
May 10, 2004 21:32

I'm very excited about Eurovision song contest on Saturday. The last time Serbia &Montenegro participated was in 1991 (and the political voting ought to be interesting; I'm curious how badly we'll get slagged off by the ex-Yug nations- although Macedonia ought to give us some points).

I realise that some of you stranded souls across the Big Pond will be deprived of this spectacle, but fear not, for here to delight you is The Eurovision Song Contest Official Website

The Yug entry- by Zeljko Joksimovic When people in Serbia & Montenegro were voting for what song to send to Eurovision, Zeljko Joksimovic won obviously but the runners up were a (dire) boy band called The Fifth Element one of whose members is a classmate of mine from Belgrade. Surreal.

For added stimulation check out a picture of his band which I find hysterical, because they all look stoned. I can understand the presence of the musical instruments in the composition but the goose utterly mystifies me. Perhaps they are so stoned they've mistaken it for a musical instrument.

What I'm not excited about is the fact that I went to see my GP today and got prescribed fucking SSRIs AGAIN even though they actually do nothing for me beyond ruin my sex life when I have one.

Ah well. Life is shit. And Wellbutrin is not licensed to be prescribed as an anti-depressant in the UK.

stuff i love helplessly despite itself, depression

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