I just can't help it, I have this uncontrollable urge to eat meat. Red... raw... meat.

Jul 16, 2009 20:08

I didn't draw these pictures-

But I wish I did.
Actually, they're snappyz from the classic b-movie "The Day The World Ended" which I watched a few days ago and enjoyed immensely.
It's a nifty lil post-apocalyptic ditty from the 1950's by b-movie master Roger Corman  littered with a cast of swanky swirly and surly actors fighting over each other and all of them are liquored up and trigger happy while being oogled at by a mutated manbearpigmonkey after the big atom bomb has radiated the California landscape.
Whew-that was a long sentence!
But, I didn't draw those, but I drew this while watching it-a penciled sketch of my buddy Koltar and his son-

and going thru some stuff littered about The Ragzpad, I stumbled upon this drawing of another character based on a friend of mine that I did about 10 years ago. I really dig it, so I thought I'd share it with ya.


I'm now about to go full on in school work, I have a portfolio review coming up, I have Maya skills n' projects to get up to par, tons of artwork and lifedrawing classes to attend, and the journey is about to begin to complete my final year at school, get some art jobs happening and sell,sell,sell myself to the masses. The final lap has begun, and tho it's gonna be daunting,scarey and financially tuff, I've committed myself to it and I'm ready to begin.
Time to defeat my inner Demyrgorgon, baby!

More stuff to come!

ragart, day the world ended, snappys, koltar, bloodragon

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