Happy Birthday to me!

Feb 19, 2005 23:29

luthienberen Thank-you for the message and it was lovely chatting to you! (See ya Wednesday, and good luck with the interview!)

akira42 Thank you for the text! (And it was cool chatting to you too...even thought i chat to you allll the time! See you in um...11 hrs?)

You know...i didn't get a phone call or a card from my grandparents (the same grandparents i wrote about last month) and it bothers me less than the fact that my friend Amy hasn't acknowledged my birthday.

Now that may sound selfish...but we've been close friends for 9 years, but grew apart when we went to separate 6th forms, but then we got close again. And now we've grown apart. I sent her a birthday card and letter for her birthday (2 days before luthienberen's birthday) in November, but i haven't heard anything from her since September, just before the whole Aber experience. And i thought to myself: If i dont hear anything from her on my birthday (which i always have done, even when we grew apart) then i guess the friendship is obviously over. And today? Nothing. And i have to be honest...the thought of losing her as a friend hurts a lot more than the fact that my grandparents have ignored my birthday.

I suppose i can hope i'll hear from her on monday....

ETA: Okay...so i'm posting this entry on the exact time that i was born 20 years ago...how cool is that?

ETA2: I suppose i should wish my twin 'Eastenders' a Happy 20th as well! May the plot lines improve!

family, friends, birthday

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