MeMe?? Hell Yeah~!

Dec 28, 2008 00:57

Got tagged by the lovely unknown77_77  ~! She's kinda 'in' to meme these days??

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. 
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time: 12.59 a.m
Name: Rai-chan @ min-chan...boths are fine~!
Sisters: got an elder sis..
Brothers: just a younger annoying bro...
Shoe size: 5 @ 6 would fit me nice... ^^
Height: i'm shorter than, i don't really bother to height myself...unless the doctors and nurses come to the school... >.<

Where do you live: Malaysia 
Favourite drinks: Milo Ice..?? Healthy Choco-malt drinks~ 
Favourite breakfast: bread is enough...i don't usually take breakfast... unhealthy i know... -_-''
Have you ever been on a plane?: Nope...
Swam in the ocean: Yesh.. 
Fallen asleep at school: Who didn't?? expecially if the teachers were...boring that time..? 
Broken someone's heart: I don't know... >.<
Fell off your chair: almost...
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No way I would do this~!!
Saved e-mails: Always...activations emails n private one...

What is your room like: I usually sleep alone unless my sister is on holiday...consists of a bed, wardrobe, iron board and a box...

What's right beside you: the mouse...? lol
What is the last thing you ate: moist chocolate cake...yumm... 
Ever had chicken pox: of course, when i was twelve...
Sore throat: once in a while...
Stitches: i...don't know...
Broken nose: Never~! Jaws...almost...

Do you believe in love at first sight: Quite...
Like picnics: Yeah...with my family for sure!
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: my cat...?
Last made you smile: ...I bought DUET Jan 09 issues at Kinokuniya with un-chan~
You last yelled at: my annoying bro coz he is fucking annoying...

Today did you:-

Talk to someone you like: can i talk to ryo-chan?? xD
Kiss anyone: no...
Get sick: sneeze
Talk to an ex: what ex?
Miss someone: my gangs and JE boys...?
Eat: of course~!

Best feeling in the world: lot of things!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: i don't have one...
What's under your bed: my bro's skateboard n books..
Who do you really hate: when someone suddenly interrupts me while i am using the computer...
What time is it now? 1.17 a.m


Is there a person who is on your mind now: Nishikido Ryo... ^^
Do you have any siblings: elder sis plus a younger bro n a cat... ^^
Do you want children: yup.. ^^ 
Do you smile often: yeah.. especially when I'm fangirling.. but that is more to squealing
Do you like your hand-writing: quite...when i can read it...
Are your toe nails painted: Nope~! it ain't suit me...

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my parents and bro... xD
What color shirt are you wearing now: black and white...
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: surfing the net, i think...
I can't wait till: this tuesday~ my results are going to show up!
Are you a friendly person: when i'm not moody i guess...
Do you have any pets: cat...its name is Tabby Da Boo~! xD

Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Japan.. <3 
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: no.. 
Do you sleep with the TV on?: sometimes... 
What are you doing right now?: this meme...
Have you ever crawled through a window?: nope~

Can you handle the truth?: dont think so... 
Are you too forgiving?: easy 2 forgive but hard 2 forget...*quote unchan*
Are you closer to your mother or father?: both~
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: my computer...out of topic i know...

How many people can you say you've really loved?: my family, my bestfriends.. 
Do you eat healthy?: nah....
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: what ex..?
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: yeah...
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: my computer...out of topic again i know...
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?:both...
Are you confident?: depends...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago: 
1. went to kindergarten.. 
2. cuddled with my sibblings
3. learned something new.. 
4. played happily with my neighbours
5. failed at learning chinese

5 things on my to-do list today: 
1. check my email 
2. check my lj friends-list
3. write my fic... ^^
4. check my gaia.. 
5. sleep

5 snacks I enjoy: 
1. kit-kat 
2. cadburry. 
3. mammee 
4. fruity sweets
5. cake

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: 
1. perform hajj with my family.. 
2. buy a pice of land and built a cozy and nice, beautifull home for my family...
3. buy everythings in my wish lists
4. go to japan n will shopping a loot there~!!! XD probably buy JE!
5. fulfil my parents' dreams..

5 of my bad habits: 
1. too lazy to do chores.. 
2. always forget bout something.. -_- 
3. often do something that i'll regret later.. 
4. not confident bout myself sometimes.. 
5. always wake up late..

-this i quote unchan since its really similar-

5 places I have lived in:
1. rawang
2. rasa
both in Malaysia

5 jobs I've had: 
1. being a daughter for my parents
2. a sister to my bro
3. a sister to my sister...   lol
4. ordinary secondary schoolers
5. fanfictions author in JE's fandom... stupid one i know...

its quite pain to do this meme but i enjoyed it anyway...^^
  1. c_espoir 
  2. ayaryo 
  3. pink_popsicle25 
  4. allboutp 
  5. haruhi_hikaru  

finished this at: 1.39 a.m


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