Fic - "Good and Evil?" - Wicked - 1/2

Mar 28, 2008 13:25

Title: Good and Evil?
Fandom: Wicked
Rating: T (at max. I'm rather liberal with ratings :D)
Pairings: Glinda/Fiyero, Elphaba/Fiyero
Summary: Two part fic on the children of the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch. First part is quite sad, the second part is full of fluff! :)
Author's Note: The title is rubbish, yes, but it comes from the two prompts that inspired the fic, "Good" and "Evil" from philippa_

Glinda closed the door into her bedroom behind her, shutting out the emerald city and all of its inhabitants, all of whom wished to celebrate with and congratulate her on the defeat of the “Wicked Witch of the West.” Glinda shook her head. She wondered why it was the west that Elphaba had chosen to frequent. With a sigh, she shuttered the windows, and turned to her dressing table, sat before the large, decorated mirror. She pulled off her glittering tiara and gave her reflection a long, hard look.

She had not been well since the day Fiyero had left her to join Elphaba. Oh, none of the Ozians had known that she had been unwell, for that would depress their morale, so she had put on a brave face and smiled just as much as she had before, waving her silver wand and nodding her pretty blonde head. The truth was that Glinda had been sick, on many mornings, and everyday she had returned to her beautiful mansion in the city, collapsed upon her bed and sought the love and comfort of her loyalist servant, her housekeeper, Bella.

It had been she who, with a knowing look, had held back Glinda’s hair for her whilst she was sick, and who had settled her down to rest each evening with soft sheets and pillows, and soothed her as she drifted off to sleep with gentle lullabies of old. One day, Bella had no longer been able to hold her silence, and, taking her seat next to Glinda on the bed and holding her hand, had asked her if there was any chance that she could be with child.

With a gasp, Glinda had broken down into tears, her whole delicate body shaking and convulsing, her hands reaching out for Bella to hold her and protect her. When asked if the child was Fiyero’s, Glinda had simply sobbed out a choked “Yes”, and Bella had returned to patting her back and rocking her mistress in her arms. She had never believed the Captain of the Guard had ever truly loved her mistress as he should have; he spent far too much time and put far too much of his soul into searching the land for Elphaba. And now, he had run off and left her with his illegitimate child. Bella cursed him, and hoped he would roam the world forever as a punishment for his crime. She didn’t know how true her prayers would turn out to be.

Time went on, and Glinda’s child grew, stronger and stronger inside of her, and late at night whilst Bella was combing her hair, Glinda would mutter distracted hopes that the baby would inherit its father’s handsome face, and strength, and that as soon as Fiyero knew that she had a child by him, he would return to her immediately. Bella would shake her head, unseen. She had heard that Elphaba and Fiyero were very close, and that he was the single person she trusted completely in the whole entire world.

Then came the day of Nessarose’s death. Glinda had gone to her, and to send the young child Dorothy off on her mission, and had waved the girl off. She had taken to wearing voluminous gowns by now, to hide her condition. She didn’t want the people of Oz talking about her behind her back; she was Glinda the Good, and she must remain pure, innocent and benevolent in their eyes. The knowledge that she was carrying a child would not help matters at all.

As predicted, Elphaba had appeared, and the two quarrelled. When her old friend struck her to the ground, Glinda was suddenly filled with a burning hatred for her, for she who had stolen her love from her. Fiyero was hers, and had always been so. She was filled with a violent jealousy, knowing that a few months ago, as she had lain in his arms for one beautiful night, it had been her best friend her lover had been imagining in her place, and not she, who loved him so dearly. She wondered how much hurt she could cause with just one piece of information, how much pain Elphaba would suffer once she knew the truth.

Glinda opened her mouth and was just a second away from revealing the truth about Fiyero’s supposed “loyalty”, when the guards had appeared, with Fiyero in close succession. And then, he had been taken away, carried off, as Elphaba made her escape, and Glinda was left screaming for the man she loved, her cries unheard by the heartless guards, as Fiyero was hung up to die for refusing to break silence about the Wicked Witch.

That had been the first incident that had broken her heart, and her strength, and had set the tragedy in motion. After that it was only the intensity of the knowledge that finally burst upon her, that the Wizard was cruel, and evil, and Elphy good, and then a fall down the grand staircase in her house as she weakly tried to make her way downstairs in the middle of the night, that was needed, until the single thing Glinda had left in her life that reminded her of the good times, was gone. Bella nursed her mistress, after the fall, but it was no good. The next morning both women wept bitterly for the lost child, and for the miscarriage Glinda had undergone that night.

Glinda turned her head away from the mirror, refusing to look anymore. It had ended; Elphy and Fiyero were dead, the Wizard banished by her from Oz, broken by the knowledge that he himself had killed his own daughter; Madam Morrible was in prison, and the people of Oz were happy once again, rejoicing in the news that the Witch was dead, and all would be well again. Glinda had taken on the responsibly of leading Oz into a time of peace and prosperity, and she intended to see it through.

Now everything she loved had gone, all that was left as the object of her hearts desire, apart from her ever faithful Bella, was the best interests of her fellow Ozians. She truly wanted them to be happy, and vowed that never again, whilst she lived, would she allow anyone to be abused or ill treated as Elphaba amongst others had been. She would do her best to live up to her name: Glinda the Good.

She went over to her bed, and was just settling down in the emerald covers when she heard it again. The same voice she had heard every night since the defeat of the Wicked Witch. Softly, over the breeze, came a gentle voice, murmuring “Glinda… Glinda….” She shook her head. It couldn’t be; it wasn’t possible. They were both gone, dead.

She settled her head down onto her pillow and closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, in which Elphaba, Fiyero and she were happy together, and all was well in Oz. When she awoke the next morning, she shook her head at her fanciful thoughts, and got up to go about her business, filling her head with delightful thoughts about what dress she should wear that day, and which shoes would go best with it.

She didn’t notice the pile of straw left by the side of her bed, along with the black, pointed hat; tokens to keep her hoping, left by late night visitors, who prayed that one day, when everything had settled down again, and Glinda had left her position of office, they could all three be together again. Someday.

fanfic, wicked

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