Birthday Gift for Tyra-chan! :D

Feb 13, 2009 23:31

Title: Perfect Valentine...?

Pairing: RyoDa and AKame, perhaps KameDa and RyoJin too??

Genre: Fluff

Rating: PG

Summary: RyoDa and AKame were having double dates! Its Ryoda’s first Valentine together and AKame countless Valentine…XD

A/N: Its....11.40 p.m. and its not too late to wish Happy Birthday Tyra-chan! sorry if this fic is not to your expectations...i was struggling the whole weeks to find time finishing this...*blame homeworks*

Ryo and Jin high-five with each other. They hoped their dates tomorrow will be running smoothly according to what they had planned. Its been a while since the best friends went out together so they were taking the opportunity tomorrow to do ‘buddy’s talk’ and at the same time bring their lovers together to enjoy the day every couples celebrate, Saint Valentine’s Day. With one last toss, both of them wish for their own luck.


Ueda kept staring at the calendar on the table. It was an ordinary calendar but the scenery chosen for month of February clearly shown the atmosphere of love, chocolates and couples in winter. He sighed. The day of the year had finally come again. He rewinds every memory he got for the 14th day of February when he started dating Ryo three years back. The first year they were together, Ryo was forced to stay back in Osaka due to the heavy snow and non working train. He spent the day eating every chocolate he got from his colleagues plus crying. And that earned him 2 kg of weight in addition.

The second year, Ueda wanted to surprised Ryo by going to Osaka. But then, the other wanted to surprise him as well. The day ended with them going back and forth to Osaka and Tokyo. And for sure, they celebrated together, in different train, accompanied by the phones only, watching the snows falling outside the window.

The third year came and Ueda mentally noted himself that he will contact Ryo first before doing any plan. Just as he was about to feel happy that he could finally celebrated their supposed-to-be first Valentine, the CTKT producer decided to make an outdoor filming. How he felt like killing the producer at the moment.

Now, it was the forth year of him together as a couple with Ryo, yet they still didn’t manage to celebrate Valentine together as a real couple. He looked at the date of 14th surrounded by a pink heart drawn by him a month ago. He knew that Johnny-san had been a generous man this year and gave every debuted group a day off that particular day. And he was really glad for it.


Kame woke up, stretching his arms, yawning. He shifted to the right and saw no one. He was hoping that he could wake up beside his lover, non other than that Akanishi Jin. He blinked and in a blink, Jin was in front of him, just like magic. But, Jin had already fully-clothed. Kame grinned. He knew that Jin will take him somewhere today, just like every year.

“Wake up my turtle…Happy Valentine’s Day…” Jin bends forward and planted a quick kiss on Kame’s lips. Kame wrapped his arms around Jin’s shoulder. Jin smiled.

“Happy Valentine’s Day baby…”

“Now get up and take a shower. Get ready; I’ve a surprised for you…” Kame grinned and happily bounced into the toilet.


Jin and Ryo smirked. Kame pouted on the left. Ueda pouted on the right. Ryo put his hand around Ueda’s waist and pulled him closer. The boxer rested his head on Ryo’s chest. He kiss the latter’s forehead.

“Aww…hime…stop pouting…you looked cute like that but that is only for me to see…okay…”

Looking at how RyoDa acted lovey-dovey, Kame pouted even more. Jin was totally observing this and that made him smirking even wider. He just hugged the younger man, pampering him the way he wanted.

“Don’t get jealous over them…we can do more than that if you want to…” Kame punched Jin playfully on his chest. Ueda pouted when he saw that while Ryo just kept smirking.


“We’re having a double date…”Ryo said with Jin, happily. Their ‘girlfriends’ stared at them.



Ueda and Kame were fighting by sending the best death glares they had. They turned away at the same time, looking at their boyfriends.

“Ryo! Darling, why must we have a double date? We’re supposed to celebrate this alone, remember?” Ryo nodded.

“Hime honey…I’m sorry…I knew that but it had been a while since I and Jin went out together…we just thought that if four of us go out together than it will take less time…”Ryo showed his best puppy eyes ever and Ueda simply can’t resist it.

“Hum…okay then…”Ryo jumped happily and pulled Ueda for a quick kiss.

On the other hand, Kame was sulking with Jin.

“Jin…it is our Valentine…our day…we always celebrate this alone…why so sudden?” Jin put his hand on Kame’s shoulder.

“Aww…turtle-chan…let’s make this year a bit different then…our Valentine always ended with…err…you know what I mean…though I loved the way it ended…” Jin grinned. Kame was madly blushing. “…so please....”

End of flashback.

“Aww…hime…don’t look at them like that…they’ll get scared…” Ryo said, with his arm around Ueda’s waist.

“Okay…” hell I won’t…if they get scared that means that it will just be the two of us…

Jin clapped his hands.

“Yosh! Now, let’s go to the theme park!”

Kame giggled happily at his boyfriend. Ueda moved closer towards Ryo and walked where he walked.

Without the ‘girlfriends’ noticed, Ryo and Jin were smirking to each other.


All of them sat inside the gondola of the Ferris wheel. Basically AKame sat in front of RyoDa. Kame looked rather…scared?

“Kazu…I thought you said that you’re not afraid of heights anymore?” Jin asked worriedly. Ueda twitched his lips in annoyance. Ryo chuckled softly. His arms were always wrapped around his boyfriend’s waist, afraid that the latter will run away perhaps.

“I think I’m okay…just…just…you know…” Jin caressed his back slowly. “…if you’re afraid we can get off first…?” before Kame could answer, the Ferris wheel had already moved on its way to finish a circle motion. The way the gondola suddenly shook made Ueda turned pale too. Lots of possibilities were running inside his mind. What if this thing suddenly stops? I don’t want to spend the rest of my supposed-to-be first valentine inside this gondola, watching AKame’s lovey-dovey act, ewww…

“Hime? Are you okay?” Immediately he turned to face his lover. He nodded.

“Sure? You didn’t look like you are…” Ueda nodded again. Just as he was about to say something, the gondola stopped, earning sudden shrieks from two different person. In a flash, Kame hugged Jin and Ueda clutched closer towards Ryo. The boyfriends blinked at first before burst out laughing.

“Jin, we should really record how they look just now!” Ryo wiped the tears under his eyes due to massive laughing. Jin too, was still laughing, his hands pressed against his stomach.

“Seriously we should!” Kame and Ueda looked at each other. They pouted.

“Huh! Come Tat-chan! You should sit beside me. Let these baka continue with their laughing.” Kame pulled Ueda’s wrist and pushed Jin towards Ryo. They sat besides each other and just ignored the two other men. Slowly Jin and Ryo’s laughter faded away.

“Aww~ Kazu…don’t sulk…we were just fooling around…” Jin tried to coax Kame.

“Tat-chan, after this we shall go to the shooting booth, ne?” Kame ignored him.

“Hime…aww…don’t make me like this…we were just joking…” Ryo was half-pleading.

“No problem! And then we can go ride the roller coaster or maybe we can just walk around, ne?” Ueda ignored him too. The Ferris wheel started moving again.

Ryo and Jin flipped their phone. So the ‘girlfriends’ were ignoring them, huh? Ryo took Ueda’s picture with his phone camera and so did Jin with his Kame. Both of them than compared their ‘girlfriends’ picture, saying Ueda was cuter and vice versa.

“They looked cuter when they shrieked just now, ne Ryo-chan?” Jin raised his tone. Kame tried his very best to ignore but he still heard what Jin said.

“Its true…maybe not cuter Jin…they are the cutest, aren’t they? But now…” the Ferris wheel had already reached the ground. Ryo just stepped out of the gondola after Jin did the same. Kame and Ueda followed behind. They glanced at each other. Their boyfriends had walked far in front. They were hesitant at first whether or not to call them. Kame looked at Ueda before calling Jin, loud, in the middle of the theme park. Ueda widened his eyes and cupped Kame’s mouth with his hands.

“OOI! We’re in the middle of crowd now.. Remember?” He said, half whispering. Kame struggle to release his mouth from Ueda’s hands, muttering apologizes before he ran towards Jin.

“Jin!” the man looked around and suddenly being hugged by Kame. “Wha-? Kazu! We’re in the middle of the crowd!” Jin tried to release himself from Kame’s embrace but the younger man kept hugging tighter.

“No! I won’t let you go again!” Jin giggled. His turtle is definitely the cutest!

“Okay-okay…I won’t go anywhere…plus…I’m sorry for earlier…” Kame rested his head on Jin’s chest.

“Its okay…I know you didn’t mean it…and you can delete the pictures earlier since I know it is horrible…because you’re the one to take it…” Jin blinked.


Ueda pouted before sighing when he saw AKame had already made up with each other. As he was about to walk, a sudden force around his waist stop his movement. He turned around and met with Ryo’s black orbs.

“Sorry?” Ueda smiled and pulled Ryo for a hug.

“Just don’t do that again…there are times when men are sensitive, okay?” Ryo nodded.

“I know that…as if I’m a woman…” Ueda chuckled.

“Let me see my picture that you’ve taken earlier…” he demanded. Ryo fished out his phone and flipped it open.

“See it for yourself…” Ueda stared at the screen.

“You should learn how to take picture with Kato-kun…”



Kame and Ueda sat in front of each other, separated by a round table for four people. They talked about their experiences at the theme park. Besides them, sat two human-sized teddy bear; one in brown colour and the other in white. Remembering how their boyfriends struggled to get the bears for them make them giggled happily. They’re glad to have such boyfriends like Jin and Ryo.

“Kame, where are they?” Ueda asked, slightly worried. Kame shook his head.

“I don’t know…they said they got something to take care of…let’s just wait ne?” Ueda sighed nodding. After a few seconds, the silent atmosphere of the five-star restaurant was changed with the sound of someone testing the microphones.

“Attention ladies and gentlemen…as today is a special day for the couples, we have two customers wanting to perform a song to their lovers…please welcome, Nishikido-san and Akanishi-san!” the rest of the customers inside the restaurant clapped.

Kame and Ueda were dumbstruck. Lucky that their table was in a secluded area.

“Ehem…I’m Akanishi and this is my best friend, Nishikido…maybe we look like those from the Johnny’s but the truth is we’re not…sorry to disappoint…” laughter was heard. “…as the fine waiter said just now, we’re to perform a song…for our lovers…So baby turtle and honey dragon, please listen to our feelings deep inside…”

“Baby turtle..?”

“Honey dragon…?”

They’re so going to get it after this. The said turtle and dragon made a mental note.

The slow melody of two guitars filled the atmosphere. It was played beautifully, without any flaw. As the slow melody changed to get into the chorus, Jin’s high voice and Ryo’s husky one mixed, creating a very beautiful feelings inside the hearts of the people who heard it.

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there’s no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles that’s what you do

For the morning sun in all its glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter
And somehow you make it better
Ease my troubles that’s what you do
There’s a love that’s divine
And its yours and its mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there’s no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles thats what you do

Theres a love thats divine
And its yours and its mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one

And have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you ther’es no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles that’s what you do
Take away all my sadness
Fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles that’s what you do
Take away all my sadness
Fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles that’s what you do

Unconsciously, pools of tears were formed under the eyes of Kame and Ueda. The song touched them, deep inside. Sometimes their boyfriend can be sweet, too sweet.

“Happy Valentine’s baby…” a whisper was heard. Kame turned around and pulled Jin for an embrace.

“Happy Valentine’s to you too…” tears trailed down his cheeks.

Kame learned something. This year Valentine was the best one he had with Jin. Forget the sulking part and the double dates of course.

Ueda wrapped his arms around Ryo’s waist to pull the younger closer to him then said,

“Thanks for this, honey…Happy Valentine’s to you…”

“Happy Valentine’s to you too…You’re always will be my lover, and everyday will be our Valentine’s Day...” Tears of happiness were obvious running Ueda’s face.

Ueda knew, that his first Valentine with Ryo (or with AKame too) didn’t turn that bad after all, perhaps it’s the one he will cherished forever.

Both of the lovely couples were in their embrace. Ryo and Jin were smirking in their heart as they managed to give their ‘girlfriends’ the perfect Valentine ever.


It was lame, wasn’t it?

*go hides*

Happy Birthday Tyra-chan! Just a simple birthday gift from me wishing your life will be happy and all your wishes are granted. *wink*

fanfiction: one-shot, akame, ryoda, birthday presents

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