A few weeks ago, while my mother and I were making small talk with a woman we hadn't seen in a while, my mom mentioned that I'm currently vegan, and the woman responded with something to the effect of "Aren't you concerned about protein? [My 22.5 year old daughter]'s been vegetarian for [unit of time], but I make her eat chicken."
Later, my mother asked me something to the effect of "Did you get really mad when [the woman] said she makes [her daughter] eat chicken?" I essentially responded "No. Not really. If people are going to be that thoroughly ignorant, there's no reason to waste the energy on them." To which my mother replied "That was so stupid."
Now, you might wonder why I bring this up now. On rare occasion I browse back through my LJ history to tag or edit old entries. Tonight is one of those occasions, and during said browsing I came across the following taken from a post I made roughly 13 months ago titled "
from saturday...":Today, for the first time after becoming a vegetarian, I was confronted directly with bacon. Turkey bacon, to be more specific. My mother wanted me to eat it:Mom: "Can't you be a vegetarian who eats fish and poultry?"
That is all. :-)