Giving Debt a Sure Start

Apr 07, 2005 13:39

Happy birthday to elethe!

I hope you have a fab day and a year filled with rewards of creative fire!

Yesterday it appears that everyone but annasilverlight and me were at the Dead Can Dance gig, which I'm a bit guttered about since I love DCD but have no one but myself to blame for insufficient alertness as to the fact that they were playing. [Although I'm pleased that by the sounds of it everyone had a good time].

{And I can have my own concert in my head for tubewalker wrote a song for me. :)}

However! I did discover that I can rent 6 DVDs a month from for £10 and this pleases me a great deal, as did the words "No postage costs, no late fines".

I am also made happy by the fact that parents are actually seeking out our office, and our service and asking for help which I've been able to provide [the first time my referrals went through without a hitch I was half convinced it was an April Fools joke, but since then it's kept happening]. Obviously I'm pleased that I am able to serve the people I am actually meant to serve, and delighted that the work we've put in in the previous six months appears to be paying off, but! I am less happy about the fact that for the past week I've had to stay longer in order to get done all the new work that my work has generated, and that I'm still knee deep in forms to fill in, and that I haven't the vaguest of what to put on my Workplan whose deadline is today, and that for the past few days I've felt too knackered to have a social life.

I am also not delighted that despite busting my ass [along with the rest of the Outreach Team] every day, that the pay rise we received upon passing our appraisal has been a termendous... wait for it... £13 a month. Oh yes. Therefore bringing my salary to a princely sum of £846.
Oh yes. I'm sure my glee is radiating from the screen and spreading little waves of warm happiness throughout the universe.
Except that due to some administrative error last month they forgot to pay me my increased salary so that at the end of April my paycheck will rise by £26! Kerching! That's all my finances sorted then! I'll try and restrain myself from blowing it all at once.

BUT! I am happy about Peacekeeper Wars with norantiskitchen and voiceofsauron tomorrow, and about mzdt dropping by to visit today, and about all the lovely people who've bought me all the lovely drinks in the past few months.

birthdays, friends, social whoring

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