My life sooo far...

Feb 14, 2009 00:04

its been a while since i ramble inside my lj ne??

i'll start from the beginning then...the happy part..

well, i think i've told u guys that i sat for PMR last year?
the results were un-expected...i got straight a's...
n then...i got my be-lated duit raya plus my own laptop, promised by my aunt...

sounds like dreams come true isn't it?? yaa it is...
but when the new sem had started...

it is a living hell...

the teachers put me inside scinece stream and chemistry are okay for me...i can still understand...
but when it comes to physics and add-maths...just when i was about to grab it, the teachers explained something, thus, pulling me away from understanding the subjects...
what make it worse was, i got a practical teacher for the physics...
she is a lovely, kind teacher...but then last tuesday...i think she got PMS...

can someone teach me both subjects???

that's not just it...
the teachers make me the penolong of almost everthings... 
uwaaa~ i wanna cry...
homeworks, projects, paperworks...i think i'll die before the mid year come...

i can't even read fics and comment properly...
sorry ryoda authors...
i can't find the perfect time to continue my fics...n when i find, the idea ran away!
sorry fellow readers...
i can't do much on house chores...
sorry mom dad...

i'm famous this year then?? *get shot*

but i know despite all the things i mentioned above, there are others who are way lotsa busy than me...
i just have to keep moving on then??


its freaking 12.30 in the morning... =_=

raixas rambling...min's insane...

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