Belated Xmas present~!

Dec 26, 2008 20:09

 Title: the broken, the snow and the love on Xmas

Pairing: Akame, RyoDa (kinda), one-sided pairings

Genre: angst?

Rating: PG


24th December 2007

It’s Christmas Eve. Everyone wanted to be with their family on this holy night. Those who are in relationship would probably already by the side of their lover. But for those who didn’t, maybe it is the perfect time to confess their love…or maybe not…

NEWS’s dressing room was probably one of the nosiest rooms in Johnny’s jimusho at the moment. The members were busy exchanging their gifts with each other. Except for one Osakan. Yamapi did notice his best friend mumbling something at the corner of the room. So he decided to cheer him, or at least that was what he thinks until he heard his mumbling clearly.

“Ne Ryo-chan…you are going to confess, aren’t you?” Yamapi said it quite loud. Ryo suddenly panicked at the moment. He cupped Yamapi’s mouth with his hand before gesturing a ‘shut-up’ sign with his another hand. Yamapi widened his eyes. The kansai boy looked around the whole room, afraid that the other members will hear Yamapi. Lucky him, the music played was louder. Ryo sighed and let his hand go.

“You are not supposed to say it that loud, Pi.” Yamapi grinned, while bowing; muttering some apology. He sat besides Ryo and put his arm around the other’s shoulder.

“So…it is true…” Ryo shoved the arm around his shoulder, lazily.

“So what if it’s true? You got nothing to do with it…” Yamapi put his hand on his heart.

“Ouw…that hurts Ryo-chan…who say I got nothing to do with it? You are my friend, so I should help you…” Ryo shook his head.

“Owh no…I’m not going to let you…” Yamapi made his best puppy eyes.

“Aww~ Ryo-chan…it will be fun. Besides I’ve confessed a lot before. I’m the best to help you!” Ryo frowned.

“You are loud! Sssh…” Yamapi uttered an apology.

“Well…let’s see…you are confessing tonight…so…time check! Since it is Christmas, do you have present?” Yamapi seriously didn’t hear what Ryo said in the first place. Ryo nodded.

“Uwah~ then you don’t need me!” Ryo looked a bit pissed off. I never said I need you to help me, Bakapi.

“But wait…what about the confession words? Have you practiced?” Yamapi looked at his best friend. Ryo sighed. I never knew I had such a friend before…

“The truth is Pi…I’m practicing like, a few minutes ago before you disturb me with your loud voice.” Yamapi pouted.

“So come on! Let’s hear it!” Ryo fisted his fingers.

“You better slow down your volume before I cut your throat~!” Yamapi grinned.


Tatsuya smiled when he looked at the present. I hope this is the best chance~! His eardrums caught some noises behind the door.

“I better hide this before they found it and tease me later~” he said to himself.


“I’m sorry Nishikido-kun. I already have someone and you know who he is right?” the figure bowed slightly. Ryo carved a bitter smile on his face.

“Yeah…I know…but he leaved you…I still hope you can accept this…” he showed a small rectangular box tied with a blue ribbon. The figure smile.

“Yup…I admit it…he did leave me…but he is back now…thank you but sumimasen…I can’t take it…” with that, the figure bowed and walked away; leaving the Osakan behind.

He looked blankly at the box in his hands before gripping to his heart.

“Damn! It hurts…” at the very least, he still felt free within.

Tatsuya put the present carefully into the bag. Glad that they leave early for the party. Later on, his cell phone bipped twice, sending vibrations to his body. I gotta off this vibrations mode or I’ll vibrate the whole night. He flipped it open and read the message from Koki.

Sender: Koki

Receiver: Tatsuya

Time: 9.12 p.m.

Merry Christmas Uebo! Sorry 4 disturbing u but I need your help. Please tell Jin that the party will start at 10. Already called his phone but seems like he switched it off. He is at rooftop I think. OTZ

Tatsuya sighed. Simply want me to help him. He was about to zip his bag but suddenly he think of something. Matte…I shall grab the chance… he took out he present and hold it firm in his hands. Thus, he walked out of the dressing room.

At the rooftop…

Tatsuya turned the doorknob slowly. The door squeaked. His eyes went wide. Thump! The present was on the floor, creating echo around the place. He quickly closed the door and picked the present up before shoving it inside the unzipped bag; leaving away as fast as he could.

A few minutes later he leaned against the wall outside the Johnny’s Entertainment building. He fished out his cell phone from the back pockets to type a message. As the message was delivered, he slid down with his hand clenching tight to his heart.


Kazuya walked by the door and saw his lover lying lazily on the floor; practically watching the night sky.

“Merry Christmas…” he sat besides the body. Their fingers interlaced automatically. Kazuya looked at his lover.

“It’s cold, ne?” Kazuya giggled at the question.

“Of course it is…we don’t call it winter for no reason…”

“You think…it will snow tonight?”

“I don’t know…Jin…” their eyes met. Jin stood up and simply took his lover by the same level as his. Kazuya pouted in protest. He held the cold and fragile hands tighter, before he slowly brought them to his mouth; blowing hot airs so the hands will be warmer. A thin smile formed on Kazuya’s lips.

“Jin?” the older boy looked at him while warming his cheeks with Kazuya’s hands.


“Can you promise me something?”

“What is it Kazu?”

“Promise me you won’t leave me to go to LA or god-knows-where again?”

Jin froze. Kazuya’s smile started to disappear when he watched Jin. He will leave me again.

Kazuya released his hands from Jin’s grip and turned around; refused to face his lover. Tears started to slide down his cheeks. Jin put his hands on Kazuya’s shoulder. The younger boy shrugged as a sign of protest.

“I’m sorry…for leaving you behind…leaving KAT-TUN behind…I can promise you…that I won’t leave you again…but Johnny-san is unpredictable, isn’t he?”

Jin took the chance to turn his lover around to face him.

“He has lots of other jyanni’s and hundreds of juniors he can choose other than you…”

Jin smiled. Oww~ he looks cute pouting…

“Yakusoku?” Kame showed his pinky to Jin. Jin smile wider. He pulled Kazuya into an embrace before kissing the younger boy on his forehead. Kame closed his eyes. I’ve been longing for this moment… their eyes met.

“Yakusoku…” was what Jin said before he pulled Kazuya for a deep kiss.

Kazuya’s eardrums caught a squeaking sound, but the latter decided to ignore it. Maybe it is just the janitor or someone.

White snowflakes begun to fall from the beautiful night sky and some of it landed on the hairs of the couple.


He gazed at the beautiful black sky decorated with Christmas Eve’s stars. Slowly he let down a deep sigh, with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

“What are you doing here Ueda?” Tatsuya jerked up to the sudden question. He turned to his right and met with Ryo’s face.

“Nishikido??” the said person nodded.

“It’s me…I startled you didn’t I?” Tatsuya blinked. He nodded in surprise. His words are…polite…

“Quite…I was….surprised…I didn’t expect to see any Johnny’s here…in the middle of Tokyo city.” Ryo stared at the giant decorated Christmas tree a few meters in front of them, answering without looking at Tatsuya.

“Well…you should expect the unexpected…” silence filled the atmosphere for a while.

“What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be in Osaka?” Ryo frowned.

“Hey~ I asked you first…answer me then only I can answer your questions…its impolite you know…” Tatsuya smirked slightly.

“Says the one who mock me non-stop…”

“Okay…okay…I’m sorry for that…it’s scripted anyway…” Ryo replied, fast.

“Yaa right…what about the one behind the cameras? Scripted too?” Tatsuya raised his eyebrow.

“That’s because I was possessed or something…I think…I’m sorry…we hardly even meet now…forgive me will you? It’s the season of forgiving…”Tatsuya chuckled.

“Hey~ too many sorry….I was just kidding anyway…you’re forgiven and I’ve forgot about it already….chotto…is that a present?” his eyes caught the box in Ryo’s hands. The Osakan didn’t even try to hide it.

“Well…yeah I guess…the unaccepted one…” a bitter smile grew on his face. Tatsuya felt guilty suddenly.

“I’m sorry…cared to share?” Ryo sighed.

“I guess so…it won’t make any difference anyway…it still hurt even if I told somebody else…” Tatsuya shook. “…it will make slight difference…if you didn’t let it out, it will chain your heart…long enough to kill it…” Ryo tossed the box into the air before catching it again. The bitter smile on his face never seems to fade away.

“And you can still smile about it?” he looked at Tatsuya with a pair of sad eyes, still smiling.

“What else can I do anyway…?”


Kazuya held Jin’s hand firmly, and Jin smiled to this. I won’t leave you anymore Kazu…

“The snows have stopped already…tch…” Kazuya whined.

“At least the snow witnessed our love…” Jin replied. Kazuya smacked his head. Jin yelped in pain.

“What was that for…it hurts Kazu…”

“The snow didn’t just witness our love…it’s the symbol of our new relationship…though it is easy to melt and not around all the year…everybody will wait for it and cherished the moment when it’s snowing…we too…should appreciate and cherished this relationship…”

Kazuya smiled. Jin stole another kiss from his lover, ignoring the vibration of his phone inside his pocket.


“That’s just it…the least that I can do now is to pray for their happiness. What about you? You still didn’t answer my question though…” Ryo rubbed his freezing hands together. Tatsuya did the same with his hands.

“…same as you…I guess…” he let out a chuckle after that. Ryo stopped his action and stared the U of KAT-TUN.

“Two rejected Johnny’s boys stranded in the middle of Tokyo…huh?  It’s a tale…” Tatsuya chuckled. “…tell me about it…” Tatsuya took a glimpse at the box in his bag. He breathed silently.

“Unlike you…I didn’t even get the chance to confess yet to give present…pity me huh…” Ryo bit his lips; shaking his head.

“It’s better for you…you weren’t hurt badly….and your wound inside…will heal quickly…” Tatsuya, who was listening, slowly took a deep breath.

“I hope so…” the clock struck eleven. Ryo glanced at his watch. He stood up of the bench.

“I better make a move first…good night and Merry Christmas Ueda Tatsuya-kun…” he smiled slightly and leaved for the station, disappearing into the crowd. Tatsuya nodded, didn’t even watched the direction of the Osakan.

“Merry Christmas to you too, Nishikido Ryo-kun…”with that, Tatsuya stood up and walked towards the big Christmas tree.

“This…will chain my heart…” he took the present out of his bag and put it among the fake presents under the glowing tree, before leaving.

To: Akanishi

Beside his present, was a box tied with blue ribbon.

To: Kamenashi

The snow fell again at the moment.

fanfiction: one-shot, akame, ryoda

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