
Jun 05, 2004 21:34

wow. it's summer. but it's not as exciting as i was hoping it would be. i guess its cause i dont really feel relaxed cause i have all this softball. which, by the way, is going great now that i'm back with the aces. i'm still not sure what's going to happen next year, with school or summer ball, but we will see when that comes. we won our first tournament last weekend and we won all our games today too. we didnt just beat anyone though, we beat the zephyrs. they have been our rivals forever, and its always a good game with them. wow, it was great beating them. and i scored one of the 2 runs we made. i finally got a hit. spiffy. then our game at 7 got rained out so i got stuck at home doing absolutely nothing tonight. oh well. its not that bad.

well. off of the softball subject, the friends subject is going great too. after our last finals of freshman year thursday we (rach chelle ev and cay) came back to my house and just hung out all day. there were no parents at my house so we just had the whole house to ourselves. we ordered pizza and watched funny home videos :o) then the best part: we decided to go out in my backyard and slip n slide. and we wore trash bags. yes, WE WORE TRASHBAGS. hahahahahahaha it was the funnest thing i have ever done in my life. well, maybe no that much, but it was pretty damn awesome. and the best part is, brett heinz walked by and saw us all. hahhaha. i love it. i love being a freak. yeahhhh. well, i wish i has pics to show. damnnn i think rach took some. harharhar im definitely doing that again sometime. well. then on friday me and mi momma had a day out together and it actually wasnt bad. even though my mom drives me crazy sometimes, she's pretty fun sometimes too. we went to target and the jones store and had lunch with my grandma. we went bra shopping for the majority of the time; i hate bra shopping. they never fit, fuckers. haha. but i got a polka dot shirt and flip flops so it was cool. thennnnnn friday night i watched girl with a pearl earring with ev and rach, cept i didnt get to see the end cause my stupid parents just couldnt wait 10 mins so i could watch the end. god. i hate that. i wanted to see the end damnit. oh well, ill just have to watch it again. it wasnt a bad movie, interesting actually. there was not a whole lot of talking; jsut a lot of staring and talking w/out words.

haha im watching the X-Files now. wow, i used to be so scared of that show. i remember one episode there was this weird worm thing that they found in a shower so i was afraid of showers for so long after that. god that show is so weird. haha now there is some weird thing inside a lady. i guess this little boy is doing it to all these people. oh freaky little boy with a freaky little grin hahahahhhahaa havent they already done an episode with little things that grow inside people. hahaha now some dudee just got eaten by a bunch of huge cockroaches. alright ill stop. GOODBYEEEEEEE

do you like my new layout? how do you make the table start lower?
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