Feb 09, 2012 09:29
For some reason, I feel like hell. I'm moody, bitchy, irritable, tired, and depressed. I have no idea why. I'm just fed up, I guess. I'm having a Yule day. :S (If you read my comic, you'll get the joke.) I suppose it is the stupidity of the species we belong to that is really frightening and outright depressing. For instance, at work, we had a 21 year old arrive BY AMBULANCE because he was cold. You read that right. He's cold. Then he took a shit in the room - not the bathroom, but the room room. In his pants. WTF? Yeah, he got a ride to the nut ward. Later, on the way home, a guy in front of me slams on his brakes and decides to make a right turn... but there is another vehicle in the road so he STOPS to let that vehicle out... whereupon the asshole behind me has to swerve into the oncoming lane because he's following too closely, not paying attention, and is unaware that the roads are slick despite there being snow all around us. People are no smarter than chickens.