Spoilers for Doctor Who "Death in Heaven"

Nov 10, 2014 10:31

I was able to get the episode from Google Play on Sunday. I could have watched it for free on the SPACE network's website, but I am trying to cut down on how much I use my laptop because it's aggravating my tendinitis. I don't have to go to work for most of this week, so I'm going to make an effort to clear out at least some of the boxes in the room where I plan to put a proper computer desk. I downloaded the episode from the Play store on to my tablet.

I have some questions and some feelings about the episode.

First of all, how is Clara supposed to return the no-longer-dead Afghani boy to his parents? Did Danny give her any details of where in Afghanistan the boy came from? How long had he been dead before Danny sent him to Clara? Do he and Clara even speak the same language? How are they supposed to communicate with each other? How the hell is she supposed to get him to Afghanistan? Is she supposed to just deliver him to the army and say, "He was killed a few years ago but he's better now so could you just hand him over to his parents who think he's dead? Kthxbye." Does Danny expect her to just walk into a war zone with a child? Does he think the Doctor will take her there in the TARDIS? What exactly did she wind up doing? That part wasn't explained, though when she was sitting in the cafeteria lying to the Doctor about Danny I wondered if the child was on the carousel that she was watching outside.

If Danny's dead, how did the Doctor and Clara meet one of his apparent descendants? Is Clara pregnant? Did Danny have a child or children before he met Clara? Is this person not a descendant of Danny but a descendant of one of Danny's family members? Is he from an alternate universe?

The lying part. I hate the lying part. I hate that Clara lied to Danny constantly when he was alive. I hate that she lied to the Doctor about Danny. I hate that the Doctor lied to her about Gallifrey.

The Brigadier. That part just about turned on the waterworks. I was pissed enough that Missy killed Osgood. I was even more pissed about Kate. Then the Doctor and Clara found her in the cemetery, along with a lone Cyberman who apparently is the Brigadier, who helpfully zapped Missy so that neither the Doctor nor Clara would have to do so. I want to know what happens to that cyber-Brigadier now. It's a loose end, like the existence of Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, that I wish could be followed up at some point.

doctor who

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