The Rings That Bind Us Together [2nd ring]

Feb 10, 2009 19:18

Title: The rings that bind us together (other title: Of rings and destiny)

Pairing: RyoDa, AKame, one-sided love

Genre: Fluff, angst, crack

Rating: PG for now and will be keep in view for later chapters.
Summary: err...Ryo loved Kame and Jin loved Ueda but Kame loved Jin and Ueda loved Ryo...a series of incidents happened and...*the author faints*

~ 2nd Ring ~

Ryo sneaked inside KAT-TUN’s dressing room the moment when the band went for their dance practices. He looked for a certain man’s make-up table to put the ring so that the man will wear it. Well that was what he hoped for. After a few times rotating at the same place, he walked towards the table where the things were in orderly manner. He was sure he is not mistaken for the names on the table are Kamenashi Kazuya. Slowly he took out the ring and placed it carefully on the table. Than he walked out of the room feeling accomplished, while glancing at the twin of the ring around his left finger ring. Smile plastered on his face the whole day, Unknowing things happened after that.

His eyes narrowed. He thought he saw Ryo out of KAT-TUN’s dressing room looking awkwardly suspicious. He moved faster and reached for the doorknob. Ueda got inside and his eyes wandered around the room, searching for the reasons why the oh-so-famous Nishikido would do inside the room. He sighed in relieved when he saw nothing but the mess his band members did earlier. Quite a while for him to realize what was the real intention of him to go back to the dressing room.

“Ah! My bag!” the latter moved, fast enough to make him win a marathon, pulling his bag and walked towards the door again before he was stopped by a certain shine reflected by the mirror of Kame’s table.

There, laid a ring which will make those who sees it, fall in love with it. Unconsciously Ueda took it just to take a look of it. The latter stared the ring with great interest. He raised it high in the air purposely to look at the prettiness of the ring under the bright light of the dressing room. It was made up of white gold and platinum, Ueda was sure of it. The metal shined and reflected back Ueda’s brown orbs. Inside the ring was carved with some lines of beautiful words but Ueda couldn’t really read it thus, ignored it. He played the ring with his fingers and smirked.

I bet this is the reason why Nishikido sneaked inside this room earlier…so he wanted to give it to Kame-chan huh…too bad I’ll wear it first before his so-called love of his life…

Slowly he pushed the ring inside his right finger-ring. It matched perfectly. Unknown to Ueda was some kind of invisible pink aura diffused into the ring, tightening it to the latter’s finger a bit. Ueda glanced at his finger, smiling.


Their practices ended quite early today. That was when Jin decided to give Ueda the ring he bought yesterday. He sighed of happiness. At last, he thought to himself. He had made a plan in his brain. First, he shall put the ring on Ueda’s table and then go search for Ueda, asking the latter to go inside the room so he can walk on the ring. After Ueda looks surprise with the presence of the ring, he should be able to confess that time. Jin grinned stupidly, recalling his so-called plan. He breathed heavily before putting the ring on Ueda’s table and wore another piece of the ring. This shall work accordingly to the plan…

He then walked out of the room in a mission; to find Ueda.

A few minutes later, Kame stormed inside the room, wanting some rest, hoping that no one will disturb him. He sat on the couch, catching up his breath. As he was relaxing, a shining object captured his attention. He walked to Ueda’s make-up table in curiosity. It was a ring, a well made ring. From the shine, Kame could tell that it cost the owner’s a lot of money. He took the ring and studied it, slowly interested with the jewelries. He caught something carved inside the ring.

When two hearts are blind

The power of this ring shall bind

Two souls into one

Kame furrowed. He didn’t have a clue of what’s that supposed to mean. He heard the door squeaked and became panic. Owh crap! He didn’t know where to put the ring and hid his hands behind his back. Jin stuck in his head inside.

“Did you see Tat-chan?” Kame shook and as Jin was walking towards him, he felt more panicked and simply shoved the ring inside his right finger-ring and put his hand inside the pocket. Invisible pink aura encircled the ring and diffused into it, magically fitted itself with Kame’s finger.

Jin stopped merely few meters in front of Kame before turning back to the door.

“Please tell Tat-chan that I want to meet him after this ne Kame??” he spoke, not facing Kame. Kame sighed in relieve. But then a certain thought hit him.

So this ring is for Tat-chan huh…baka me…he pulled out his hand and stared at the ring, gloomily. You’re one beautiful piece but sadly you’re not for me…


Kame turned pale. The ring won’t come off. The ring which was so not for him won’t come off. He turned paler every second. Okay…this is so not happen to me…relax Kazuya…relaxed…you can take it off…Kame took a deep breath and headed to the toilet. As he was thinking, he walked pass Ueda who smiled smugly at him. Kame frowned but then, he just kept on walking.

Ueda walked past Kame. Unconsciously, his lips formed a smugly smile. He didn’t know why he felt happy for some stupid thing. He took a glimpse of the ring circling around his finger and his smile faded away. Tatsuya…this ring is not yours…you shouldn’t wear something that is not yours…as he was about to take off the ring, he stumbled over someone at the hallway.

“Ouch! Look where you’re going, duh!” Ueda stood up, dusting off his shirt and pants. Under him was another man, black-haired. Anger was shown in his eyes. Ueda reached his hand out for the man. The man, precisely Ryo, took it, rough.

“Are you blind or something…” he muttered something which Ueda thought as an insincere thank you. Ryo’s eyes caught something shining around Ueda’s finger.

“How come you can wear that ring?” Ueda was shocked hearing the question and quickly hid his hand behind his back. Ryo gripped his wrist before that.

“This is not yours!” he glared at the ring around Ueda’s finger.

“Hey! That hurts!” Ueda yelped, attracting people’s attention at the hallway.

“Hurt or not is not my fucking business! Now answer me!” Ueda forcefully pulled his wrist from Ryo’s iron grip before turning around and walked away, fast. Embarrassment was all over his face. Fucking midget trying to create a chaos…Ryo however didn’t just stand there and just watched; he followed Ueda to the elevator


Kame coated his finger with the hand soap inside the toilet. Slowly he pulled the ring but the ring still won’t come off. His face turned pale again. He pulled the ring again, but harder this time. The exerted forces cause his finger turning red. Kame didn’t care about the pain or his finger might bruise, he just wanted to take the damn ring off his finger. Tears started to form under his eyes. Stupid! Baka me! I shouldn’t have touched it in the first place! Look what mess I’ve done! Now what??! I can’t even face Jin!

The dam of tears under his eyes started to crack, allowing the crystal beads to slide freely down his cheeks. He was still trying to take off the ring. His finger had already showed the sign to bleed. Kame stopped. The tears fell drop by drop to the already bruised finger. His face looked down, his eyes settled on the ring. I’m sorry Jin…


Ryo punched the elevator wall, slightly beside Ueda’s pretty face, causing fears to form inside the other man.

“Now fucking tell me where did you got that ring!” Ueda jerked up to the scream. But still, he was maintaining his calmness.

“Why in the fucking hell that you need to know? This belongs to me…” Ryo fisted his finger, definitely ready to punch again.

“Belongs to you??! I used my god damn salary to buy it and of course I recognized it! You took the ring on Kamenashi’s table, did you? Answer me damn it!” okay, so now Ueda was truly freaked out.

“Even if I did, it’s your fucking fault to leave it there, UNGUARDED…everyone else can take it, any fucking time…”

Ryo’s breathing was heavy, trying to swallow up his angriness. He admitted that he was a baka leaving the ring just like that without any protection.

“Huh…okay Ueda…I’m sorry for yelling but please, can you take it off now? I bought it for Kamenashi…the ring was meant for him…” Ueda sighed, relieved.

“You should do that in the first place…” he tried to take the ring off but luck was so not on his side. The ring won’t come off. Ryo raised a brow.

“Now what?” Ueda looked up, gazing with Ryo’s orbs.

“Don’t fucking tell me that it won’t come off?” Ueda nodded, still trying to pull the ring out of his finger. Ryo cursed again and again.

“You’re so kidding me Ueda Tatsuya!”

fanfiction: multichap, akame, ryoda, title : the ring that bind us together

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