Fic - "Good and Evil?" - Wicked - 2/2

Mar 28, 2008 13:42

Title: Good and Evil?
Fandom: Wicked
Rating: T (at max. I'm rather liberal with ratings :D)
Pairings: Glinda/Fiyero, Elphaba/Fiyero
Summary: Two part fic on the children of the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch. First part is quite sad, the second part is full of fluff! :)
Author's Note: The title is rubbish, yes, but it comes from the two prompts that inspired the fic, "Good" and "Evil" from philippa_


“Yes, my emerald beauty?” Fiyero rolled onto his side to look at her, propping himself up on one elbow.

“Do you believe we’ll ever get a chance to see Glinda again?”

Fiyero’s face dropped as he realised Elphaba had been thinking on their friend once again. He sighed, and reached across the bed for her hands, and clasped them in his own. “Elphy, we can only hope, but you must understand how dangerous it would be, for both her and us. She would not thank us if she lost everything she’s been working for just to see us for a few moments.”

“I know.” Elphaba sighed, and snuggled up closer to Fiyero. “It’s just that I can’t bear the thought of her never knowing that we survived….”

Fiyero smiled. “I know, but what do you think we could do? Can you imagine her face if we appeared in her grand bedroom, in the middle of the night, alighting upon her windowsill as we clambered off your enchanted broomstick,” he painted a vivid picture in her mind, making her laugh as he moved his hands about for greater effect, “you, glowing in the moonlight, accompanied by my humble self, sprouting straw from every joint;”

“You’re turning back into a man again now, my love. There is not so much of the “scarecrow” about you now as there was before.” She smiled up at him and stroked his face tenderly with a long, green finger, noting how much the rough material she would have found there a few months ago had reverted back to smooth skin.

He acceded this. “True, but can you imagine what Glinda would do? Firstly, she’d think she was dreaming, secondly, she’d call for the guards to remove the intruders, and thirdly, she’d be very annoyed at me for dropping straw all over the place.”

Elphaba giggled. “Fiyero, be serious!”

“I am,” he admitted honestly, but with a twinkle in his eye, and he wrapped his arms closer about her. “Besides, there’s no knowing what she’d do if she found out we were.. we were…”

“Married?” Elphaba helped, saying the word delicately.

“That’s right.” Fiyero took a deep breath.

“You can’t say that word very easily, can you,” she teased him.

“No, you’re right. I guess it’s because I’ve been such a cad for so many years, going from one fling to the next…” He looked into the distance, remembering with a flush his past, and most specifically the single night he had shared with Glinda, whilst Elphaba had been missing. He had missed her so terribly, and in his desperate need for love, Glinda had been only too willing to respond to his overtures. She had feared that he was not happy with the engagement she had thrust upon him, and although in her heart of hearts she had known that he was not, she was able to believe, if just for one night, that he did truly love her, and want her to be his wife.

He winced as he thought of what Elphy would say and think if she knew about that night; he vowed that he would never speak of it, and act as if it had never happened. We all make mistakes in our lives, he told himself, (and he was stranger to making them) and that was a big one. But no harm can come of it if everyone involved was just silent about it.

Elphaba shifted next to him, twisting her hands, and then she shifted the other way.

Fiyero was pulled out of his melancholy thoughts by her twitching, and he looked down at her in his arms, amused. “Elphaba, what on earth are you doing? Will you keep still!”

“Fiyero, I have something to tell you” she suddenly announced, all of a sudden, very loudly and clearly, with resolution.

This shocked her husband, yet he simply nodded his head and said “Well, what is it?”

Elphy sat upright in bed immediately, pulling the sheets with her. “I’ve known for a while, but.. but… I’ve been worrying about it.”

With his mouth quirked upwards slightly as he smiled at her sudden timidity of him, he started to join her sitting up in bed, slowly pushing himself upwards with his forearms. “Elphy, come on, tell me. You know I’m rubbish at reading people’s minds. Seeing as I’ve hardly had one of my own for such a long amount of time though, I think we can forgive me for that.”

But she didn’t hear his quip, and simply stated in a firm voice, her eyes wide and staring off into the distance, as if she was hardly in the room with him, “I’m pregnant.”

Half-way up as he was, he bolted into a sitting position quickly after that, his eyes large and brown. “What!? How!?”

Elphaba spun around to look at him, and the quick turn of her head and the intense look she gave him cut him right to the heart. “Oh come on, Fiyero, I know you weren’t all that attentive in our scienceology classes, but -”

He took her into his arms quickly, hugging her tightly to him. “I know how, of course, but.. Oh Elphy! I never thought….. But,” then he pulled away from her, and the joyous expression on his face turned to one of worry. “I’m going to be a terrible father.”

Elphy shook her head. “Don’t be stupid, of course you won’t. You’re very attentive and loveable, you know that?”

Fiyero looked pleased with the comment.

“The only problem is,” Elphy admitted, looking down at the sheets, “what will the baby look like?”

“Well, its got one of a number of possibilities,” Fiyero pointed out, drawing his wife back down to bed with him and pulling her against him into the spot of light the moon cast through the window. He counted the options off on his fingers, “It could be made of straw and sacking, or it could be green, or it could be full of straw and green on the outside, or it could be none of the above and look as normal as any other baby. As I was before you turned me into a scarecrow.”

“Fiyero, my love, you never were normal.”

He laughed as he heard that, and pressed a kiss to the turn of her neck. “We’ll be good parents, Elphy, I promise. We’ll both try our best to be good, and we’ll create the best life that our baby could ever hope for.”

Elphaba laughed. “The child of the Prince of the Arjikis and the Wicked Witch of the West!” She turned to her husband. “It hasn’t got a chance, has it?”

Fiyero’s contended laughter rang into the night, and somewhere, a tiny little baby smiled to itself, as it waited for the time some months to come when it would make its first appearance in the world, pink, rosy flesh and all.

fanfic, wicked

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