Thin line and Realization [one-shot]

Jan 10, 2009 15:36

Title: Thin line and realization

Pairing: AKame (finally! :D)

Rating: PG

Genre: Fluff. Angst.

Summary: …there’s always a thin line between friendships and true love…you just have to be brave enough to take the risk and step across it…

A/N: specially written for Un-chan since she told me that I should write more AKame…I do wrote AKame but in other pairing’s fic…since I failed miserably to write AKame fluff in a one-shot…*bricked* *get shot*

“…what am I to you?”


It’s a few weeks towards New Year and KAT-TUN has lots of works waiting for them. The L word was in capital letters obviously.

Kame was assigned with a new lead role for drama; Maru too got a role in a drama together with Massu from NEWS. The others were busy too with practices and rehearsals. But Johnny-san suddenly awarded them with a one day off before their photo shoots with Popolo magazine for the December issue. They were not complaining though, since they really were in need of LOTS of rest. Especially for a guy named Kamenashi Kazuya. He is one of the busiest Johnny’s ever asides from Pi and MatsuJun for instant examples.

He never thought of quitting, since this was the path he had chosen long time ago. The path he should walk along the rest of his life. Because he knew, once he stepped inside the show biz, he wouldn’t stand a chance to walk away from it.

Jin lay on the king-size bed, pulling the smooth blanket until his chest. His eyes fluttered a few times, before he fell into deep slumber; knowing that he still has tomorrow to finish what ever he left unfinished that day. He was not going to wake up any soon, not even when a volcano erupts, or when his cell phone rang non-stop the moment he was in the never ending dreamland.


Kame sipped his coffee slowly, considering the temperature of the black liquid inside the mug. He didn’t want to go to the photo shoots with his lips burnt since he wanted to avoid being scolded by the make-up artist. That’s him. The Kamenashi Kazuya who always thinks deeply before doing something and the one who always give his very best in everything. He wanted to be adored. He wanted to be praised. He wanted to be famous. That was why he enrolled in Johnny’s entertainment in the first place. Kame sighed. He put his glasses on and took the script book besides him, started reading.


Jin stretched his arm, yawning wide. His vision was still blurring at the moment until he noticed that the digital clock in front him showed 10.00 o’clock in the morning. He begun to panic, thinking that he should be in practice about two hours ago. He pushed away the blanket and moved towards the bathroom before he remembers something.

“…I got a day off…today…baka…” he chuckled.

“…omaera…you can rest tomorrow…” he imitated Johnny-san in front of the bathroom’s door’ and laughed whole-heartedly after that; thinking how stupid he was and how work can influence one’s life.

Once he stopped laughing, he grabbed his cell phone on the side table just in case the manager-san wants to find him. His eyes widened.

56 miss calls??? Pi?? He is crazy or he lost his mind??? He immediately called back.

Cheer and loud voice can be heard through the call.

“Ohayo! Why didn’t you answer my calls yesterday??? Huh, Jin?? I missed you! We seldom go out together now!” he pushed away the device from his ear for a second.

“I was sleeping and I was dead tired last night…and fifty-six miss calls Pi?! It’s either you miss me madly or you completely lost your mind…” he giggled when he heard that Pi was pouting on the other line.

“…hey! It’s been a while you know…I heard from Ryo-chan that you are on your day off today…so I was thinking that we can go out last night…” Jin furrowed.

“Ryo-chan? How did he know by the way?” Pi laughed.

“…he is Ueda-kun’s boyfriend Jin…no doubts he knew…so, want to hang out today?” Jin palmed his forehead. He forgot the fact that Ryo and Ueda are dating.

“I’m quite lazy to go out today…perhaps you can come over…brings snacks, food and movies okay!”

He flipped the cell phone close and stepped inside the bathroom. Humming the melody of Yorokobi no Uta under his throat.


Kame woke up. He fell asleep during the process of remembering his lines. He glanced at his watch. 12 o’clock…I slept for an hour… he blinked and blinked, gaining his conscious again.

“I better find something to do before I fall asleep again…”

He took a few minutes looking for the old magazines and photo albums he kept under the bed. For a while, he sat there, roaming through the old pictures and articles that amused him and made him giggled alone.

Flop! A picture fell to the floor. Kame picked up the pictures from the floor and studied it. It’s a picture of him and Jin during the holiday they won to Okinawa. Jin smiled brightly with his arm around Kame’s shoulder and Kame smiled wide too, in the picture. He smiled automatically. They were still juniors those days. Still growing up, still trying to know the world, still innocent. Oh…how happy they were that time though they suffered at first, thanks to all the tasks from their seniors, T&T. But then, they enjoyed themselves to the last bit. Kame remembered how happy and safe he felt when they slept together inside the tent at the beach. He was extremely pleased when Jin decided to bring him together. He knew that Jin won’t forget him that time.

Kame put the picture on the bed. He looked at the booklet of Shuji to Akira. He remembered how he felt really burden the moment Johnny-san wanted to do a sub-unit of him and Yamapi. He was going to release a CD but not with KAT-TUN. He did felt the unfairness towards his band members. He swore he can saw the disappointment on Jin’s face that time. He unconsciously knew that the CD had put a crack in his relationship with Jin.

He opened another magazine, which focuses on Gokusen 2, the drama he starred together with Jin. His smile was bright again on his face. He won’t forget the memory they gained during the filming. How closed he was with Jin during that period of time. Kame closed the magazine and took another one, with the headline of ‘Akanishi going to LA, KAT-TUN?’ His heart hurt suddenly. That day, the day Jin went to LA, half of his heart was taken away. He never imagined that Jin will leave him. And that was after they just debut in a few months. He always wondered why he was feeling that way. After several relationships with some actresses, he finally knew the reason why. He loves Jin. The only possible answer he can come out with though he knew that Jin won’t returns the feelings towards him because of their friendship. The only reason why he always felt that something was missing with the relationships he had before. He always reminded himself that he and Jin were just friends, no more no less. That was why he kept himself distance from Jin after he came back from LA. But when rumors spread about Jin and a few actresses, he can’t help it but to feel jealous.


Jin played the play station with Pi, truly enjoying his day off. Pi tried to start a conversation after he was tired being beaten each time.

“…Jin…how’s Kame?” Jin raised a brow, demanding and explanation.

“Well…how is he? Sick? Busy?” Jin formed an O with his mouth.

“He’s fine…and busier than us…why did you ask anyway? Tired being beaten by me?” he smirked. Pi pouted.

“…yes…it’s always you who win…lets take a break first before we continue…did Kame tell you anything after you came back from LA?” Jin furrowed.

“That’s about a year ago? Pi…wake up…what did Toma had done till you be like this? Well, whatever he did must be really good…was Kame supposed to tell me anything?” Pi shook his head. Baka. He still didn’t realize it and yet want to tease me about Toma.

“Can I ask something? How were you two during juniors?” Jin blinked.

“…erm…quite close…why?” Pi sighed. “…and how about now? Or a year ago?”

“… …”

“Not as close as when you were juniors right? I always remembered that he was one of your best friend asides me and Ryo-chan. Both of you even go to Okinawa together. Why change now?” said the concerned Pi. Jin looked at the console in his hands.

“…because I don’t think I felt the same towards him anymore…I guess…” he muttered.

“What?” Jin looked at his best friend.

“…I think…I love him…scratch that ‘think’…I love him but not the way friends are…” Pi smirked. He stood up and walked towards Jin, before patting the guy.

“…you know Jin…I bet you didn’t since you are a baka…there’s always a thin line between friendships and true love…you just have to be brave enough to take the risk and step across it…” Jin blinked. Pi grinned and walked out of the apartment, leaving Jin dumbfounded with his statement.


He looked to the right. Pillows. He looked to the left. Pillows. He starred at the ceiling. Blank.

“ARGH!!” Jin screamed of the boringness he felt at the moment. Pi just left, leaving him with a big question mark inside his head and anxiety in his heart. He didn’t feel at ease when he remembered the sentences Pi said.

“…there’s always a thin line between friendships and true love…”

“What the hell was that supposed to mean??” he asked himself. After a few series of blinking non-stop, he pushed certain buttons of his cell phones, dialing Kame’s number.


“Hello?” Kame’s beautiful voice hit Jin’s eardrum.

“…errs…hello...Kame?” he smacked his head for the stupid question. Itai…

“…Kame here…Akanishi-kun?”

Kame felt his heart pounding when he saw the name on the screen.

“Hello?” he heard the other replied, or rather stuttered.

“…errs…hello…Kame?” a smacking sound hit his eardrum. That sounds hurt…

“…Kame here…Akanishi-kun?” he still called him Akanishi-kun despite the urge to use Jin’s first name.

“Jin. Call me Jin, please…” his heart pounded even faster when Jin asked him to use his first name. Kame was hesitated but he couldn’t wait any longer. It had been years since I wanted to call you by your first name…


“…sounds even better when you call me that way…” Jin chuckled at the other line.

“Why did you call me?”

Jin went silent for a while.

“I was boring…I don’t know who else to call…Pi is busy with Toma, Tat-chan with Ryo-chan, Maru with Koki and Junno…I guess he’s busy with his games…”

“…so you call me to help you vanish the boring? Weird choice…” he laughed slowly. I just want to hear your voice…that will be enough for me…

“…not actually…what are you doing anyway?”

“I was just memorizing my lines…” Jin nodded.

“For the new drama, ne? Ganbatte…” he captured the sounds of Kames chuckling at the other side.

“Of course I am…you are at your apartment now?”

Kame stopped chuckling.

“…yeah…ne Kame…Pi came this evening, he asked me whether you have already told me something when I came back from LA…what are you going to tell me that time?” he stopped breathing. He cursed Pi under his breath. He already told Pi to keep it secret.

“…err…nothing…he was just kidding…maybe he wanted to escape questions about Toma…”



“…what am I to you…?” he pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at the screen. It says Jin…

“…why were you asking?”

Jin waited anxiously. He knew it was too sudden.

“…why were you asking?” Jin sighed. Now what am I going to say…

“I was just wondering…we were having an on-off relationship here…you’ve been avoiding me since I came back from LA…did you hate me?”

Kame shook his head though he knew Jin won’t see it.

“No…I don’t hate you…I …” Jin cut his word.

“Thank goodness…cause I love you…” the call suddenly ended. Kame was still shocked.


Jin flipped his phone and held it close to his chest. He felt free inside his heart. He finally blurted it out. The feelings he’s been keeping since juniors towards Kame. He always loves Kame. That’s why he took him to Okinawa when he won the competition. He called the trip as his honeymoon with Kame. Oh…how things were very simple indeed that time.

But then, a few years later, when he knew the news that the latter will be releasing CD first with Pi and not with KAT-TUN, he felt deceived. Their relationship as friends started to crack. Thank god, Gokusen 2 came after that. They were close again, just as before. After a few months, KAT-TUN finally debuted. He was extremely happy that time, and all he thought about was celebrating it with Kame.

Unfortunately, things were not always the way we want it to be. He was sent to LA by Johnny-san, causing another crack formed in his relationship with Kame. Even after he came back to Japan, things weren’t fixed at all. He overheard rumor about Kame and a few actresses, leaving bleeding wounds in his heart. He started to date with actresses and some models as well after that, as one way to heal the wounds inside. But no, he felt all the relationships he ever had were empty, since he already gave his heart to Kame the first day he laid his eyes on him. Kame is the only one in his heart. He already locked it and threw the key away. Kame means a lot to him. He took the risk that Pi had mentioned before. He somehow knew that, if Kame doesn’t accept him, their friendship will end, just like how Titanic sunk.

His doorbell rang. Jin was curious. Who wants to come to his house late at night like this? He wondered. He stood up lazily and walked half-heartedly towards the never stopping ringing door. He opened the door and a familiar face stood in front of his apartment.

“Kame?” the other man was panting, trying to catch his breath as if he just finished a marathon. Jin blinked several times, still didn’t believe that Kame was in front of his apartment. The same Kame he was thinking about the whole day. And the Kame was in his pajama. A white one which turned to be semi-transparent because he was sweating a lot and the sweats wet his pajama.

“…I…love…you too…” Kame said, panting. Jin’s eyes widened.

“Eh?” after a few seconds of looking at each other, Kame’s words registered to Jin’s mind. He smiled.

“…thank you…I love you more…” was all he said before pulling the still tired Kame into a deep kiss on front the door.


Kame rested his head on Jin’s bare chest, slightly below his collarbones. He knew that collarbones are Jin’s weaknesses number one, so he didn’t want to ruin the romantic moment by letting Jin squealed and screamed like a girl. He hugged Jin and the older one put his arms around Kame’s waist automatically. He pulled the feminine guy closer to him and kissed his head, ruffling his nose against Kame’s locks of hair. How Kame had wished for this type of situation to happen everyday. Kame ran his fingers up and down Jin’s side of body, causing the other to hold his squirm. He’s being a tease. How cute. Jin thought. Jin just followed the melody Kame had set. He sneaked his hand up to Kame’s pajama and roamed his fingers to Kame’s skin, playing with the nubs he found. He nuzzled against Kame’s neck trying to mark him but…

“…Jin…we’ve got photo shoots tomorrow…” Jin pouted.


The photographer smiled a lot when he snapped the pictures of AKame. The couple appeared to be very good today and the pictures of them will definitely cause the fan girls around the world to on their fan girl’s mode to maximum.

And all of you know which picture was it, right?


So how was it? :D

Comments, critics and complaints are most welcome!

Here cookies for all of you! Just some silly conversation between TomaPi and RyoDa…just ignore it if you hate cookies XD

-Extras- ; D

Ryo: we’ve told you both that he’ll take the risk…and step across the line…*smirked*

Pi: *nodded* totally…so where’s our reward? *smirked too*

Toma n Ueda: you guys cheat! *pouted*

Ryo: no we didn’t…its all Jin’s decision…

Pi: yup! We do know him better than you girls…anyway…

Toma: girls? Mind your words Tomo!

Pi: *still smirking* I’m using the right word…ne Ryo?

Ryo: *nodded* exactly true…so Tatsuya, what’s your promise?

Ueda:*looked at Toma*

Toma: *looked Ueda back*

Toma n Ueda: H.E.N.T.A.I!!!

Pi n Ryo: *laughed devilishly and pushed their own girl to the bedroom and locked it*

fanfiction: one-shot, akame

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