10 drabbles

Jan 19, 2009 20:30

Title: 10 drabbles

Pairing: RyoDa...: D

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Fluff. Angst. Attempted but failed crack.

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction, the names mentioned belongs to the Johnny’s Entertainment. No suing should be done. Plus, if I own them, all my fanfics have already being filmed…XD

Summary: drabbles based on the title of Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean drama I’ve watched, except for the first one…and maybe number 8… =_=’’

A/N: *speechless* *points below*

  1. It Started With A Kiss (I just know the title. Seriously.)

It’s been a while since Ryo stops his mocks and harsh word towards Tatsuya, all thanks to one mistaken schedule and two idol groups with their brilliant plan to shut both of them up. They were locked in a room by AKame and KoyaShige. At first, curses and you-know-what-kind-of- words slipped past their lips; condemning each other. But, because of some of silly ropes entangled around their ankles, they lost their balance, with Tatsuya on top of Ryo and their lips sealed perfectly together. Now, no more violent words from Ryo, as he uses his lips and voice for other better things, and that, involve Tatsuya as well.

  1. Devil Beside You

Everyone thought that in the RyoDa relationship, Ryo is the devil because of his poisonous tongue. But the reality is Tatsuya is the one, the devil with the angelic face.

The words and mocks from Ryo never actually hurt him. But whenever he replied back, Ryo felt a sharp blade run trough his heart. He never knew that his hime has the guts to say things like that. So, to stop Tatsuya from replying even more and to avoid his heart bleed, since he loves him from the beginning he started the insults, he covered the latter’s mouth with his. And he swore he can felt him smirk.

After all, Tatsuya is an S, isn’t he?

  1. Ryusei no Kizuna

He closed the book and removed his spectacles away from his eyes. I didn’t expect the ending in the script will be different than the book. He thought. But, well…yeah…its happy ending after all…He smiled alone. The siblings are bind by the bond…what about me and Tatsuya? He asked himself. The boy gazed at the beautiful figure sleeping inside the blanket, on his bed. His mind flashback to the day they met till the day they are finally together. Ryo chuckled slowly when he remembered how they used to insults each other.

I think we are bind by the insults and verbal assaulting…and not to mention physically…

He smirked to himself and walked towards the sleeping beauty.

  1. Operation Love

The man of two Japanese idol groups had been keeping the feeling inside him for a long time. He always wonders when he will be able to express the feeling. When his best friend acts in a drama called Operation Love, his brains somehow worked the way he wanted. He planned something, which involved of making someone jealous using Pi and Tegoshi, daily insults to show that he really care for the other (that’s his own style for sure) and the final part of the plan, confessing with his very own way, Nishikido’s way.

And he succeeded. The so-called Operation Love was put to an end when the U of KAT-TUN kissed him back after Ryo dragged him to the hallway, said the three magical words and pecked the latter on his lips.

Plus, leaving the juniors and seniors at the hallway dropping their jaws to the floor.

  1. My Girl

Tatsuya pouts when his boyfriend calls him hime. He doesn’t like the nickname since it’s girly and he is a guy for god sake.

“Don’t you have any other nick for me, Ryo? Just call me by first name is more than enough for me instead of calling me princess…” and of course, he objects the nickname his boyfriend give to him. Ryo grins, stupidly. He wraps his arm around Tatsuya’s waist, pulling him close. He ruffles the latter’s brown locks with his face, smelling the scent of shampoo he use.

“…well…I do call you Tatsuya…but hime is my nick for you since Tat-Chan, Uebo, Uepopu and lots more…already being given by your band mates…so…hime is just the right word for me to describe you…cause you are beautiful and you are my girl…” he explains against Tatsuya’s neck. He seems enjoyed but the last word make his eyes widen.

“…girl?” Ryo answers by kissing him.

  1. Why Why Love

He didn’t understand why he fell in love with the other in the first place. He never seems to know why he always misses the other whenever he is not around or when he was not there to mock him like always. He couldn’t take it when the other does fan services with his band mates, so he did the same, to show his jealousy. He won’t believe every rumor he heard about the other and pushed away his bad thoughts about him. He wondered why.

And all of his questions were answered when he heard the confession words from him.

It’s simple. Love is blind. You don’t need reasons to fall in love. You just did.

  1. Attention Please

Tatsuya always wanted special attention from a certain Osaka man. Ever since junior days. He let his hair blond and short, weird fashion, spiky necklace and pale lips. Everything. And he gained attention, which cause his heart cracked. What do you want to be? He did answer the question in his heart. I want to be yours…your love of life…he blamed himself for letting the tears rolled down his cheeks, thus he decided not to cry because of him again. And he doubts it himself. Years passed by and he slowly changed. Letting his hair long again and black. And after a while, he dyed it brown. Just because he wanted some attention.

He never noticed that the other was also trying to gain his attention.

When Tatsuya blond his hair, Ryo did the same to his hair too. Trying to be like him, one way to make him notice. And when Tatsuya dyed it brown, he did it too though it didn’t last long. He blamed himself for making Tatsuya cried. What do you want to be? He was hoping a certain answer in his heart. I wish you are mine…Tatsuya Ueda…

Till one day, they decided to be honest to each other.

  1. Snow Queen (I only watched the first episode though.)

A thin smiled was carved on his lips when he watched from the 3rd floor, the scene of Tatsuya playing happily with the snow outside the jimusho. The older man seems enjoying himself around the cold substances. He looks like a queen around the snow. Absolutely beautiful. It would be even better if I’m there with him as his lover. Though I know it wouldn’t even possible. He sighed. A few seconds later, vibrations were sent all over his body by a sudden beep of his cell phone.


Want to join me?

Ryo smiled. His eyes met with Tatsuya’s brown orbs through the distance before replying the mail. He could saw him smiling too.

ryo @docomo.net.jp

Sure. Wait for me…

When his feet met the ground, his eyes caught a snow man holding a heart. In a blink, he was already in Tatsuya’s embrace.

For a while, they shared the warmth of each other.

  1. Kimi wo Petto

Is Tatsuya Ryo’s pet? The answer is no. With capital letters. Sometimes, Ryo doubts it himself whether Tatsuya is his lover or his pet cat whenever he hears the other purrs on the bed and since how Tatsuya loves to cuddle with him, always grazing against him. Just like a Persian cat. The expensive one. But, Ryo decides that he loves him that way, the side of Tatsuya that only Ryo can see and feel. A pet Tatsuya is not bad anyway…he grins when his beautiful lover starts to come nearer to him, hanging his arm behind his neck.

  1. Nobuta wo Produce (in this case, its RyoDa.)

After a few years after the drama Nobuta wo Produce ended, when KAT-TUN had debuted and NEWS was re-debuting, Pi and Kame suddenly felt that they needed to produce something again. Especially when they had to watch the never ending insulting tales between Ryo and Ueda. And this time, they involved Jin with their plan. They asked Jin to distract their attention though at first he didn’t want to get involved. But after Kame whispered something to his ear, Jin smirked first, before agreeing. Pi shook his head. He knew that Kame had promised Jin something through the smirk Jin had in his face. I bet he promised him the special treatment Jin always talks about. Typical Jin and his libido and typical Kame with his special treatment…

The next day, Ryo came to work with bags under his eyes and a smile plastered on his face. Ueda came to work at first, limping. After a series of tripping during practices, he quickly requested an emergency leave. Kame smirked to this but Jin looked terrified whenever the U of KAT-TUN glares at him.

“Kazu…Tat-chan will kill me after this and make me live again so that Ryo-chan can kill me for the second time…” he complained to his boyfriend.

“…nope…he won’t dare…about Nishikido, Pi will take care of him…besides, you are the one that will gain benefit after this…” Jin grinned when he heard his boyfriend.


So, how was it? :D

Comments, critics and complaints are lovely~! ^^

ryoda, fanfiction: drabble

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