Fic: What A Drag It Is, Buffy/Spike, NC17

Dec 14, 2012 01:09

What A Drag It Is
By Barb C
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Spike, Willow
Rating: NC17
Summary: Buffy decides to spice things up for Spike's birthday. Things get a little spicier than she bargained for.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as "Raising In the Sun," "Necessary Evils," and "A Parliament of Monsters." It contains spoilers for previous works in the series. Written for Seasonal Spuffy's 2012 Fall Round. Many thanks to betas
typographer, and kehf, without whose invaluable help this story would be significantly less nifty. As an aside, it should be noted that The Vamp is a real thing, available at fine purveyors of erotic appliances everywhere.

OK, right from the outset, I want to make it clear that I was not to blame for any of it. Me? Bystander, Innocent, Caught Up By Forces Beyond Her Control. Got it? Good. Keep it in mind, there'll be a test later.

Talk to me

seasonal spuffy, fan fiction

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