Yamashita Tomohisa's Future Girls' 126 Questions

Dec 30, 2008 01:37

Got tagged by the lovely ayaryo quite sometimes ago...lol

First - Read and answer the questions honestly..plus explanation
Second - Don't get bored because this is your chance to reveal a part of your unique self..
And Third - After answering....tag 5 or more people......
Lastly- Entitle it with your fave JE's name attaching " 's future girl's 126 questions " put it under a cut putting the same name....

Phrase you would want to confess to a boy:   I think you likes me, you know?

Charm point ?:  a mole under my left eye

One/Two word to describe your personality: 
half perv- i gotta admit that i'm half perv since i gotten into this fandom...

stupidly smart- people tend to say i'm the smartest in the class though i'm not since i do stupid things every day...lol

Dominant hand , dominant foot:  i don't think i have...^^

Eyesight: its been a while since i got my eyes checked... -_-''

Weakness:  the internet since its tempting...

foods- i love to eat just not in front of people...

Johnny's super hot boys- who doesn't have this weakness??

Your little pride: i don't think i have...

Health problems: athma, too thin?

What do you wear to sleep?: shorts and shirts...

Your pose when sleeping?:  never know...but my sis said that i sleep well...a bit rough...lol

How long do you bath?: half an hour or just fifteen minutes...

Where do you wash first?:  foot

What is your best mimic impression?: i don't have one...

Favorite place to shop: bookshops and CD shops

What do you often buy at a convenience store? : sweets and junk foods

Most expensive thing you ever bought:  a magazine? cause well, my clothes and other things are still buy y my mum...

What you can apologize now.: to my parents > sorry if i dont get to your expectations

Favorite fashion item.:  jeans

Hair cut you want to try:  like pi's hair in kurosagi...

What are you into?:  finishing my fanfics...gotta work hard...

Favorite phrase:  hah??

Favorite song:  i can't decide...but Utada ikaru's First Love stuck in my head...

Favorite movie:  Nana 1

Favorite book:  Harry Potter No 1 and 2

Favorite manga:  Detective Conan...?

Favorite ramen: no one's going to buy me one...

Favorite TV show:  America's Next Top Model

Favorite food:  my parents cooking!

Least favorite food: fish

Favorite emoticon:  xD

What are you afraid of most?: dunt get the chance to apologise

What did you cry about recently?: an angsty RyoDa fic

What did you laugh about recently?: when i remembered how silly i am to fight with my bro n got punched for the 1st time

What were you happy about recently?: bought DUET Jan 09 issue with Un-chan~ :D

What were you angered about recently?: i cant use the computer for one whole day...

What did you dream about recently?: something about sms with my cousin regarding Pi...lol

When did you recently JUMP?: when a lizardwalked in front of me...*faints*

When did you recently CAMP? : when i was in standard 4...

When did you recently SHAMPOO? :this evening...xD

Favorite type of boy? :someone like nishikido ryo...expecially if they have charming smile like him...:D

Favorite haircut for a boy: anything but perm...eww

Favorite fashion for boys: like NEWS

Ideal kiss situation: well...the fact that he is my husband is a must and i want him to look into my eyes and said that 143 thing b4 the kiss...*grins*

How would you want a boy to confess? : just be himself will be fine.. :D

How would you want your boy to call you?: min.. :D

How many times have you experienced confession: none

What would you not want a boy to do? : Smoke

What would you give a boy (presents)?:phone strap..?

What phase would make you happy if a boy says this to you: I'm always here for you...*nya~*

What would shock you? : when i can feel a frog in my shoe!

Your boyfriend is late. How long would you wait? : half an hour...

When is your first love?: 2005 i think...when i saw ryo in 1LOT

Your proposal words? : No way i'm proposing~!

When would you marry? : after my dreams achieved...around 25...26

How many kids do you want? : lots?? xD
Anything you want to say to your feature husband?: i'll wait for you...xD

What would you name your kids?: its too early...xD

What does your family call you by? : min, mamin, amin...

Your memorable family vacation: when we go to Genting~

Your favorite home cooked meal: Curry mee

What do you call your mom by?: Mak

What was your breakfast today?: i don't take breakfast today

Your first ever memory that you remember.:  i dont... -_-''

What did you want to be when you were little?: a doctor, still with it...

A serious injury you ever experienced: never...
Lessons you took when you were little:  None

Favorite place at school: Classroom where we gossips like hell xD

Favorite school lunch: nasi goreng...?

Least favorite school lunch: None

Favorite curriculum: English

Least favorite curriculum: Geography > i never get A for this subject

Favorite field day activity: tarik tali...xD coz i just watch

Least favorite field day activity:  cross country> its a hell long journey

Committees involved in: none..?
How do you spend your break time?: sleep n reading~

The longest phone conversation: half an hour since i dun have any credit that time...

How many numbers are in your cell phone?: 100 sumthing

Where do you want to go?: Japan

Most respectful person: mom

Who do want to meet the most?: NISHIKIDO RYO~!!!!

Most desired thing right now.: my pmr result...

Most respectful senior: i barely knew them...xD

If you were to become the prime minister of Japan: well...buy JE?

What would you do if you to become a boy? : flirt with the cutest girl in school

You won 3 billion yen from a lottery, what would you do? :

its forbidden but if i do, i'll help my family first than others in need..

What would you want to be if you were reborn?: i'm fine the way it is..

Your house is on fire. What do you grab out? : my family!~

The last day of Earth. What would you do?:  panic??

Who do you want from HSJ(I change from HSJ to NEWS) to be your boyfriend?: Obviously NISHIKIDO RYO~!!!!

Who do you want from HSJNEWS to be your older or little brother? : older: pi-chan
younger: chinen??


What do you want to say to yourself in 10 years? gain weight n be a lil high...

A person who is sensitive (can’t stand) to heat or to cold?  both

Are you an impatient or patient person?: both

Are you an romantic or a realistic person?  : neither?

Your hobby right now: Write fics

First thing you do when you wake up is? : open my eyes~ xD

How long does it take you to get out of the house from waking up in the morning?: About an hour

Is your breakfast rice type or bread type? :bread~

Do you check the forecast before you leave?  : nope~

What do you do in your room? : Write fics and sleep.

Are you a bathtub type or shower type? : shower

What do you always do before you go to bed? : Read my prayer, set the alarm

Do you use bed or futon?  : Bed.

What color is your futon sheets? : =_=

How well do you sleep? Good or bad?  : Depends

Is your mood good or bad, when you wake up? : great~

How long is your average sleep?  : nine hours

How long have you slept for the longest?  : 12 hours~

Are you type of person who shows their feeling by face? : not really~

How do you get rid of stress? : fangirling over NEWS

Is your room clean? : when i first clean it, then it will be clean...xD

What is your favorite part about your room? : bed :D

If you were to describe yourself in color? : blue coz i tend to look calm~ xD

Do you have any wording habit?  : hah??

When is a moment when you think "I'm cool"? : when i punched my bro~

When is a moment when you think “I’m not cool.. !?”? : When I cried after reading an angsty fic~

Favorite ingredients in your sandwich is..? : the bread?? >.<

thats just it~
i think my neck is stiffed now...

i'm not tagging cause that will be a pain to those got tagged~ xD
i swear i'll tag those in my f-list with a shorter meme... :D


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