(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 20:11

Obligatory plug: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk tomorrow morning - donate HERE and bask in the knowledge that you are awesome!

Hmm. Several people on my flist are doing a thing where they put their stories in chronological order, but I've already done that.

:twiddles thumbs:

Other people, inspired by SMG's recent photoshoot, are doing Mom!Buffy fic. But I've already done that.

:whistles tunelessly:

Obviously I've already done everything I can with writing, and just have to move to move on to macrame or something.

I keep expecting to pull out a chair and find Cuervo on it. :( On the other hand, I feel guilty because there's a degree of relief and freedom in being able to leave the bedroom door open, and put down throw rugs in the bathroom, without having to worry that someone will decide that anything comfy and vaguely rectangular is an acceptable substitute for the litterbox. I loved him dearly, but he had become very high-maintenance towards the end.

I still need to hammer out the last paragraph of my Seasonal_Spuffy story (it's a matter of finding that Perfect Last Line) but I think there may be promptfic this weekend nonetheless. Mars needs schmoop.

making strides, writing, cats and dogs living together

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