Jun 28, 2011 18:23

Recent sketchies from last Sunday's Fourth of July Themed Dr.Sketchy's held in Anaheim,CA. Not alot here,didn't much like most of the sketches from the night, but that's o.k. I can turn those bad sketches into something else. I usually try not to make a major piece of art when drawing at Dr. Sketchy's. I like to use the time to practice my life drawing skills, hang with other artists and get some cool poses in to use for future works. So here we go!

And, like I mentioned, here's an example of taking a bad drawing from a night at Dr.Sketchies and turning it into something else(which is why I prefer to do my sketchies in black or blue pencil). A few nights ago I was thumbing thru a book on Men's Adventure Magazines and drew some inspiration onto a bad sketch,tweeking things further until I turned the model into The Black Widow and one of the guys from the book into Nick Fury,and ya get this-

Sketchbook shenanigans!!

Also I turned one of the models from a few weeks ago into a nurse. Well, tried to. She ended up looking more like a stewardess. Oh well!

nick fury, black widow, dr.sketchy's anti-art school, life drawing

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