood and gathered up the gifts they’d bought for the girls. “I want to know at once if she ever treats you disrespectfully. You hear?”

“Yes, daddy,” Elijah said, grinning. “I feel better now. I’m sorry for being such a drama queen.”

“Let’s go play Santa,” Sean said, heading for the door.

They had bought each of the girls beautiful shawls and matching blouses, hand-made of finest Parisian silk. All three girls squealed their happiness and Sean, sitting on the couch surrounded by his lovely daughters, beamed.

Elijah laughed from the recliner, thinking that maybe things would be all right after all. After kissing Sean in thanks, Ally and Isabella ran to kiss his cheek as well. But Elizabeth turned to her father. “Thanks, daddy.”

“Thank Uncle Elijah too,” Sean said, smiling. “They’re from him as well.”

Elizabeth mumbled something under her breath and Sean leaned closer to her. “What did you say?” he asked, tipping her chin up so he could hear her.

“I said he’s not my uncle,” Elizabeth replied in a flat voice.

Sean frowned and started to speak, but Elijah quickly interrupted. “She’s right, Sean.” He turned to her and smiled. “Elizabeth, you’re right that I’m not your uncle. Please just call me Elijah if you like that better.”

“What I’d like is for you to go back to Paris and leave my dad alone,” she said with bitter sarcasm.

Ally and Isabella both gasped in shock, but Sean’s voice was the crack of a whip. “ELIZABETH!” he said instantly. “Shame on you! Apologize to Elijah at once!”

“I won’t!” she said defiantly. “My grammie told me about the two of you. What you are! It’s disgusting! Make him go away!” She pointed at Elijah. “I hate him!”

Sean got to his feet and stood over her silently. For a moment her eyes met his defiantly, then they slowly dropped before her father’s gaze. After a long moment, he spoke. His voice was low and perfectly calm. “Elizabeth, there is no possible excuse for your behavior. Your grandmother is wrong in the things she told you. Wrong to think that way. Wrong to speak that way. Elijah is part of my life now, and yours. You will apologize to him this instant or…”

“Sean!” Elijah blurted. “Wait! Please, wait!”

Sean turned to him, his eyes filled with pain. Elijah got up and went to him. “Don’t,” he begged in a low whisper. “Please don’t give her an ultimatum. Just take her home.” He saw tears glistening in Sean’s eyes, and reached up to touch his cheek. 'Elizabeth or no Elizabeth,' he thought heatedly. 'He needs to feel my touch. '

“Ally,” Sean said in a hoarse voice. “Will you take your sisters home for me please? And tell your mother that I’ll call her later tonight? There are certain matters that she and I need to discuss.” As he spoke, he looked again at his middle daughter, but Elizabeth’s eyes remained lowered.

“Of course, daddy,” Ally said, glaring at Elizabeth. “Issy, get your things.” She walked to Sean and whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek, then she said softly to Elijah, “I’m sorry.”

Elijah shook his head. “It’s OK, Ally.”

Isabella hugged her father then turned to Elijah. Her wide eyes and trembling hands made Elijah’s heart ache. He hugged her tight and whispered. “I’ll show you the pony-poop trunk next time you visit.”

“OK,” she said, then glared rebelliously at Elizabeth. “OK, UNCLE Elijah.”

Elijah stifled a smile, but Sean’s face remained a mask. He stared coldly at Elizabeth as she left the apartment, then collapsed slowly onto the couch and laid his head back against it, staring at the ceiling. “Jesus H. Christ,” he moaned softly.

Elijah sat next to him and reached, hesitantly, to touch his arm. “Sean? I’m so sorry.”

Sean shook his head and sighed, misery etched across every feature. Elijah pressed his face to Sean’s arm. “Oh, Seanie, please don’t. It’ll be OK. I can’t bear to see you sad.”

Sean’s head slowly turned to gaze at him. “YOU’RE sorry? You’ve done nothing to be sorry FOR. It’s ME who’s sorry. I dragged you into all this. You had a peaceful, happy life and I…”

“Just wait a fucking minute,” Elijah interrupted. “Stop right there.” He wrapped both arms around Sean, holding him close. “I wouldn’t change a thing!” Elijah whispered fiercely. “Not a fucking thing!”

Sean sighed, but Elijah tipped his face up and forced him to meet his eyes. “Are you saying you’re sorry we're together simply because we now have to deal with a confused teenager? You're upset, Sean. You're not thinking straight. My life in Paris may have been peaceful, but it was a far cry from ‘happy’. You know that!”

Sean smiled at him. “I know,” he whispered. He fingered Elizabeth’s shawl and blouse, which she had left behind. “Jesus,” he muttered sadly.

“Don’t feel too badly, Seanie,” Elijah said firmly. “We knew something like this might happen. So, OK. It happened. It’s out now. She hates me. We just have to see where it goes from here. This isn’t over. We’ll work on it! She CAN’T hate me forever! I’m too fucking…,” he rolled his eyes, floundering, searching for a word.

“Hot?” Sean offered helpfully, wrapping Elijah in his arms.

Elijah laughed. “Some say I am. Some say I ain’t.”

“Irresistible?” Sean asked, nuzzling his throat. He closed his eyes, wishing he could dissolve into Elijah’s body.. be inhaled into it.. be completely immersed in that place where pain and sadness couldn’t touch him.

“To YOU maybe,” Elijah said, melting into Sean’s embrace.

“Beautiful beyond the power of words to describe?” Sean breathed against his ear. He was trembling, and Elijah blocked out everything except the sensation of their bodies pressed tightly together..

“Sean,” Elijah whispered, his hands moving to clasp Sean’s face gently. He kissed his cheeks, and pressed soft kisses to his eyelids. His heart ached for the pain he knew Sean was feeling, and he yearned to somehow make it better for him. To soothe his heart. To ease his mind. “I love you,” Elijah said. “That’s all that matters. That’s all that matters, Sean.”

“I know,” Sean moaned. He lifted his head and dragged Elijah’s lips to his, kissing him passionately, a deep and all-consuming hunger flooding his body. For long, sweet moments they kissed with desperate longing, gasping for breath at those brief moments when they allowed their lips to part. Elizabeth’s disapproval had only served to reinforce the love they felt for each other. And they kissed now as though they could never get enough.

“Wanna… ,” Sean stammered, then gasped as Elijah’s lips crushed down on his again. “Wanna check out the skylight?” he whispered when their lips finally parted. Sean tightened his arms, pulling Elijah even closer, his whole being aching with the need to hold and caress him.

“You and that fucking skylight!” Elijah growled, pushing himself up from the couch. He took Sean’s hand to pull him to his feet, and together they staggered to the bedroom. Twice Sean stopped along the way and pressed Elijah against the wall, kissing him again and again, molding their bodies together.

“Oh,” Sean moaned. “Oh god.” He felt Elijah’s cock against his thigh. The hardness of his arousal took Sean’s breath, and he slid his hands under Elijah’s t-shirt, wildly caressing his chest and sides. “Hurry, baby!” he moaned urgently, gently pushing Elijah toward the bedroom. “God, please hurry!”

They stumbled into the bedroom, tearing at each other’s clothes… at their own clothes… at anything that kept skin from sliding against skin. Finally naked, they fell onto their bed clutching each other close, moaning, their senses reeling.

Elijah’s skin was incredibly hot and smooth. Sean’s tongue traced a wet line from his throat down to his navel, whimpering as the taste of Elijah’s skin filled his mouth and mind, driving him wild with need. He licked down the length of Elijah’s hard erection, then moved lower yet, licking his balls and flicking his tongue against the smooth skin just behind them.

He clasped Elijah’s round, firm buttocks in both hands, lifting them so his lips could find the opening there, licking it, whimpering as he heard Elijah’s moans grow louder… more high-pitched and frenzied.

“Now!” Sean growled. “God, Elijah! Now!” He sat up abruptly, reaching blindly toward the bedside table for the small tube he knew was in the drawer. He smeared them both with the slippery substance as Elijah clawed at him.

“Take me!” Elijah begged. “Oh god, Sean, don’t wait! Do it now!” He lifted his hips, his hands guiding Sean to the opening of his body.

Sean moaned and pressed hard against his lover’s body. He sheathed himself in Elijah until he was enveloped completely. Gasping with white hot desire, Sean withdrew slowly then thrust deep inside him again, feeling Elijah take all of him. With a wild cry of pleasure, Sean thrust again… then again.

Elijah’s arms clutched Sean’s body, straining to keep them as close as possible. And as Sean thrust deep into him, their lips met, crushed together with a fierce and savage passion.

Sean’s hand reached between them and grasped Elijah’s full, pulsing cock. As his hips rocked, merging their bodies, he stroked Elijah’s hard erection, his hand moving faster as the passion mounted higher… the pleasure almost beyond bearing.

Sean gave a great cry and pressed into Elijah with all his strength as he came. Lightning bolts of raw pleasure wracked him again and again. Moaning in ecstatic agony, he lifted his head and stared down at his lover. Elijah’s face was beautiful. His brow and hair were wet with sweat, his face twisted with tortured desire, his eyes were dark, and his lips were wet and swollen. The sight of Elijah’s face as he writhed in passion was enough to make Sean come again, his body shuddering violently.

Then Sean heard Elijah cry out and felt him convulse into a chain of spasms as he came, wildly, explosively, spilling himself over Sean’s hand.

“Oh my god!” Elijah moaned. “Oh my fucking god!” His arms tightened, clutching Sean’s body to his own. He gasped repeatedly as the pleasure took his breath.

Sean, still buried in Elijah’s body, pressed his face to his lover’s throat, feeling that he trembled on the very edge of infinity. He was lost to himself, aware of nothing outside the merging of their bodies. They were one, and that joining was Sean’s whole existence. He sighed into it, feeling peace seep into his veins like a drug.

“God,” he moaned, “if we could just stay like this!” He felt Elijah sigh as he combed his fingers through Sean’s damp curls.

“Well, I’m certainly for it,” he murmured. “Though it might make dinner with the folks a bit awkward.”

Sean tried not to laugh, but failed. “I say something that romantic and schmaltzy and you joke?”

“I do,” Elijah confessed. “I felt a laugh was needed, big guy. You disagree?”

Sean lifted his head and looked down on the face he adored. “No. I don’t disagree. It WAS needed.” He snuggled against Elijah once again, his lips brushing Elijah’s throat, feeling Elijah’s slender fingers trailing up and down his spine, teasing the cleft of his ass.

“But,” Sean murmured, “this IS good!”

“This is way beyond good,” Elijah said.

“Mmmmm…” Sean moaned softly. “Yesssss, way beyond good.” He nestled closer, feeling himself drifting toward sleep still buried, half-erect, inside Elijah’s body. Groggily, he wondered if perhaps he should force himself to wake up and move so that Elijah could breathe more easily. And as he was thinking this… he drifted off.


He awoke the next morning to Elijah’s voice. “Seanie? Wake up! Chris is on the phone!”

“Oh! God. OK, babe.” He sat up, instinctively fumbling for the phone, then saw Elijah was holding it out to him. “Thanks.” He took it and held it to his ear, then grabbed Elijah’s hand and pulled him down to the bed beside him. “Hi, Chris,” he said.

“Oh god, you’re right. I did tell Ally I was going to call you last night. I’m so sorry. But I was - ummm I got…,” He glanced at Elijah who was grinning expectantly, obviously waiting to hear what excuse he was going to offer. “Ermm.. I just couldn’t talk about it last night. I am sorry, Chris.”

Elijah listened intently to Sean’s side of the conversation.

“I know, Chris. I know. I was just about to deliver an ultimatum when Elijah stopped me. Was Elizabeth upset last night?” Sean listened for a moment, then laughed softly. “Well, bless her. She’s a good kid.” He listened for another moment. “Chris, I know that Lizzy’s a good kid too. Neither of us said even one unkind word to her.” Another moment of silence. “All I said was that her behavior was shameful and she had to apologize, which she didn’t do.”

Sean listened for a long moment, nodding his head, then sighed. “Well, I tend to agree. There’s not much else we can do. She’ll have to come to it on her own.” He listened for another moment then: “OK, Chris. Thanks for touching base with me. If there’s anything I can do or that you need, please call me. OK. Bye-bye.”

He hung up then handed Elijah the phone and ran his fingers through his hair. “I gather that Issy took Elizabeth to the cleaners last night. She was really pissed!”

“Poor kid,” Elijah murmured. “She has to feel as though everyone’s against her.”

“She has to learn, Elijah,” Sean said quietly. “You can’t just go around judging people that way… hurting them that way. It’s wrong. That’s not how she was raised. Thank god, Chris is in total agreement with me. Liz is grounded for the foreseeable future.”

“That’ll just make her hate me more,” Elijah muttered.

“She has to take responsibility for her actions. It’s not about you. What she did last night in our home was inexcusable. Nothing could justify it. And she has to learn that such behavior comes with a price.”

Elijah stood. “I agree. But I would have preferred it if she hadn’t had to learn it from US!”

Sean sat on the side of the bed, fishing on the floor for his discarded briefs. “Where the hell did I throw those damn things?” he grumbled. “When I lived by myself I never had ANY trouble finding my underwear.”

Elijah, dressed only in jeans, flipped Sean’s briefs to him with his toe. “There! I found your skivvies so stop your whining.”

Sean slid into his underwear, then donned his sweats and followed Elijah to the kitchen. As they walked, he reached out to trail his fingertips down Elijah’s naked spine. “You seem to have a bit of a limp this morning, sweetie.” he said slyly.

Elijah wheeled and leapt up into Sean’s arms, his legs tight around Sean’s waist. Sean laughed and staggered, trying to balance them both.

“YOU’RE the reason I’m limping, BIG guy,” he grumbled, then grinned. “And such behavior, so I’m told by an authority on the subject, comes with a price. You now get to carry me to the fucking kitchen.”

Sean groaned softly, then hefted Elijah to settle him more firmly in his arms. “Cheap at twice the price,” he muttered, stumbling toward the kitchen door.


They had an appointment with Sean’s lawyer that afternoon to discuss the financial agreement, and had arranged to meet Dom for lunch beforehand. He arrived at the restaurant before they did, and eagerly waved them to the table. “Guess what!” he said, smacking the tabletop with his hand.

“Well, tell us!” Sean said.

“I finally reached Ian! And he’s tremendously excited about the Fellowship reunion. We’ve actually started to discuss dates! Do you two have anything pending?”

Sean and Elijah looked at each other, then shook their heads. “Sean goes back to work in a month or so, and I’ve been preventing my agent from committing suicide by looking over a few scripts, but nothing major is pending. Just let us know in plenty of time.”

“Oh, Martin won’t commit suicide,” Dom said, waving his hand dismissively. “He just likes to whine.”

“Nevertheless,” Elijah said, “I’m probably going to go back to work too, once I find a script I like.”

They gave the waiter their order, then Sean asked Dom, “What about Orlando?”

Dom shrugged. “That high and mighty bastard? Haven’t heard from him yet.”

“Dom!” Elijah said, laughing. “Orli’s not like that.”

“OH yes, Orli is,” Sean said. “You won an Oscar and managed to stay level headed. All he did was get nominated, and he’s been a vain little stinker ever since.”

“Ahhh,” Dom said. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find him. And when I do he won’t give me any guff or I’ll kick his weenie ass.” He glanced at the briefcase lying next to Sean. “What are you two up to today?”

Sean and Elijah exchanged a glance, and Elijah grinned. “Meeting his lawyer about the financial agreement.”

Dom shook his head. “Are you serious, Sean?”

“Yes!” Sean said. “We’re going to be sharing property. We need things spelled out.”

“Afraid he’ll steal the silverware, huh?” Dom whispered conspiratorially to Sean. “Can’t say I blame you. He’s a pretty shady fucking character.”

Sean simply scowled, but Elijah laughed out loud. “Yeah, he’s afraid I’ll walk off with that recliner of his, so he’s making me do a pre-nup.”

Dom looked incredulously at Elijah, then turned back to Sean. “Are you two thinking of getting married?”

“NO!” Sean shot back, and Elijah’s giggle, which to Dom’s ears hadn’t changed one iota in fifteen years, rose high above all other noises in the restaurant.

“Did you HEAR that?” Elijah asked, still laughing. “He doesn’t want to marry me!”

“Oh my god,” Sean moaned. “I should know better than to have this kind of conversation with the two of you, especially in public.”

“Well, I think you SHOULD get married,” Dom said, gulping thirstily at an ebony-hued beer he’d ordered from the bar. “Set a good example for other Hollywood gay couples.”

“But Sean doesn’t think he’s gay,” Elijah commented, still grinning.

“Oh yeah?” Dom replied. “What DOES he think is going on in this relationship of yours?”

Sean blushed furiously and looked somewhat pleadingly at Elijah, who giggled again. “OK, OK. We’ve teased him enough.”

They ate lunch, talking nonstop, and before they parted, Dom had gotten their promise to help him coordinate the Fellowship reunion. It would be months before all their schedules allowed them to be in the same place at the same time. But Dom was optimistic and promised to reach Orlando sometime before he saw them again.

Elijah was visibly nervous as they walked into the lawyer’s plush outer offices. He fidgeted as Sean spoke to the secretary and Sean felt his hand clutch the hem of his jacket as they walked in and took their seats. Sean quickly introduced Elijah to his lawyer. “Lij, this is Andrew Bronner, my attorney. Andy, Elijah Wood.”

Elijah held out his hand, and received a quick but firm handshake. “Good to meet you, Elijah. Heard a lot about you.”

The agreement, once it was spelled out, was fairly straightforward, though Elijah found the language a bit daunting. He read it over cautiously: “This separation agreement, in plain text, is a simple financial agreement between two homosexual males who have been living in a de facto relationship as defined in the Property (Relationships) Act of 1984 who have separated and ceased cohabitation in the State of California and want to finally divide property without Local or Supreme Court orders.” He slowly lowered the paper and turned his bewildered face to Sean.

“Elijah,” Andrew explained, “this contract simply states how property which is common, or owned by both of you, will be divided in the event that you terminate your relationship.” He pointed out the various percentages, all numbers which Elijah and Sean had already agreed upon, and explained how things would work should the contract ever have to be invoked.

“Do you want to have your attorney look this over, Elijah?” Andrew asked.

“No!” Elijah replied, handing the contract back to him. “No, not at all. I don’t really want this in the first place, but Sean insisted.”

Andrew smiled. “I know. He told me. He’s trying to protect your interests, Elijah.” He then turned to Sean and pulled out another sheaf of papers. “Do you want to sign the will at the same time, Sean?”

“Will?” Elijah said, startled. “WILL?” He looked at Sean, his eyes wide. “What will?”

“I had Andrew draw up a new will for me,” Sean said quietly. “Since we’re together now, I want to be sure that you're protected in case I - well, in case of… oh, hell, you know what I’m trying to say.”

Elijah stared at him for a long moment, then sighed. “I hate all of this! First we’re talking about our relationship being terminated... now we’re talking about YOU being terminated! I want this to end.”

Andrew smiled and leaned toward Elijah. “The will is the same as his previous will, Elijah, except that it now stipulates that you will inherit any property or possessions owned jointly by the two of you. It’s a sensible precaution.”

Elijah nodded tightly. “OK. I understand. But, can we just sign where we have to sign and be done with it?”

Without speaking, Sean signed the papers where Andrew indicated, then he handed Elijah the pen and smiled at him. Elijah paused, his hand poised over the papers. ‘Sean? Are you SURE we need to do this?”

Sean nodded. He pointed to the line awaiting Elijah’s signature, and watched as he signed. Elijah’s hand was shaking as he scrawled his name on the dotted line and as soon as he’d finished he threw the pen to the desk and stood. “Can we go now, Sean?”

Sean nodded, and after shaking hands with Andrew, he took Elijah’s arm and guided him out of the office. He could feel Elijah trembling beneath his fingers. “Lij?” he asked, tightening his grip. “You OK?”

“Fuck NO, I’m not OK!” Elijah said pulling his arm away from Sean’s fingers. “Jesus, Sean!”

“OK. OK,” Sean said quietly. “Let’s just go home. It’s over now.”

Elijah stalked off ahead of him. “It’s fuckin’ depressing!” He didn’t slow down until they’d reached the street and were walking toward their car. “That’s it!” he said, adamantly. “I’m done with the legal stuff. From this point forward we’re just going to have to trust each other.”

“Lij,” Sean said pleadingly, pulling on his sleeve. “It’s not ABOUT me not trusting you, or you not trusting ME! It’s about legal protection for both of us!”

Elijah wheeled and moved to within an inch of Sean’s face. His voice shook as he spoke. “If I thought for one fucking minute I needed to be protected from you… do you really think I’d BE here?”

Sean’s face paled. He’d never seen Elijah like this before. He tried to speak, but couldn’t, and now it was his hand that trembled. “Lij,” he finally choked out. “Please don’t be angry. I’m not trying to hurt us. I’m trying to protect us from unfair laws that offer little or no protection to gay partnerships.”

Elijah fell forward into his arms, oblivious of the fact that they were on a public street in downtown Beverly Hills. “I know,” he sighed “I’m not mad at you. I’m just upset. I don't like having to think about such things.”

“Let’s go home,” Sean murmured, then took a quick look around. “Before we get arrested.”

Elijah leaned back and stared at him in disbelief. “This is Beverly Hills, Sean. We could probably fuck on the sidewalk and not get arrested.”

“True, but irrelevant, since I have no such intentions.” He looked into Elijah's eyes. “You’re SURE you’re not mad at me?”

“I’m sure,” Elijah said, walking to the car. “Let’s go home.”

“You scared the shit out of Andrew,” Sean said, chuckling as he climbed behind the wheel.

“I’ll apologize another time,” Elijah told him. “But for now, let’s get the hell out of here.”


The Paris house was very nearly closed. Elijah had been in constant touch with Gabrielle, making decisions about what he wanted to leave behind and what he wanted shipped to California. Clearly, his furniture wouldn’t fit into Sean’s apartment, so Elijah began to make enquiries about storage space. Gabrielle was eager to begin her new life in America, but Elijah asked her to postpone her plans until their situation was a bit more settled.

They’d looked at a few homes, but found nothing to their liking, as the houses were either too small, too big, or too close to the city. And though Sean’s apartment was adequate for their current needs, it wasn’t what they wanted for the future.

Sean had taken the apartment after the divorce with barely a glance at the design and no thought whatsoever about its location. At that point in his life, he hadn’t really cared. He’d just wanted a place to sleep. The years he spent living there had been, for the most part, sad and lonely ones. Now, he craved something with more light, more openness, more room to stretch out. He would not be unhappy to leave it behind.

They saw Ally and Isabella almost every weekend. Elizabeth had been ungrounded, though her comings and goings were still restricted. She was not speaking to her father, a situation that nearly broke Sean’s heart. But he did not know how to approach her without surrendering. He would not have her at the apartment unless she apologized and agreed to treat Elijah with respect, and Chris had informed Sean that she refused to do either.

Elijah begged Sean to take her out to dinner alone and talk with her. He knew that not seeing Elizabeth was hurting him terribly, and he hoped that an evening alone together would give them time to talk, and possibly repair their relationship. Eventually Sean agreed.

He had arranged to pick her up at six. They were going to have dinner at a quiet restaurant not far from Chris’s house. Sean could not believe his nervousness. He paced the bedroom like a caged tiger, glancing at the clock every ten seconds while Elijah sat on the bed watching him, not knowing whether to laugh or weep.

“Sean, for god’s sake, sit down a minute. You’re not being presented at court, this is your KID for fuck’s sake!”

“I know. But you know how things have been. And I don’t have a good feeling about tonight.”

“Chris said Lizzy was agreeable to going out with you. And you know she’s missed you. Chris said she’s been miserable.”

“Yeah, she agreed. As long as YOU weren’t coming.”

Elijah sighed. “Well, yeah. That is a bit discouraging. But, maybe tonight will help. Sit down a minute!” he said, holding out his hand.

Sean took his hand and sat next to him. Then he wrapped an arm around Elijah and pulled him close. “Thank you for being so wonderful about all this. I know it has to hurt you.”

“I feel bad for you, baby. I know how much you love her. But, I do agree that we can’t condone her behavior. It would just make things worse later on.”

Sean nuzzled his cheek, then kissed it.

“You going to take her Paris gift to her?” Elijah asked, stroking his hair.

“No,” Sean told him, leaning back. “She has to come here to get that gift. And she has to apologize to you. End of story.”

“OK. Whatever you say.”

“Time to go,” Sean said, and stood up. “I won’t be late, babe.” He grabbed his jacket and walked toward the door, with Elijah following.

“See you when you get home,” he said, kissing Sean’s cheek at the door. “Be safe.” He sighed as he watched Sean walk to the car, then ambled back to the living room and picked up the script that he’d been reading. This one was, at least, holding his interest. He often couldn’t believe the incredibly bad scripts that his agents foisted on him. He settled in the recliner, his favorite chair, and began to read.

Sean had been gone about a half hour when the phone rang. Elijah felt a surge of alarm as he reached to grab the receiver, hoping that it wasn’t Sean reporting bad news. He glanced at the caller ID and grinned. Viggo!

“Mortensen, you slimy mother fucker!” Elijah said. “What the HELL have you been up to and why haven’t we seen you?”

“Hey, Hobbit,” Viggo drawled in that unmistakable voice. “How are you and Samwise doing? I’ve been meaning to call you two for a get together. How’s Sean? How are things going?”

Elijah laughed. “They’re going great, Vigs. I’ve never been happier. Sean’s having a bit of trouble with Elizabeth, though. She’s not taking to our situation too well, but he’s having dinner with her tonight, so maybe it’ll start to get better.”

“I heard about Elizabeth. I’m sorry, buddy. That has to hurt Sean. I know how he is about those girls.”

“It breaks my heart to see him this sad. Worst part is how helpless I am to do anything to help. How did you hear about it?”

“Dom. He’s been driving me crazy about this Fellowship reunion stuff. He told me about Elizabeth. Actually, he told me something else too, and that’s the reason for my call tonight… that and to say ‘Hi’ to you.”

“What’s that?” Elijah asked, sprawling in the recliner again, throwing one leg over an arm of the chair.

“Dom said you two were looking for a place.”

“We are! Sean’s apartment is nice, but it’s just not big enough. I’ve got stuff coming from Paris, including a housekeeper. We need something bigger, and, hopefully, further away from the city.”

“Buddy, do I have a house for you! It’s out here in Topanga Canyon not too far from where I live. It would be perfect for you two. Hell, it’s even got a nice guest house for your housekeeper.”

“No shit, Vigs! When can we see it?” He felt his heart skip a beat with excitement. Topanga Canyon was the closest thing to ‘rural’ that Los Angeles had to offer.

“Hell, you can see it tomorrow if you like. I’ll meet you guys there. I’ve got the key. The house belongs to a friend of mine who wants to sell it quickly.”

“Give me the address, Vigs,” Elijah said, rising to grab a pen.

Viggo gave him the address, which he wrote on the back of the script. They chatted for another few minutes and said goodbye, promising to see each other the next day.

Elijah hung the phone up and leapt into the air. “YES!” he yelped. This was exactly the kind of place they needed - plenty of room and out in the country, which is where Sean and Elijah both yearned to live.

He tried to go back to his script, but he was just too excited. He called Dom and chatted for a bit, then alternately tried to read, and ran to gawk out the window looking for Sean’s car until, finally, he saw his headlights pull up outside.

Elijah jerked open the door as Sean walked up. “Well?” he asked. “How was it?”

Sean shrugged and silently passed him, only stopping when he reached the couch. Then he slowly turned and looked at Elijah. “Well,” he said, sighing. “It was… OK.”

“Doesn’t sound all that good,” Elijah said, hoping he didn’t look as disappointed as he felt.

“She - I mean we - we had a good talk,” Sean said. “And I guess it’s better than it was before. No, it IS better than it was before. But…” he glanced at Elijah, his handsome face troubled. “But she still doesn’t want to come over.”

Elijah went to him quickly, his heart aching. He knew that Sean would never abandon him because of Elizabeth’s resistance. But he also knew that Sean adored his daughters and saw his role as ‘father’ as one of the most important in his life. The soft hazel eyes he adored were shiny with tears and Elijah had to fight off a quick surge of anger toward Elizabeth for hurting Sean this way.

He wrapped his arms around Sean’s neck and was quickly embraced. He felt Sean trembling as he pressed his face against Elijah’s shoulder. “Jesus, I’m sorry, Seanie,” Elijah whispered.

Sean leaned back and they gazed into each other’s eyes until they could no longer bear the emotion. Then Sean bent and kissed him softly, tenderly. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice shaking. “I love you so much.”

Elijah felt his eyes burn. “I love you, too,” he said. “I never stopped loving you. I don’t think I ever could. Sean, I’m so sorry. I feel… responsible.”

“But you’re NOT!” Sean declared vehemently. “God, you’re NOT! Please don’t think that. This will pass, Elijah. She’s a kid and thinks like a kid. I won’t give in to this. Mack was right. It’s emotional blackmail. I won’t ever give you up again. I surrendered my life with you once for my children’s sake. I won’t do it again.”

He embraced Elijah, rocking him against his body, nuzzling his neck. Elijah thought how many times he’d been in this man’s arms. How many times he’d felt the gentle rocking motion that was an integral part of Sean’s embrace. And how this embrace, more than anything else in his life, freed him from fear and soothed away sorrow. He only prayed that his did the same for Sean.

“I wish I could tell you,” Elijah whispered. “I wish I could tell you how good it feels when you hold me. It’s the best feeling in the world.”

Sean kissed his cheek, then breathed against his ear, “Feels the same way to me.”

Elijah smiled and nodded, then remembrance came to him like a thunderbolt. He leaned back from their embrace, eyes wide. “Oh my god, Sean! Viggo!”

Alarmed, Sean asked, “What? What about him? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong! He thinks he’s found us a house! Out in Topanga Canyon. We can go see it tomorrow!” He laughed aloud as he saw the patented ‘Astin grin’ spread slowly over Sean’s face.

“Oh my god, that’s GREAT! Sean exclaimed, grinning.

Elijah kissed him with hungry passion, then they walked together to the bedroom. Elijah kicked his shoes off and sprawled on the bed, and Sean immediately lay down beside him and swept Elijah into his arms. For a long time they held each other close, kissing with a seemingly endless need.

After awhile, Elijah felt the trembling in Sean’s body cease as he relaxed in his arms. Sean licked his way slowly across Elijah’s lower lip with eyes closed, as though he was memorizing its lush curve. “Have I mentioned lately how much I love you?” Sean finally whispered.

“You have,” Elijah replied. "But I don't mind hearing it again." He yearned to make love… to feel Sean’s naked body pressed hard to his, but he knew instinctively that tonight Sean simply needed to be close to him.

Resting in his arms, Sean felt light-headed with the emotion that flooded through him. It wasn’t desire that left him giddy, or even the grief he’d felt when his daughter refused to come to his home. Instead, he was overcome with gratitude. The healing that came to him when their bodies were close restored his faith and left him confident that all would turn out right.

- TBC -

time after time

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