Harry Potter!

Jul 18, 2005 19:52

Ok - i'm going to try and leave this as nameless as possible, because i don't want to spoil it if luthienberen you are reading this before you have finished reading the book.


Oh. My. Word.

I managed to read it within 24hours, which was great since i was working the whole weekend, and to be honest - i kept waiting for the story to really begin until well over half way through the book. It was really slow to pick up...but then...when it got going? I finished the book at midnight, and it took me an hour to go to sleep because of all the emotion i was feeling! I wanted to cry, i was angry, i was shocked, i was happy (not quite sure what about though)...it really was a rollercoaster.

I read the back first, so i knew who would die...but reading it happening and by him...i was crying. The funeral - everything was done beautifully.

I'm reading it to my brother, but i'm honestly not in a hurry to get to the end again so soon. It's going to be a while before i'm ready to update my names list. I can't believe that the book as left me feeling so raw and upset!

Anyway...can't wait for the next one!


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