The overwhelming preponderance of shippy CG secrets on F!S makes me vaguely uncomfortable. I swear, this fandom isn't filled with shippers, shipping, and shipwars. Goddammit people. I confess it is pretty damn elitist to consider the fandom fascination with who sticks what where to reflect badly upon the fandom general, but uh... Or maybe this
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See, when I started following the CG fandom in January '08, I was attracted to it largely because the LJ comm seemed to be full of people who:
- comically and mercilessly mocked the show's idiosyncracies,
- despite the previous bulletpoint, enjoyed and engaged in well-reasoned analyses of the characterization, in particular,
- was incredibly helpful and knowledgeable about the canon, and
- did NOT engage in shipping wankery.
Either I got more cynical, or the fandom's composition changed, or it's a simple consequence of the show ending, or I can lay the blame on R2 like I do with everything else, lol. (DISCLOSURE: I came to the comm after being more or less disgusted with AnimeSuki, so my first impression may be inappropriately rosy. For that matter, I came to CG fandom after HP and FMA fandoms (lol wank central), and I watched CG immediately after finishing GSD, so I may think I like this show more than I really do, lol.)
PS: Yeah, about that "doing well" part... >_> As for the sleep, I never sleep for long. Usually average 6-7 hours a night without prior sleep deprivation, and I can function just fine on far less on continuous nights.
Oh goodness Asuki. Yes yes LJ is at least far better then the forums, I should think. I've never even visited those places TBH ^^" Still, the traces of ship wars/character bashings/ship bashings that I've seen are enough to turn me off quite badly sometimes. We'll all have things we may not like about a series, I'm quite sure, but it's another thing when you get haters and bashers rubbing what THEY don't like in your faces (and of course the turn-off is when it's something you just happen to like.)
HP fandom LOL /o/ ('Sup :D You're talking to someone who never got involved and has only recently watched the first two movies and HBP. That's it. I am so deprived D:)
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