Tomorrow is less than a day away

Nov 08, 2009 21:35

Tomorrow I have to go over to Mom's and stand around while the Registrar of Contractors inspects some shoddy porch railings she's made a complaint about. Once that's over, I intend to drop my car off at the mechanics', where hopefully they will discover what's making the 'check engine' light come on, and hopefully it will not require a small fortune to make it cease doing so.

(Whose idea was it, I wonder, to make a warning indicator which might signify anything from "You are a trifle low on wiper fluid," to "your engine is about to explode?")

Four out of five fic links I have clicked on in the last day or so have contained howlers on the first page (or what would have been the first page were they paginated) which made me hit the back button so fast my keyboard sizzled. Basic grammar and punctuation errors. Stylistic horrors that would drive a Lovecraftian hero to gibbering insanity. Characterization and dialog so dire that... that... well, something really bad would happen.

My stuff may be pablum, but by golly it's technically proficient pablum!

We went to see "Women's Basketball Player #5" at the Phoenix Art Museum this afternoon with framefolly and a colleague of hers. It's an early Communist-era Chinese film, and aside from all the historical interest, it was a pretty decent flick. The subtitles were a bit difficult to decipher at times, but aside from the passionate speeches about socialism, in many ways it wasn't that different from many a team spirit uber alles movie made in Hollywood. (Though as framefolly pointed out, one big difference is that the movie ends before we find out if the team wins the championship; winning per se is not the point.)

I also re-wrote the final scene for my Seasonal Spuffy story, and hopefully it works better now. I wonder if one of the reasons I've had such trouble with the last few scenes of this story is that I'm going through an ambivalent phase about the canon pairing, which is really difficult to reconcile with the fact that I still love the Barbverse versions of the characters. The more S6 rewatch reviews I read, the more I think "Why in God's name do I ship these characters again?" I knew a number of Spuffy writers who got disillusioned and left the fandom during S6. The ugliness going on between the characters on screen killed their desire to write the characters at all, in any context. I've always been able to keep my feelings about the canon characters segregated in my head from my feelings about my own versions, but for some reason lately it's been harder. It's always been important to me that no matter how far AU I may stray, there's a line of plausible extrapolation leading back to the point where I broke away from canon. But more and more I'm plagued by the feeling that maybe there just isn't. There is no way these characters could get here from there, and in making the implicit claim It could have happened this way I'm lying to myself.

It's very annoying, and I wish my brain would just stop it.

seasonal spuffy, personal, writing, movies

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