I always enjoy seeing the creative processes of others,so I thought I'd share some of mine. In this case, I'm working out ideas and concepts for an original character I have called THE CRITTERWITCH. The story and the character is still being fleshed out. Not only does this character go through changes visually, but also her story changes dramatically from the beginning to the end. It's not only a horror story, but almost takes on a dark fairy tale kind of twist. It's sad,creepy,violent and also whimsical.
Eventually, I want it to be fully developed before I take on the final version,which I hope to self publish as a one shot comic book. I have a long way to go with it yet, but I wanted to share some of the sketches and workings out of the character. Also, it was the subject of my final piece for a horror comic correspondence course I've been taking. This is not, by far, the final version of the story, but just the beginnings of a fun venture I hope to bring to fruition eventually. So join me on this creative process,won't you?
Much more to come as it develops!