Fic trend

Dec 12, 2012 21:52

I happened to notice over the last month or two of posts in both
seasonal_spuffy and sb_fag_ends that there was... I'm not even sure it was definite enough to call it a trend, but there was an uptick in the number of fics posted that dealt with Spike and/or Buffy getting older. I have no idea if this means anything; I just thought it was interesting.

sueworld2003 posted the latest Angel & Faith covers, for the Spike crossover issue. Anyone else think the Archie pastiche one is really kinda funny? Especially the little Archie-style heads in the logo area...?

Just me, then...

It's a good thing I checked the posting schedule, because while I remembered my SS posting day was the 14th, I had somehow gotten it into my head that the 14th was tomorrow. I swear, there is something about ficathons that causes me to lose my ability to count.

Talk to me

seasonal spuffy, comics, btvs/ats, fic discussion

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