Jun 19, 2008 23:06


So I'm a little late in the game for this, but I finally caught "The Mist" on dvd last night and finally I can say I've seen a Hollywood horror film that didn't cop out.
Even though the main characters did...but I'm gettin' ahead of myself.
It'z a movie based on a Stephen King story, one I've never read, but it does have his signature style all over it, which izn't so much az a bad thing az it'z pretty familiar, but soon enough it endz up turning into a H.P. Lovecraft story, and that'z when thingz get quite unexpected.
Without going too far into the detailz for thoze who haven't seen it, but basically people lock themselves in a local supermarket after a huge ass fog envelopes the town. The folks soon find out there be beasties in the fog and all kindz of creepiness comez crawling out of the unknown, which iz later to be revealed may have been some opening of a portal to another dimension.

Everything that dwellz within' the cloudy mist iz a nasty thing. I mean, sheesh, izn't there anything that came through from this other dimension cuddly or nice?
Well, there probably would've been if this waz directed by Spielberg, but it wazn't, so there be no flying kitties or bouncing baby ducks or anything remotely cute scurrying about in the blinding fog. Nope, everything outside of the grocery store iz just plain ugly.

It'z not long before everybody inside the grocery store starts getting just az ugly n' nasty, and that's what makes the movie interesting. Like many a classic Twilight Zone episode, we start seeing how you humanz are just az yukky az the critterz spittin' acid webz are. When humanz are desperate, they start turning on themselves, forcing thier religious beliefs on others, blaming thoze that are innocent pawnz and sacrificing each other to who knowz what in order to save thier own self righteous skinz. Hell, I see shit like this everyday in Las Vegas.
In alot of wayz, this movie playz alot like a day in Vegas. Desperate people are wandering all over the place seeking redemption from the oppressive heat, after the slot monsters have stolen thier soulz. A day doezn't go by without someone slamming thier hummer into an ATM machine in hopes of snagging some cash to escape from town while they're still alive. And the bugs out here? Well, they're just az big and nasty az the ones in "The Mist". just slightly less scarey than the people lurking at each corner waiting to jump you for a quarter.

We see people at thier very worst in "The Mist" and it'z not really greed or evil or just plain douchebaggerry to blame, but simple good ol' fear and desperation. Our main characterz are all worn out,freaked out and just plain burned out by the end of the film...
and that'z what bringz you to an ending that, when you're a pessimistic like me, findz not all together suprizing, but happy that a filmaker/movie studio had the gutz to not cop out on. It'll leave ya depressed, but satisfied to see that finally someone did a horror film rght.
God, I Loved "War Of The Worlds" all until the last ten minutes,which didn't ruin the movie for me, but pissed me off enough to never bother to watch the last ten minutes of it again. In my world, the last ten minutes never waz filmed,dammit!
The shocking ending to "The Mist" really izn't a shocker, I kinda saw it coming, but I actually liked the idea that someone reached into my mind a decided to end it my way.

It will leave ya depressed though, so stock up on the uppers.
And I'm guessing the peeps that stayed behind at the grocery store, the very people we grow to despise endz up all good in the end.

The movie coulda used a flying kitty or two though,cuz yer gonna need one after this movie endz.

stephen king, war of the worlds, h.p. lovecraft, the mist

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